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Pixyz Plugin

Build powerful visualizations with the data you already have. Pixyz Plugin transforms any CAD file type into a dynamic and ready-made asset in Unity. Now available exclusively with Unity Industry.
As of September 3, 2024 standalone Pixyz Plugin licenses are only available with a Unity Industry subscription.
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Unity Pixyz Review on Lexus steering wheel model

Bring your data into new dimensions

Pixyz Plugin seamlessly integrates your existing data with Unity. Import any 3D or CAD file type and eliminate the need for multiple imports or model recreation, with full control over mesh size and quality, which optimizes your data for performance on your target devices.

Pixyz demo on Unity editor

Automated dataprep

Enhance and optimize your assets with the Toolbox. Fix normals, create UVs, switch materials, create colliders, manage pivots, merge meshes, decimate meshes, and more. Automate your dataprep workflow by combining Toolbox actions with the Rule Engine.


Fully integrated importer

Pixyz Plugin is fully integrated with the Unity Editor, enabling the direct import of CAD files with total control over import parameters.

File compatibility

Process any CAD, Mesh, or PointCloud model from over 40 industry-leading solutions, preserving critical information like metadata and model hierarchy. See formats supported by Pixyz Plugin.

Optimization algorithms

Models are automatically processed with Pixyz algorithms to get the best mesh quality for your application. Use the Toolbox to optimize all of your assets, even those not imported through Pixyz Plugin.

Rule Engine

The Rule Engine lets you automate the optimization and staging of your scene. It also works on anything in your scene.

Automatic LOD generation

Create LOD on-the-fly when importing a CAD model. They can be easily regenerated at any time with the LOD Generator.

Automatic UV creation

When importing CAD models, automatically apply UV projection and UV flattening for baking and get ready-to-use assets.

Get started with Pixyz Plugin today

Install Pixyz Plugin

Follow the instructions onscreen for guidance through the installation and setup processes. For older versions of Pixyz, please refer to our release archive.

Release archive

All previous releases and versions of Pixyz continue to be available in our release archive. For Pixyz 2.0 and older, please refer to this documentation page.


The Pixyz Plugin User Manual is the definitive repository for in-depth and procedural information on all of Pixyz’s features, UI, and workflows.


Have questions? Join our Pixyz community.

Pixyz callout
Optimize your 3D data workflow

Get in touch with the experts to learn how Pixyz Plugin for Unity can bring your data to life.