Unity releases

More 2021.1 Tech Stream features for coding workflows

Learn what’s included in our 2021.1 Tech Stream release to streamline your coding experience and create optimized, high-performance games with confidence.

2021.1 Tech Stream for coders

The Tech Stream release is for creators who value exploring in-progress features to stay on the cutting edge. With our focus on increasing the stability and robustness of the Unity Editor, this release includes core Editor integration of graphics packages, visual scripting, the Device Simulator, and more workflow improvements.

More features to improve your coding workflow

Under-the-hood enhancements that streamline your coding experience in 2021.1.

Multiple version support with Version Defines

Access the latest API features by leveraging Version Defines to gain backwards compatibility for older versions of Unity and the API, all within a single code base.

Build precise time-based functionality

Time.timeAsDouble introduces a number of AsDouble properties, allowing you to use double precision time in your project. This is especially beneficial for creators building long-running applications such as dedicated game servers.

Ensure the right code is tested

Use Unity’s Code Coverage package with Test Runner to check for test coverage of your project’s code, including detailed HTML-formatted reporting to find areas that are being missed by your current test suite.

Support for multiple Player profiling

Run multiple Player instances on one machine, and connect Unity Profiler to a specific instance for deep insight into how it’s performing to become more productive with less hardware.

Test different platforms with Device Simulator

See how your game appears on different mobile devices. The Device Simulator is now installed as part of the main Unity installation.

Create logic with visual scripting

Visual drag-and-drop graphs supplement your code for faster prototyping and iteration. Visual scripting is also a great way to make existing scripts more accessible and create tools for use by non-programming team members.

Improved UnityLinker for faster, smaller executables

UnityLinker enhancements improve method body stripping, detection of C# reflection, and delegate stripping, all to reduce the amount of time IL2CPP spends converting the stripped assemblies to C++, as well as the executable size.

IL2CPP optimizations for better project conversions

This version of Unity comes with a collection of many small optimizations throughout the entire IL2CPP conversion and underlying C++ compilation to improve build time and project conversions.

Comprehensive memory profiling

Unity Profiler’s memory profiling package has been updated to ensure that all relevant data is reported for managed data types, including multi-dimensional arrays, as well as improving texture and mesh memory reporting.

Learn more about the 2021.1 Tech Stream release

More ways to dig into the release.

2020.1 Tech Stream webinar

Attend this webinar to learn about key features included in our newest release for creators who value exploring in-progress features to stay on the cutting edge for their next project.

Create stunning visuals

Learn about our optimized workflows to create gorgeous graphics that engage players from the very first pixels.

Choose the right release for you

We offer two different release versions, Tech Stream and Long-Term Support (LTS). Learn about the strengths of each release so you can select the solution that better fits your needs.

Get started with Unity

Frequently asked questions

What version do you recommend for my project?

If you are in production or close to launch, we recommend the LTS release. If you want to use the latest Unity features in your project or are just getting started with production, the Tech Stream is recommended. Learn more about our different releases here.

What is a Tech Stream release?

This release is for creators who value exploring in-progress features to stay on the cutting edge for their next project. This version is primarily recommended for the preproduction discovery, and prototyping phases of development. Learn more about our different releases here.

What’s an LTS release?

The release for creators who value maximum stability and support for their next project. This is our default release and is primarily recommended for creators past the preproduction phase of development and who are about to lock in production on a specific version of Unity. 

Learn more about our different releases here.

What’s the difference between a Verified package and a Released package?

In an effort to provide more clarity around package readiness and expected release date, better quality packages, and as a direct response to feedback from you, we’ve created a more rigorous process for labeling packages, as well as a new categorization system. Learn more here.

How do I get access to your alpha and beta releases?

Both our alpha and beta releases are open to everyone, so no signup is required. Get started by downloading them from the Unity Hub. Because there may be feature-stability issues with these early releases, we do not recommend them for projects in production, and we highly recommend that you back up any project before you open it with an alpha or beta release.

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