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Powering cameras for real-time productions

Cinemachine is a codeless and modular camera system, designed to easily compose sophisticated behaviors and the best shots based on scene composition. It lets you tune, iterate, experiment, and create camera moves in real-time.
Cinemachine camera module

Faster game development

From first-person shooter to follow cam, from 2D to 3D, and from real-time play to cutscene, Cinemachine frees your team from expensive camera-logic development and allows you to iterate and prototype new ideas on the fly while saving settings in Play mode. With the release of Unity 6, Cinemachine’s UI, API, and GameObject structure have been redesigned, making it faster and easier to implement intuitive game mechanics in linear production workflows.

Installing Cinemachine

Installing Cinemachine

Use the Unity Package Manager (in the top menu: Window > Package Manager) to select Cinemachine for installation.

Cinemachine is free and available for any project. If you already have it installed, you may update to the latest version.

Fundamental behaviors

Rotation Composer




Free Look


Cinemachine for 2D


Target Groups


Custom Blends


Powerful features





Decollider and Deoccluder








SplitScreen and Picture-in-Picture


Follow Zoom


Post-Processing Stack integration


Clear Shot


Advanced control





Shot Blender


Lens Packs

Using Cinemachine
Using Cinemachine

Get up and running quickly to create and tune cameras.


Get started with Cinemachine

Start using Cinemachine

Get the essential information to understand how Cinemachine works and follow instructions to set up the minimum functional layers to start using Cinemachine in your project.

Essential Elements of Cinemachine 3.1

Essential Elements of Cinemachine 3.1

Learn what is new in Cinemachine 3.1 and find out what's changed in the Cinemachine API and how you can upgrade your project to take advantage of the new features.

See what’s new with Cinemachine 3

See what’s new with Cinemachine 3

In this blog you will learn what is new with Cinemachine 3 and you will see how the format has changed, bringing it in line with the rest of Unity.

Cinemachine tutorials

Cinemachine tutorials

This legacy learning content shows you the features and uses for Cinemachine to see if it's right for your projects. You will learn how to build a planetary scale visualization, how you can add a Cinemachine Camera and Brain to your project, and more.
