Hero background image
Unity 面向数据的技术栈(DOTS)
DOTS 包含各种技术和软件包,可为在 Unity 中构建游戏提供面向数据的设计方法。将面向数据的设计应用到游戏架构中,能让创作者以高性能的方式扩展处理能力。
请观看这个简短的演示,了解 Megacity Metro 的功能以及 Netcode for Entities 如何用于基于动作的多人游戏。
DOTS 工作流程封面

ECS for Unity

ECS for Unity (Entity Component System) enables you to build more ambitious games. It’s a data-oriented framework compatible with GameObjects, enabling seasoned Unity creators to achieve more thanks to an unprecedented level of control and determinism.

Burst 编译器

Burst 编译器

Burst is a compiler that translates from IL/.NET bytecode to highly optimized native code. It uses the industry-proven LLVM compiler infrastructure to give game creators native code performance from C#. Burst also exposes CPU intrinsics, making it possible to fine-tune performance-critical code.


C# 作业系统

This system allows Unity developers to take advantage of multi-core computing platforms with parallelized code that can run safely and at speed. The C# Job System exposes Unity’s internal C++ Job System, giving Unity creators the ability to run their scripts alongside Unity’s internal processing.

生产中的 DOTS

Learn more about building ambitious multiplayer games using ECS for Unity and Unity Gaming Services (UGS) with a third-person multiplayer action sample that supports 64+ players.

在生产中利用 DOTS 的途径
拉面 VR 和电子广场

Learn how ECS for Unity helped Ramen VR scale up gameplay for Zenith: The Last City, a VR MMO; and how Electric Square used ECS to achieve deterministic gameplay for QA, design loops, and streaming for Detonation Racing, a fast-paced Apple Arcade racing game.

V Rising showcase
Stunlock Studios

Learn how Stunlock Studios used ECS throughout the development of V Rising, an open-world, multiplayer survival game, including world building in the Editor with custom visual scripting and scalable open-world streaming.

Unity 与 IXION 一起参加 Devcom
Kasedo Games

Learn how Kasedo Games used ECS for Unity to power heavy NPC simulation for IXION, their city builder, survival, and space exploration title.


“在整个《迷走深空:碎舰师》的开发过程中,DOTS 让我们可以开始尝试以前只能想象的东西。在实施 DOTS 后,我们最初耗时 1 小时的过程缩短到了 100 毫秒。”-《迷走深空:碎舰师》 技术总监 Richard Harrison

407 门卡
407 号门

该工作室正在开发一款实时策略游戏 -《Diplomacy Is Not an Option (DNO)》,并取得了出色的结果。首席开发人员 Sergey Klimenko 说:“我们在游戏中的几乎所有地方都使用了 DOTS。我们发现它对于寻路和优化游戏逻辑特别有用。”

ECS 呼出
开始使用 DOTS

Check out some of the resources to help you get started with DOTS and learn about the fundamental concepts of data-oriented design.

开始使用 DOTS

DOTS 堆栈包含的包在不断增多。要开始使用 DOTS,请查看我们对可从 Package Manager 安装的不同组件的概述。

DOTS 包列表


开始阅读 C# 作业系统文档。另请参阅包文档(可通过 Package Manager 获取)。

C# 作业系统手册
DOTS 教程项目中的 Pong

观看 Unite Copenhagen 2019 上关于 DOTS 的演讲

了解创新型游戏工作室如何使用 DOTS 更快地制作出色的游戏,以及所有 DOTS 组件(包括 Unity Physics、新的转换工作流程和 Burst 编译器)如何协同工作。
