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Case studies
Huuuge Games increases D7 ROAS 9x with ironSource offerwall
Nov 28, 2019
case study-huuuge-casino-slots

Huuuge Games is a social gaming developer and publisher founded in Poland in 2014, with 10 offices worldwide. Huuuge has 1.5M+ DAU across their portfolio, which includes hits like Huuuge Casino, Billionaire Casino, Traffic Puzzle, and more.

Eyal Elad is a Mobile User Acquisition Manager at Huuuge Games. Read on to learn how he and his team use the ironSource offerwall to increase their UA efforts.

Inside Huuuge’s user acquisition strategy

Our user acquisition strategy at Huuuge Games is changing all the time, as we’re constantly updating it according to the latest game industry trends. It includes television ads, Facebook, Google, and [tooltip term="ad-network"]ad networks[/tooltip] like ironSource.

Years ago, we ran a few offerwall campaigns for our game Huuuge Casino, but user quality wasn’t what we expected. So we stuck to the [tooltip term="ad-unit"]ad units[/tooltip] that worked - acquiring users mainly from rewarded video and playables, and sometimes banners and interstitials.

Giving offerwall another try

Recently, many of our partners suggested we give [tooltip info="Ad unit with tasks users can complete in exchange for in-app rewards." url="/offerwall/" btn='Read more' img=""]offerwall[/tooltip] campaigns another try, including our account manager at ironSource. In the end, we decided to test offerwall traffic with ironSource for a couple of reasons:

Huuuge aims to build solid relationships with all of our network partners, based on trust, professionalism, and partnership - and we managed to develop these three values with our account manager at ironSource.

We received positive feedback from trusted people within our network about the quality of ironSource offerwall traffic. 

Becoming a fast-growing UA channel

Immediately, we saw the potential in ironSource’s offerwall as a high-value UA source for us, as we quickly reached our D7 [tooltip term="roas-return-on-advertising-spend"]ROAS[/tooltip] KPI with good scale. In fact, D7 ROAS for offerwall was 9x higher than rewarded video, and D7 [tooltip term="arpu"]ARPU[/tooltip] was 5x higher.


Seeing the positive results, we started running worlwide offerwall campaigns with ironSource for our game Billionaire Casino. Currently, we’re testing offerwall for our latest social casino game Star Slots Casino, and the results so far are very promising.

When we first started running offerwall campaigns, we mainly optimized performance and scale by playing with the bids. We’ve come a long way since then and our account managers at ironSource showed us a few best practices that have really worked for us:

- Change logos and test animated logos

- Play with the descriptions

- Test different offers - like levels that we want the user to reach

Today, ironSource’s offerwall is a massive part of our user acquisition ad network strategy, which wasn’t the case at all just a year and a half ago. It generates great performance with decent scale, and also gives us the opportunity to explore other ad formats and tests.