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Getting started with Unity

New to Unity? Explore learning pathways and resources to help develop your skills and make your own real-time 3D projects.

Kickstart your learning

Hands typing on laptop

Install the Unity Hub and Editor

Learn everything you need to download, install, and begin creating with Unity.
Building a house in unity

Pick the right path

Choose the right learning experience for your interests and experience level.
Unity Essentials logo

Unity Essentials

New to Unity? This guided learning pathway includes everything you need to get started.

Level up your skills with additional resources

Gaming services screen

Get started with Unity DevOps

Learn about the tools and workflows that can help you create and manage your game or other real-time experience throughout its lifecycle.

Prototype a game with Unity Muse

Create a simple game prototype using Unity Muse. Answer your Unity questions and generate your own assets with AI.
Image from game

Get started with Addressables

Learn how to organize your on-demand assets from inside the Unity Editor while developing your game.
Extremely satisfying. The idea that I could program a game seemed completely beyond my reach at the beginning of my journey. Now it seems well within my grasp.

Created by learners using Unity Learn

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