Introduction to the Universal Render Pipeline for advanced Unity creators (Unity 2022 LTS)

URP is a multiplatform rendering solution built on top of the Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP) framework. It is the successor to our Built-in Render Pipeline and is designed to be efficient for you to learn, customize, and scale to all Unity-supported platforms.
The URP e-book will help you start a new project based on URP (or migrate an existing project from the Built-In Render Pipeline).
The updates are threaded through almost every section of this latest edition of the guide – updated instructions for setting up and applying the myriad capabilities of URP, new links, images, and code snippets – so you can rely on it to match as accurately as possible your experience using URP in Unity 2022 LTS.
There are new additions and changes for areas like applying decals, URP quality settings and converters, comparing rendering paths to include Forward+, Full Screen Shader Graph including custom post-processing, LOD Crossfade, the SubmitRenderRequest API, and much more.
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