Lighting and environments in the High Definition Render Pipeline (Unity 2022 LTS)

HDRP is Unity’s high-fidelity SRP built to target modern (compute shader compatible) PC and console hardware. It utilizes physically based lighting techniques, linear lighting, HDR lighting, and a configurable hybrid Tile/Cluster Deferred/Forward lighting architecture.
The HDRP e-book is a comprehensive, highly-detailed reference for setting up an HDRP project and creating lighting, sky, terrain, water, and other high-fidelity visuals and effects.
In this edition for Unity 2022 LTS, you’ll learn about the new water system, new Terrain tools, including creating terrains with SpeedTree, more capabilities for creating skies, clouds, lighting effects, updates to HDRP shaders and materials, and much more.
Download the new HDRP e-book to learn all about creating beautiful lighting, environments, and effects in Unity.