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Megacity Metro
Make your ambitious game a reality with DOTS
Our Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS) enables you to create scalable, high-performance games and unforgettable experiences. Get the latest features with Unity 2022 LTS and unlock even more capabilities with Unity Pro.
Access our bootcamp for advanced game developers and maximize your game’s performance.
Start now
monthly downloads of Made with Unity apps [1]
of top 1,000 mobile games are made with Unity [2]
million users have tried Unity 2022 LTS since its release [3]
platforms run Unity games today [4]

Unleash the power of DOTS for next-level gaming

Leverage DOTS for optimized performance and scalability across platforms. It features ECS for data management, the C# Job System for parallel processing, the Burst compiler for high-speed native code, Havok Physics for realistic interactions, and Netcode for Entities for seamless multiplayer experiences.

Key benefits
Unleash performance on major platforms
For more efficient code execution, harness the power of DOTS to optimize performance hotspots, ensuring smoother gameplay and a consistent experience across devices.
Build games with fast-paced action
For games that run at 60 fps or higher, power your performance with high frame rates using DOTS, delivering immersive experiences for players.
Maximize mobile gaming experiences
For optimal memory usage and throttling prevention, ensure smooth mobile gameplay – even on resource-limited devices – using DOTS. Your players also benefit from less battery drain and overheating.
Achieve optimal scaling for multiplayers
For multiplayer experiences with varying player numbers, leverage DOTS to manage large player counts, ensuring fluid gameplay for all.
Create large and seamless worlds
For immersive and uninterrupted gameplay, utilize DOTS to efficiently manage complex environments, enabling smooth transitions and reduced loading times.
Achieve realistic physics simulations
For believable game worlds, enhance player experiences with Havok Physics and DOTS, providing accurate and responsive interactions in large-scale immersive simulations.
Unique DOTS-relevant benefits in Unity plans

See a full plan comparison for what’s available to help with DOTS projects.

Get inspired

Learn from fellow creators who leverage Unity subscription plans to unlock the power of DOTS. Dive into a sample and experience the technology for yourself.

V Rising
Stunlock Studios
Unity Pro

Find out how Stunlock Studios used DOTS to execute their ambitious vampiric vision for V Rising, ultimately delivering a game that sold over a million copies in its first week.

Two Point Campus
Two Point Studios
Unity Enterprise

Learn how Burst compiler, Universal Render Pipeline (URP), and ECS helped Two Point Studios share performant code across all target platforms and bring Two Point Campus to life.

Sunblink Entertainment
Sunblink Entertainment
Unity Pro

Discover how Sunblink Entertainment utilized DOTS to bring their innovative vision for HEROish to life, and hear our panel of creators at GDC 2023 discuss their many successes with ECS.

Megacity Metro

Learn how to craft engaging multiplayer games with a thrilling shooter that uses URP, Netcode for Entities and the latest DOTS packages, supporting over 100 concurrent users.

Harness the power of DOTS with Unity Pro or Enterprise

Sign up for a Unity subscription and get many unique DOTS benefits. You’ll gain access to features like Havok Physics, Source Code, hands-on technical support, and one-on-one guidance when working on complex projects with DOTS.


  1. As of February 14, 2023. Source: Internal derived from GCP. Disclaimer: Note the number does not reflect unique users as a single user may download multiple apps.
  2. As of February 8, 2023. Source: Apptopia. Disclaimer: Top mobile games is a blended number defined by the top 1,000 games from each of the Google Play Store and iOS App Store.
  3. As of October 23, 2023. Source: Derived from internal Unity systems.
  4. As of October 16, 2023. Source: Source: Derived from internal Unity resources.