2021.2 Tech Stream 艺术家和设计师特辑
使用 Unity 2021.2 创建身临其境的体验
The Tech Stream release is for creators who value having early access to newer features to stay on the cutting edge. With continued focus on increasing stability and robustness, this release brings a number of updates to provide creators with a higher-quality authoring and rendering experience.
Unity 2019有哪些新功能?
改进的通用渲染管线 (URP) 图形工具
该版本包括对近年来推出的所有 2D 工具的可用性和稳定性改进,重点是本周期结束时的精灵替换工作流程和 2D 图形。
使用 UI 工具包创建运行时用户界面
录制器现在是一个已发布的包,其中包括 Apple ProRes 等新编解码器,以更好地与图形兼容,并提供重大更新以增强捕获体验。
FBX Exporter 现在是一个集成了稳定性改进的包(已发布)。导出场景引用以进行动画处理,并可与 Maya、3ds Max 等流行的 DCC 工具进行互操作。此外,你还可以在编辑器中录制动画,以导出引用和重新设置动画关键帧。
将所有像素数据抓取到最前面的排序图层,以便通过 Shader Graph 或着色器创建水面折射效果和其他效果。2D 渲染器现在支持 BaseMap 属性,以提供更一致的通用渲染管线 (URP) 体验。
2D 改进
现在,你可以缓存部分非定向阴影贴图,以提高性能。HDRP 将动态阴影投射物渲染到每一帧各自的阴影贴图中。
HDRP 中的云和体积雾
As of 2021.2, the Terrain Tools package is Verified. Streamlined workflows and usability improvements help you create terrain more efficiently, and new sculpting brushes add the ability to bridge, clone, noise, terrace, and twist Terrain.
You can now use either forward or deferred rendering paths to build mobile projects in URP. Deferred rendering allows you to use a large number of lights in a scene, without the performance hit that you would encounter with forward rendering.
使用 VFX Graph 和 Shader Graph 创建高级效果
Unleash your creativity with VFX Graph’s new integration with Shader Graph, official support of VFX Graph for URP and 2D on PC and consoles, and access to HDRP tessellation from Shader Graph.
You can now access fast per-shot lighting with the Light Anchor tool and create Lens Flares from presets or create your own. Define physically based depth of field with HDRP, and record takes live-linked with the Editor using your mobile device.
扩展了 HDRP 的照明可能性
Create scenes with dynamic lighting using Enlighten prebaked global illumination or Screen Space Global Illumination. Area lights now work with hair and fabric shaders and use the HDRP Pathtracer for high-quality renders or ground truth reference.
使用 SpeedTree 着色器解锁更多选项
Create nuanced visual worlds with the new, customizable SpeedTree Shader Graph-based shaders for HDRP and URP. Build your own SpeedTrees, or use professional, premade models to take advantage of built-in animated wind and LOD systems.