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Get the biggest edition yet of our URP e-book, now updated for your Unity 6 projects

EDUARDO ORIZ / UNITY TECHNOLOGIESSenior Content Marketing Manager
Nov 4, 2024
URP e-book Unity 6 blog post header image

Many of the most important features and improvements in Unity 6 are for the Universal Render Pipeline (URP). So we released the latest edition of the URP e-book, Introduction to the Universal Render Pipeline for advanced Unity creators (Unity 6 edition), at the same time as the latest version of Unity. Unity 6 developers, technical artists, and graphics programmers now have all the updated URP key tips and techniques ready for them in one comprehensive guide.

This latest edition is the biggest version yet of the URP guide. As with previous editions, it’s the result of deep collaboration between its main author Nik Lever, a graphics programmer with 30+ years experience with creating real-time 3D content and a Unity user since 2006, and senior engineers at Unity.

URP e-book Unity 6 pages preview
Introduction to URP for advanced creators (Unity 6 edition)
GPU Resident Drawer and GPU Occlusion Culling options in the URP Asset in Unity 6
The GPU Resident Drawer and GPU Occlusion Culling options are available via the URP Asset in Unity 6.

It covers major Unity 6 features like Adaptive Probe Volumes (APVs), the render graph system, GPU Resident Drawer, GPU Occlusion Culling, and the production-ready version of the GPU Lightmapper.

Day and night Lighting Scenarios with APVs available in Unity 6
Day and night Lighting Scenarios with APVs now available in Unity 6
APV streaming in Unity
APV streaming
Using GPU Occlusion Culling
Using GPU Occlusion Culling
Custom shaders in URP in Unity 6, from left to right: Unlit hard coded white; unlit using property to set color; unlit using a texture, and simple Lambert lighting using the Main Light - floor.
Custom shaders in URP in Unity 6, from left to right: Unlit hard coded white; unlit using property to set color; unlit using a texture, and simple Lambert lighting using the Main Light - floor.
The Render Graph Viewer window, now available in Unity 6
The Render Graph Viewer window, now available in Unity 6

In addition to the guide, you can also watch our new Introduction to the Render Graph in Unity 6 tutorial. This video explores the Render Graph system and shows you techniques like how to create a dither effect Renderer Feature by using a Fullscreen Shader Graph material with render graph's optimized resource management.

Ultimately, the essential value of the e-book is its A-Z coverage of all URP capabilities. You’ll find a wealth of helpful instructions and example steps that you can apply directly in your project, for all the key platforms – mobile, untethered, XR, as well as PC and consoles. Here’s a rundown of what’s in the guide in addition to the extensive new Unity 6 sections:

List of topics covered in the URP Unity 6 e-book
Introduction to URP for advanced creators (Unity 6 edition)

Get the new URP guide today to help you develop your Unity 6 projects with efficiency and full creative freedom.