Boss Room: Small scale co-op sample
3D small-scale cooperative game
Intermediate → Advanced
Unity 2020.3 and later
Netcode for GameObjects, Relay, Lobby

Enter the Boss Room
Boss Room is a small scale cooperative game sample project – built with Netcode for GameObjects – designed to be used in its entirety to help you explore the concepts and patterns behind a multiplayer game flow.
E.g., Character abilities, casting animations to hide latency, replicated objects, RPCs, and integration with the Relay, Lobby, and Authentication services.

Download the source code and assets
Boss Room is publicly available on GitHub to clone, fork, or use it in your game – unleash your creativity however you see fit.
- One populated dungeon level
- Four character classes with two different skins for each
- Combatant imps and a boss
- A simple collaborative puzzle
- High-quality stylized art and music assets
This repo also contains a utilities package containing sample scripts reusable in your own projects, including utilities like ClientNetworkTransform, scene management utilities, SessionManager, and more.

What will you learn?
Boss Room will help you learn how to effectively build a small-scale, cooperative multiplayer experience with Netcode for GameObjects, Relay, Lobby, and Authentication services.
You’ll learn:
- The basics of building a cooperative game with Netcode for GameObjects
- Networked object pooling
- Latency hiding techniques
- And more
Learn more about multiplayer in Unity

Netcode for GameObjects
Discover our first-party netcode solution and get your hands on the libraries, tutorials, and samples you need to start exploring.

Multiplayer solutions
Build a multiplayer game for studios of all sizes, in any game engine, and have it hosted a scalable, reliable, and secure game server hosting provider.

In-depth documentation
Dive into our multiplayer documentation for technical references, guides, and tutorial content to get started with networking in Unity.

Galactic Kittens sample
Learn more about building a 2D small-scale cooperative game with Netcode for GameObjects in our sample project Galactic Kittens.

Get started with Boss Room today to learn multiplayer networking while you play.