Updated August 2020. 10 min read

Set up a smart game development pipeline

What you’ll get from this page: A guide to reference throughout your game development cycle. Follow these tips from Unity field engineer Valentin Simonov to set up a smart development pipeline and ultimately ship better and more performant content.

Unity — настройка Unity Teams для совместной работы

Plan & research your game project

This is the most important part of any software development project: decisions made in this phase set the course for your entire development cycle. 

Map features to target platforms

  • Check that all planned features work on all target platforms. This is especially relevant for WebGL, which has some constraints regarding memory management, multithreading, networking and plugin support.

Specify the minimally supported devices for your project 

  • Have them available to your development and QA teams.
  • Test early and throughout development to maintain a realistic performance and frame budget.

Set frame and asset budgets early on

Define budgets for:

  • Models: how many vertices is the target device able to render?
  • Assets: how detailed should models and textures be?
  • Scripts and rendering: what % of the frame do you have for logic, rendering,
    Effects and other subsystems?

Set Scene and prefab decomposition early on

  • Split levels into (additively loaded) scenes.
  • Move separate objects into Prefabs. Nested Prefabs further increase scene decomposition and reduce merge conflicts.
  • Agree on the main scene locking mechanism.

Plan your asset pipeline process 

The import process needs to accommodate artists’ specs for assets. 

  • If possible, involve a technical artist from the beginning to define this process.
  • Define clear guidelines on asset formats and specs.
  • Use Asset Postprocessors to automate asset importing.

Line up your Build and QA process 

  • Set up a build machine, or, turn on and set up Unity Teams.
  • Establish a process for:
    • Publishing features to the release build
    • Testing new builds
    • Automating tests
    • Recording statistics

Prototype ideas, but prepare to start actual project from scratch

After building a prototype and getting it approved by the management, strongly consider starting it from scratch. 

  • Decisions made during prototyping usually favor speed.
  • Basing your game on a bunch of hacks is not a good start for any project.

More tips:

Optimizing graphics performance

Modeling characters for optimized performance

Art assets best practice guide

The new asset import pipeline in Unity

Nested Prefabs

QA your code with Unity Test Framework

Leverage next-gen crash and error data with Backtrace

Unity Profiler

Speed up development

Follow these best practices to speed up development and boost the quality of the final product.

Set up correct version control 

  • Use text serialization (by default in Unity).
  • Set up built-in YAML merge tool. See more about SmartMerge here. 
  • Set up commit hooks. See more here

Use the Cache Server 

  • Switching platforms decreases development speed.
  • Make sure to set up the Cache Server for your team.

Avoid storing static data in JSON or XML files

  • This results in slow loading.
  • Parsing generates garbage.
  • Instead, for built-in static data use ScriptableObjects with custom editor tools.

Don’t leave unused assets, plugins and duplicated libraries in your project

Unused assets in your project can still be built into the game. Make sure that you don’t leave garbage in your project: if you set up a version control system, restoring files should be easy.

  • Check what dependencies assets from the Asset Store drag into the project. For example, you might be surprised to find that you have five different JSON libraries in the project.
  • Check for outdated assets and scripts from early prototypes.
  • Moving old assets to the “removed” folder still results in resources and scripts being built into the game.

Repetitive actions require manual work

  • For every repetitive task there should be a script automating it.
  • Make sure that you can “play” the game or interactive content from any scene.
  • Consider a solution, such as Cloud Build, that automates the build process. 
  • For larger teams, Unity Build Server licenses can be a useful option because they offload project builds to network hardware. 

Profile your project on target devices as well as in the editor 

  • Always profile the content on your target device; if you profile in the editor only, you can miss performance bottlenecks.

Use both built-in and platform-specific profiling and debugging tools

Here are resources to learn about Unity’s profiling tools:  

Profile and optimize early on

  • The longer you wait with profiling, the larger the performance costs can become. 
  • Start profiling early on, so you’re sure your project fits into the frame, memory and disk size budgets.
  • Profile before your optimize, so that you have the data you need to optimize actual bottlenecks. 

Make sure you know as much as possible about your target platform(s) 

  • Desktop, mobile and console platforms have very different bottlenecks.

More tips

Profiling, optimizing, bugfixing, and general QA processes are necessary both during development and for updating our live games. A couple of Unity solutions to consider pre- and post-launch are Backtrace and Game Simulation. 

Backtrace automates the collection and analysis of crash and exception reports. It works cross-platform. See this blog post  for a good introduction. All Unity users can try it for free for 30 days.

Game Simulation is ensures playtesting before you launch is both time and cost-efficient. It uses cloud simulation to optimize your game balance more efficiently and accurately. You can sign up for free access here.

Настройки импорта

Choose the correct Asset settings

Assets take up most of the size of your game. Save time on optimizing by thinking carefully about Asset settings.  

