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Comment Wawayu a augmenté le retour sur investissement de D7 de 39 %
Découvrez le secret de Wawayu pour augmenter le retour sur investissement et la fidélisation tout en investissant plus de budget dans des campagnes pour maintenir la croissance de sa base d’utilisateurs.

Wawayu : Une étude de cas sur l’acquisition d’utilisateurs Unity

How can a studio grow their game while keeping campaign budgets balanced? Wawayu knew they had a hit on their hands with Bingo Tour, but the team needed guidance on how to sustainably scale their player base. With Unity User Acquisition, Wawayu was able to bring Bingo Tour to the masses while keeping ROI and retention high.

Les enjeux

Keeping campaign spend under control while scaling the user base



Membres de l'équipe



Shenzhen, China

Développer une base d’utilisateurs plus grande et meilleure

Développer une base d’utilisateurs plus grande et meilleure

Bingo Tour is a classic bingo game that’s monetized by in-app advertising (IAA). Post-launch, Wawayu needed to attract quality players with varying lifetime value (LTV) at scale, so they turned to Unity User Acquisition’s return on ad spend (ROAS) campaigns.

Discover how head of growth Yang Lei increased ROI and retention while investing more budget in campaigns to keep their user base growing using Unity’s advertising solutions.

Les résultats (Bingo Tour)

Les résultats

  • Increased D7 ROI by 39%
  • Grew D7 retention rate by 31%
  • Improved quality of users and eCPM
Équilibrer les canaux et les budgets
Équilibrer les canaux et les budgets

During initial testing, Bingo Tour’s user acquisition results began to exceed benchmarks within the first three days of testing on Unity User Acquisition. This led the Wawayu team to expand their launch to multiple paid channels.

Increasing their reach created challenges with balancing bids, traffic, and cost per install (CPI), limiting their ability to bring in quality users at scale. They were finding that if their bids were low, then ROI would meet their standards but the traffic would be lower. Even after increasing bids, ROI would decrease.

These factors prompted Lei to search for a better solution to take Bingo Tour to the next level.

Trouver les bons joueurs
Trouver les bons joueurs

Wawayu turned to Unity User Acquisition’s ROAS campaigns to help attract users with varying LTVs from a wide database. It then reasonably bids for them to achieve a target ROI. By running ROAS-optimized campaigns, they were able to increase their D7 ROAS by 39% and D7 retention by 31%.

The campaign optimization also helped free up team bandwidth, since all they needed to do was set a target ROI, and the ROAS campaign would automatically find the balance between ROI and spend.

Lei explains, “With Unity’s diverse campaign optimization types and precise machine learning, it is one of our critical channels for user acquisition.”

Augmentation des dépenses et du taux de retour
Augmentation des dépenses et du taux de retour

By using ROAS campaigns, Wawayu was able to achieve their target ROI without worrying about a higher CPI. ROAS campaigns also helped provide a shorter window for testing and learning since they supported both D0 and D7 optimization windows.

At first, the team took a conservative approach to running ROAS campaigns. But once performance started to pick up, the quality of acquired users they were getting far outweighed the slightly higher cost of acquisition, which led them to increase their campaign spend by 10x.

“Although the cost of ROAS campaigns is higher than that of install campaigns, the overall user quality and monetization revenue have seen a significant year-over-year increase,” says Lei. “We’ve achieved more spending with a steady and sustainable return rate. We highly recommend this solution to any mobile game developer.”

Collaborer pour réussir

The Wawayu team worked closely with their Unity account team to help scale Bingo Tour. Unity recommended different settings, bids, and optimization suggestions for different promotional periods. This partnership led to campaign ROI that’s continuously improving.

When speaking about the collaboration, Lei says, “The team provides a detailed quarterly report with in-depth analysis, and they are always open to feedback from publishers for continuous improvement. Unity has been a delightful long-term partner for us.”

« Avec les différents types de campagnes et l’apprentissage automatique précis d’Unity User Acquisition, c’est l’un de nos canaux essentiels pour l’acquisition d’utilisateurs. »
YANG LEI / WAWAYUHead of Growth
« Bien que le coût des campagnes ROAS soit plus élevé que celui des campagnes d’installation, la qualité globale des utilisateurs et les revenus de monétisation ont connu une augmentation significative d’une année sur l’autre. Nous avons réalisé plus de dépenses avec un taux de retour stable et durable.
YANG LEI / WAWAYUHead of Growth
Appel de la visite de bingo
Développez votre application grâce à des campagnes publicitaires efficaces et diversifiées

If you’re looking for predictable returns on your advertising budget, get started with Unity User Acquisition today to amplify your user acquisition strategy.