Multiplayer Summer Series
Start learning new multiplayer features in the Unity 6 Preview. Boost playtesting and streamline your workflow from setup to deployment in one-hour learning sessions.
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See what’s covered in our Multiplayer Summer Series.
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More Multiplayer resources

Get started with Netcode for GameObjects
In this tutorial, you’ll create a simple Hello World multiplayer project that includes the basic features of Netcode for GameObjects.

Let's Dev: Online Multiplayer
Watch our on-demand recording of our Twitch discussion of building a multiplayer game with Unity, discussing the pros and cons and various tools available to get started.

Let's Dev: NetCheck
Watch our on-demand recording of our Twitch Series for the sequel to Scope Check! After last year's 8-week series, the gang reunites to convert their game to multiplayer.

New VR Multiplayer Template
Introducing the VR Multiplayer Template! Includes networked interactions, voice chat, lobbies, and more. Using Unity Gaming Services, Netcode For GameObjects, and XR Interaction Toolkit, you can build multiplayer VR games quickly and seamlessly.

Iterate on multiplayer gameplay faster
Speed up your time from project setup to deployment using Multiplayer Playmode for faster playtesting, in-Editor integration of multiplayer services, and more in Unity 6.