Unity 2023.2.12

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Known Issues in 2023.2.12f1

  • Asset - Database: Crash in CollectManagedImportDependencyGetters inside OpenScene in batch mode (UUM-57742)

  • Asset Importers: Crash on ConvertBlenderToFBX while importing a specific .blend file (UUM-63758)

  • Audio Authoring: Crash on AudioUtil_CUSTOM_HasAudioCallback when exiting Play Mode while the Inspector is displaying a GameObject with a script attached (UUM-58481)

  • DirectX12: Crash on D3D12Fence::Wait when using Forward+ Rendering Path with Better Shaders asset (UUM-57113)

  • HD RP: Prefab preview thumbnails are not being rendered when a Project uses HDRP (UUM-60000)

  • HD RP: [AMD] Crash on GfxDeviceD3D12Base::DrawBuffersCommon when Baking Light with Virtual Offset on Probe Volumes (UUM-59522)

  • IAP: [Android] The Player crashes with a "JNI ERROR (app bug)" error when the global reference table gets overflowed by BillingClientStateListener (UUM-55105)

  • IL2CPP: [Android] Crash on Android when AndroidJavaProxy is calling from multiple threads (UUM-49357)

  • Input: Crash on InputDeviceIOCTL when closing Unity editor (UUM-10774)

  • Metal: [iOS] App crashes with out of memory exception in UnityGfxDeviceWorker when starting the app (UUM-55488)

  • Platform Audio: [Linux] No audio output when playing audio (UUM-53143)

  • Progressive Lightmapper: The Editor becomes unresponsive and memory allocation errors are spammed in the Console when Generating Lightning (UUM-58017)

  • RP Foundation: Stacked camera is not rendering when using custom post effects is done in PreRender PostRender and Camera is not in HDR (UUM-22444)

  • Scene Management: Crash on GameObject::QueryComponentByType when opening a project (UUM-58461)

  • Shortcut Management: [MacOS] The Scene Pan Tool does not work when "Pan Focus Tool" and "Temporary Pan Tool 1" shortcuts are conflicting by default (UUM-63983)

2023.2.12f1 Release Notes


  • Audio: Made it possible to create an ARC from a selection of multiple audio clips.

  • Graphics: Improved performance and memory requirements of Texture API calls such as LoadRawTextureData that write to a Texture2D that was created with the TextureCreationFlags.DontUploadUponCreate flag. (UUM-35989)

  • Mono: Implement stack probes for Windows Arm64.


  • 2D: Fiedx Invalid SortingGroup index set in Renderer error message appearing when a SortingGroup is created and another is deleted at the same time. (UUM-62716)

  • 2D: Fixed issue where textures set from the ShaderGraph shader are not applied for use in the TilemapRenderer. (UUM-62066)

  • 2D: Fixed missing stencil draw calls when rendering normals with SpriteMask. (UUM-63214)

  • Accessibility: Fixed app hanging on iOS after turning VoiceOver on and off a few times. (UUM-62340)

  • Android: Fixed back gesture invoking UI elements. (UUM-48818)

  • Audio: Fixed an issue in the audio random container where the sliders in some cases would push the textfield out of the window when randomisation is enabled. (UUM-57188)

  • Audio: Fixed an issue that would cause scheduled clips in the Audio Random Container to be prematurely stopped when enabling scene audio. (UUM-52755)

  • Audio: Fixed an issue that would cause undo/redo to sometimes work incorrectly for the Audio Random Container resource field. (UUM-62119)

  • Audio: Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause a game object to throw an error in the log when drawing the game objects inspector, if the game object implements OnAudioFilterRead. (UUM-61145)

  • Documentation: Removed mentions of web player in Microphone.Start. (UUM-52555)

  • Editor: Ensure X is visible in Picker mode if needed, and that pressing X actually return back to the initial query. (UUM-61201)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash related to throwing BuildFailedException in BuildProcessor.PrepareForBuild. (UUM-62231)

