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Unity as a Library

Insert features powered by Unity, such as augmented reality (AR), 3D/2D real-time rendering, 2D mini-games, and more, directly into your native mobile apps.

How it works

Unity offers controls that let you manage when and how to load/activate/unload the runtime library within the native application. Beyond that, the mobile app build process mostly stays the same. Unity lets you create iOS Xcode and Android Gradle projects.

Enhance apps with AR

Easily enhance existing apps with AR experiences

Unity is the platform of choice for creating powerful, deeply interactive AR experiences that interact intelligently with the real world. As AR continues to grow more popular, Unity as a Library lets creators use our cutting-edge AR tech without rebuilding their native apps.

Beyond mobile platforms

Beyond mobile

While this capability is new for mobile platforms, you can harness the power of embedding Unity as a Library for Windows applications as well.

Learn more about using Unity as a Library

Enhance your mobile apps

Introducing a new way to enhance your mobile apps

We were thrilled to announce the ability to use Unity as a Library ahead of our presence at the Cannes Festival of Creativity. Read this blog post to learn more about how to use Unity as a Library and discover high-level details about what this revolutionary new capability can help you to achieve.


Lessons learned adding AR into IKEA’s native mobile app

IKEA, the world’s largest furniture retailer, published a mobile AR app separate from its original mobile experience as an experiment. The new app performed so well that IKEA is now inserting AR directly into the original.

Learn about best practices for using Unity as a Library from this Unite Copenhagen session with Twnkls-PTC, the agency that created the IKEA Place mobile app.

Pharos AR Made with Unity

Brands and agencies

Unity as a Library offers tremendous potential across industries, but we’re particularly excited about the limitless opportunities it provides for brands and creative agencies.

Cutting-edge brands see the value of adding AR to their traditional marketing campaigns. With this feature, they no longer have to rebuild their app to insert AR features. Instead of hacking together a solution, they can use Unity as a Library to create a seamless AR experience within existing applications.

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Unity as a Library. For native mobile apps written in Objective C & Java | AR for Android & iOS | Unity