Deep data insights about your game

Get to know your players
Analytics enables studios to understand game performance and player behaviors. Capture insights quickly using prebuilt dashboards and visualizations powered by reliable, real-time data. Then, use that data to improve your project and make a more compelling and engaging experience for your audience.
Deep data at the surface
Understand your game performance with intuitive dashboards and workflows that give you the insights you need regardless of your level of expertise.
Dynamic reporting and insights
Track key data for your game with custom audiences, events, and flexible reporting. Create unique and dynamic reporting with SQL data explorer and data visualizations using funnels.
Real-time, secure data
Monitor and react to changes in real-time with a data recency of two hours, maximum. Feel secure knowing Unity is keeping your data safe, compliant, and up to date.

Hugecalf rocket-fuel their multiplayer development
Talented young team without multiplayer experience utilize UGS Multiplayer & Analytics Solutions to quickly deliver a fast-paced, physics-heavy multiplayer title with rock-solid infrastructure.

Upgrade to Unity Gaming Services Analytics
A new analytics tool. Find out how to upgrade your new and existing projects from Legacy Unity Analytics to UGS Analytics to keep getting the best insights from your data.

Introducing Funnels and SQL Data Explorer
Want to build a better game for your players? Learn how Funnels and SQL Data Explorer allow you to dig deeper into your data and player behavior.

A guide to A/B testing
Analyzing your data can in a variety of ways can help to improve your apps. Learn about the strengths of using A/B testing for your ongoing games & projects.

Event tracking simplified
Discover why event tracking is a key element of game analytics and what you need to know about standard and custom events, different parameters, and common scenarios.
Learn more
Use Cases
Discover how Analytics can be used to better understand game performance and player behavior.
Analytics uses MAU-based pricing, so you only pay as your game scales. The first 50,000 MAU are free.
All your questions about Analytics answered.
Review the manual to help you get Analytics up and running.

Analytics enables studios to understand game performance and player behaviors. Capture insights quickly using prebuilt dashboards and visualizations powered by reliable, real-time data.