  • Editor: Fixed a performance regression in the TextureImporter. (UUM-36303)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the Columns and Rows values are not updating in a TextureImporter preset. (UUM-59090)

  • Editor: Fixed an issuye where GUI in the Scene were using an incorrect offset when Scene filtering was active. (UUM-61753)

  • Editor: Fixed casting integers to memory labels. (UUM-57246)

  • Editor: Fixed Index manager doesn't override file or folder if user cancels the OpenDialog. (UUM-58792)

  • Editor: Fixed indexing in playmode when in playmode we do not start asset indexing. When the user stops playmode, the relevant asset indexing tasks will start. (UUM-58793)

  • Editor: Fixed memory warning in the console. (UUM-63549)

  • Editor: Fixed type remapping for asmdef, animation and terrain. (UUM-58791)

  • Editor: The graphics Tier Settings editor window has been changed back to a horizontal layout with the addition of a scrollbar for when the window is still sized too small to display the full contents. (UUM-59952)

  • Graphics: Fixed potential crash in URP Forward+ due to out-of-bounds buffer access. (UUM-64148)

  • Graphics: Fixed undefined behavior in Texture2D.Compress / EditorUtility.CompressTexture / EditorUtility.CompressCubemapTexture when these were dealing with partial mip-chain textures. The APIs now leave the mipmap count of textures untouched. (UUM-35985)

  • Graphics: Support requesting a DXT compressed texture using ImageConversion.LoadImage and Texture2D.LoadImage on Android. (UUM-52927)

  • HDRP: Optimize PBR sky precomputation and memory usage. (UUM-58381)

  • HDRP: Optimize the OnDisable of DecalProjector component when disabling a lot of decals at the same time.

  • HDRP: Remove the error message "Decal texture atlas out of space..." in release builds (it now only appears in the Editor or Development Builds).

  • iOS: If Image and Background launch screen is used without proper image setup, issue warning and fallback to default launch screen. (UUM-60545)

  • macOS: Crash Reporter failing to upload to cloud due to path not being pre-created. (UUM-60277)

  • Mono: Disallow unrestricted polymorphic deserialization in DataSet. (UUM-62270)

  • Physics: Added a new parameter to the physics settings -- fast motion threshold. It allows to improve the CCD response for fast moving small bodies that collide with larger ones. (UUM-57910)

  • Search: Fixed Search Window table view buttons appearing multiple times. (UUM-59166)

  • Search: Re-enabled search providers priority sorting. (UUM-60991)

  • Search: Remove the Transient Window menu item. (UUM-59187)

  • Shaders: Improved message in the player log when sending the shader variant to the GPU driver. (UUM-62527)

  • SRP Core: Correct gathering of the current pipeline to generate the UI for the Default Volume Profile. (UUM-64000)

  • TextCore: Ensure GetPreferredValues and GenerateTextMesh return the same size. (UUM-61577)

  • TextCore: Fixed Ideographic Variation Selector. (UUM-63538)

  • TextMeshPro: Setting the game object layer for the Dropdown blocker game object to match the Canvas value. (UUM-62470)

  • uGUI: Setting the game object layer for the Dropdown blocker game object to match the Canvas value. (UUM-62470)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed default runtime theme creation in the UI Builder. (UUM-56954)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed documentation links for UI Toolkit assets and scripts. (UUM-28715)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed view data states not being saved for children of ListView. (UUM-62717)

  • VFX Graph: Disable MeshToSDFBaker shaders on GLES3 to avoid warnings. (UUM-53994)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an incompatibility with HLSL 2021. (UUM-63956)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an unexpected material listing in animation window. (UUM-46719)

  • VFX Graph: Instancing when gradient selection was based on a branch was wrong. (UUM-58615)

  • VFX Graph: Switch property binder from ExecuteInEditMode in ExecuteAlways. (UUM-56866)

  • WebGL: Fix for Render Texture depth buffers sometimes not being cleared properly (UUM-57343)

Package changes in 2023.2.12f1

Packages updated


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