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Maximize your app revenue with in-app bidding

LevelPlay in-app bidding enables multiple ad networks to compete for your ad space in real time, which helps you get the highest revenue for each impression.
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Earn more revenue

All ad sources bid at the same time, which drives competition and delivers the best CPMs.

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Reduce manual operations

In-app bidding automates your auction, so there’s no need to set instance price points or manually optimize.

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Get data transparency

View granular reports on your bidding activity, including session depth and latency metrics.

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How in-app bidding works

LevelPlay generates real-time competition for your ad space among SDK networks, bidders, brands, and DSPs. The network with the highest bid wins the auction and their ad is shown to your users.

“Because of LevelPlay in-app bidding, we consistently exceed our revenue targets.”
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Increase your earnings with LevelPlay in-app bidding