Hero background image
Analytics enables studios to easily understand game performance and player behaviors. Capture insights quickly using prebuilt dashboards and visualizations powered by reliable, real-time data.

What is Unity Gaming Services Analytics?


Is there a cost associated with the new UGS Analytics tools?


What is happening to the Unity Analytics tool in the Unity Editor?


Where can I learn more about this analytics tool change?


How does this Analytics solution work with other services on the Unity Gaming Services platform?


How can I submit feedback?


What platforms are supported?


Can I use UGS Analytics with other game engines?

Key benefits
Deep data at the surface

Understand your game performance with intuitive dashboards and workflows that give you the insights you need regardless of your level of expertise with data and analysis.

Dynamic reporting & insights

Track the data most important for your game with custom audiences, events, and flexible reporting. Create dynamic reporting with SQL Data Explorer and data visualizations using Funnels, unique to your studio's needs.

Discover more with your data

Use Data Explorer to analyze your data based on the criteria important to your business. View how your data changes over time and make informed decisions based on the insights surfaced.

Real-time, secure data

Monitor and react in real-time to how your game changes with a data recency of two hours maximum. Feel secure knowing Unity is keeping your data safe, compliant, and up to date.

Personalize engagement

Audiences allow you to engage with segmented cohorts in a meaningful way. Take action with tailored content, dynamic gameplay updates, and optimized monetization strategies.

Run A/B tests

Create custom Audiences and then run experiments against specific cohorts in Remote Config. Then, you can view your results in Analytics to understand where and how to improve your game for your players.

multiplay callout
Get started with Analytics today

Analytics enables studios to quickly understand game performance and player behaviors. Capture insights using prebuilt dashboards and visualizations powered by reliable, real-time data.