Set up Sprite Atlases correctly

  • Make sure that you use Sprite Atlases for sprites used together in a scene. This will reduce the number of draw calls in the game/interactive content.
  • Or, consider using Tilemap, which can improve performance of 2D games. Get some tips for optimizing with Tilemaps here

Set up texture settings correctly

  • Make sure that you know the right texture settings for the target platform:

    • What compression does the platform support?
    • Do the textures need mip maps?
  • Set up an automated way to apply these settings for new textures using AssetPostprocessor API as shown by this project.
  • Prevent artists from committing textures with wrong settings.

Try the Addressable Asset System 

The new Addressable Asset System provides a framework to solve a set of common problems related to addressing, building, and loading assets. It handles asset management overhead by simplifying content pack creation and deployment. Try these resources for more information:

Simplify your content management with Addressables

Addressable Asset System docs

Addressables for live content management

Boost programming productivity

Boost productivity with best practices for code architecture.

Know how to use your code editor efficiently 

  • Make sure to know all the features and shortcuts of your code editor as it can speed up everyday tasks. 
  • If you use Visual Studio, see this video on tips and tricks when working with a Unity project. Or, watch this video for tips on JetBrains Rider. 

Avoid abstract code 

  • Abstract Enterprise code is rarely justified because it runs slowly and requires IL2CPP to generate more code. 

Establish and document clear architectural conventions

  • When writing code, don’t use different methods to accomplish the same task, e.g. 

    • Config formats (files, properties, assets).
    • Events (Unity events, C# events, SendMessage).
  • Define which manager is responsible for which objects?

Understand the Unity frame loop

  • When Awake, OnEnable, Update and other methods are called.
  • When coroutines are updated.
  • How FixedUpdate is executed.


Avoid relying on Unity execution order for script initialization logic 

  • When a MonoBehaviour is instantiated during the game Unity calls its Awake and Start methods. While the game is simple enough the order in which MonoBehaviours are initialized when the first scene is loaded might not matter. Later you might want to change this order using the Script Execution Order list in Project Settings. But once you have more than a few scripts in this list, relying on it can make it a source of hard-to- track bugs. In this case you should create a script which calls initialization functions for all your other MonoBehaviours at startup.

Account for framerate when scripting logic or animation

  • Use Time.deltaTime for FPS independent scripts.

More tips:

3 ways to architect with Scriptable Objects

Have a better scripting experience


Unity — CPU Profiler

Optimize CPU Performance

Optimize CPU usage for smooth performance and longer battery life.  

Use Update() method sparingly

  • Native -> Managed calls have some overhead. Use custom managers instead
  • Avoid having custom Behaviours inherit from an abstract class with Update/Awake/Start methods defined

Define how frequently you need to update different systems in your game

Not all systems need to be updated every frame. Areas to look at include:

  • Moving objects
  • AI and pathfinding
  • Logging and saving game state
  • Other “heavy” systems

Cache data you need frequently, such as:

  • Reflection
  • Find()
  • Camera.main
  • GetComponent()

Pool frequently instantiated objects

  • Instantiating objects is slow.
  • Create pools of objects at the start of the game/content.
  • Reuse objects instead of creating new ones.

Don’t allocate memory for every frame

  • Small allocations every frame will cause a GC spike.
  • Try to eliminate ALL allocations.

Try alternatives to memory-allocating APIs, such as: 

  • LINQ.
  • String concatenation.
  • Unity APIs returning arrays: 
    • Physics.RaycastAll, Mesh.vertices, GetComponents, etc.

More tips:

1K update calls

Unity’s evolving best practices


Unity GPU Profiler

Optimize GPU Performance

Avoid spikes in graphics performance with these tips.

Avoid overdraw in mobile games because it causes performance bottlenecks

  • Mobile GPUs can only draw so many pixels per second.
  • Don’t draw unnecessary transparent images.
  • Use more complex meshes to crop fully transparent areas.

Use the Universal Render Pipeline for your shaders in mobile projects

Watch for incorrect settings that can break dynamic batching

  • Objects must be “similar” to be dynamically batched.
  • The Frame Debugger shows why certain objects were not batched.
  • Use the SRP Batcher with the Universal Render Pipeline to increase the number of batched objects. 

Set up LODs correctly

  • LODs enable economic rendering of objects further from the camera. 

More tips

Why your draw calls are not batched

Mobile optimization best practices

Unity — интерфейс Unity

Optimize UI Performance

Unity UI is an artist-friendly tool. Follow these tips to keep your UIs performant.

Account for different resolutions and aspect ratios

  • Test UI on devices with different resolutions and aspect ratios
  • Sometimes it is better to create different UI screens for different devices

Move animated elements to separate Canvases 

  • The Canvas creates a new combined mesh when an element changes, which can be costly for complex Canvases. 

Avoid lag when a new UI window is opened

  • Your game experiences lag when a new window or a big chunk of UI is created. Minimize this effect by: 
  • Making UI windows less complex.
  • Splitting UI in parts.
  • Caching windows.

Make sure your lists don’t contain a large amount of items

  • Dynamically reuse list items instead of creating all of them at once.
  • Create a nested Canvas in the list.

Use open source implementations, such as this.

More tips

Design eye-catching UI in Unity

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