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Case studies
How MWM multiplied their installs 2.5x and increased their event conversion by 15% with ironSource Ads’ tCPA optimizer
Apr 4, 2024|3 Min

MWM is a top consumer app developer and publisher based in France, and home to AI-powered apps like Piano, Beat Maker Pro, and Color Pop. When the MWM team found that they were spending too much time manually optimizing bids for their UA campaign, they decided to utilize ironSource Ads’ tCPA optimizer instead.

Oscar Dip, User Acquisition Manager at MWM, explains how scaling up with the tCPA optimizer multiplied their scale 2.5x, and increased their event conversion 15%.

Trying out the tCPA optimizer

“We’ve been using the ironSource Ads network for quite a long time, and we have our own internal tools to optimize performance - but optimizing manually has been very time-consuming. As a result, it’s been challenging to scale up, maintain quality sources, and find new sources at the same time.

To help us optimize our UA campaign, the Unity team recommended their newly-developed tool for non-gaming clients: the tCPA optimizer. With the tCPA optimizer, developers can optimize campaigns based on in-app events and the CPA (cost per action) goals for each event. We were eager to get started and see what impact the tCPA optimizer could make on our UA strategy.”

Choosing an event

“Since the tCPA optimizer helps developers optimize toward in-app events, we wanted to start with an app with clear in-app events, so we chose Color Pop. Not to mention, Color Pop’s events are also directly tied to our ROAS goals - so the optimizer’s success will directly affect our KPI goals.

Next it was time to choose our event. In the Color Pop app, users can color a variety of generated images, so we chose a simple event: reaching the fifth image. Users who reach this point in the app are already relatively invested, so we wanted to reach this key group.”

Launching the tCPA optimizer

“Finally, once the campaign was ready, we were ready to choose our tCPA goal. The Unity team shared suggestions of tCPA goals to start with, and consistently provided feedback and help along the way. We decided to set a realistic initial goal that was close to our current performance.

Once the optimizer went live, the Unity team helped us to monitor its performance and gave us other suggestions based on our needs. For example, if we were reaching our ROAS KPI and wanted to be more competitive, we increased the goal gradually, without making any drastic changes.”

Enjoying positive results

“Thanks to the tCPA optimizer and our manual optimizations, our campaign stabilized very quickly - our CPA aligned with our goal, while our scale jumped 250%. Not to mention conversions for our event, reaching the fifth image, increased by 15%.


And since we chose an event that was aligned with our ROAS goal, reaching our tCPA goal also helped us reach our ROAS goal. In fact, once we knew performance was good and stable, we launched the tCPA optimizer on Color Pop Android.

Thanks to our close cooperation with the Unity team, and their suggestion to implement the tCPA optimizer, we saw our scale soar to new heights. Due to our success with the tCPA optimizer, we’ve recently launched the tool with our other app, Piano - and we look forward to launching it on even more apps soon.”