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Unity Pulse, a community at the heart of building a better Unity
Be the voice that helps shape Unity’s future – sign up today for Unity Pulse.
Connect with Unity and provide feedback

Connect with Unity and provide feedback

Unity Pulse is our new online feedback community where you may have the opportunity to connect directly with Unity product teams, gain access to product concepts before they reach the public, and give feedback on our Beta versions to help us make the best products for you.

Shape the future of Unity with us

Your experiences and insight into product features are vital to shaping Unity’s future. As a member of Unity Pulse, you can:

Engage with us to give feedback on early features and prototypes
Connect in closed groups with Unity product teams
Take part in polls, surveys, discussions, idea boards, virtual roundtables, and more
All your feedback, all together

All your feedback, all together

Unity Pulse continues to evolve and includes both new and seasoned users working in any industry, using any Unity product or service. Members of the Advisory Panel are encouraged to sign up for Unity Pulse so we can continue to capture your feedback.

We will also be redirecting some feedback opportunities for the Beta program to Unity Pulse. Your experience is valuable to us and we appreciate your sharing it with the community.

Frequently asked questions

Who can participate?


How do I join?


How will you obtain and use my input?
