v1.4 against v1.3:
1. Update of entity name from Unity Technologies ApS to Unity Technologies SF.
2. Update of Governing Law and Venue from Denmark to California.
v1.3 against v1.2:
1. Clarification and change of definition of "Software" from "software" to "work of authorship", now defined as "Work".
2. Clarification of the meaning and intent of Section 1 to make clear that "companion" use means use in connection with at least one of the authoring or distribution of applications, software, or other content using a valid Engine License, and including an example.
3. Update of link to Trademark Guidelines.
v1.2 against v1.1:
1. Clarification of language in second sentence of Section 1 to make clear that both sentence one and two refer to exercise of the license.
2. Addition of explicit non-exclusive license grant language to Section 3.2 in the case of invalid assignment of derivative works.
3. Simplification of language in Section 3.3 to describe continuing rights in derivative works.
4. Simplification of language in Section 7 to describe license changes.
5. Addition of termination right in the case of commencing a patent suit.
v1.1 against 1.0 (original; no version number in some cases):
1. Addition of competitive use limitation to last sentence of Section 1.
*This Changelog is for reference purposes only. Please review the terms and conditions of the current license carefully before accessing the Software.