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Remote Config

Update your live game content remotely and in real-time. Launch new features, test functionality, or make general modifications without requiring app updates or code changes.
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Get started with the Verified Package now

Unity Remote Config is currently available as a Verified Package. To access it, follow these steps:

Open your project inside of Unity

Find the Package Manager (Window -> Package Manager)

Type “remote” in the search box to find the Remote Config package 

Links to documentation and change-logs are provided within the package.

Key benefits

Dynamic configuration

Configure any content delivered to Unity’s runtime via native Editor workflows or programmatic access.


Synchronous, stateless segmentation allows you to quickly roll out iterative game improvements, turn features on/off, and schedule personalized content delivery.

Sophisticated targeting

Assign variations of the app experience to specific app versions, devices, or user segments.

Deep insights

Understand and monitor the impact of different features and configurations using the analytics platform of your choice.

Woman playing a mobile phone game

Enhance Gameplay: Utilize Game Overrides

Run A/B experiments that target specific player segments by using Game Overrides, powered by Remote Config. Change your game’s difficulty, ad frequency, or general attributes for all players or a subset of players with no code changes or app updates.

Learn more

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Review the manual to help you get Remote Config up and running for your project.

Person pointing to a computer screen with a pen

Build your foundation

Explore our newest solutions for Game Backend, including Cloud Code, Cloud Save, Economy, and Authentication.

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Engage your players

Perfect your player experience with targeted engagement using our latest Analytics and Player Engagement products.