Unity Version Control is a scalable, engine-agnostic version control and source code management tool for game development studios of all sizes. Built with powerful Plastic SCM technology, Unity Version Control offers optimized workflows for artists and programmers and superior speed working with large files and binaries. See how our users have leveraged this technology to create without compromise.
Whether you’re branching or not, Smart Locks enforces a single line of development by “traveling” across branches until it reaches the destination branch where the change is checked or merged back in. By traveling and automatically checking to confirm that you’ are working from the latest version before allowing you to lock a file, Smart Locks greatly minimizes the risk of merge conflicts.
在 Hub 中更轻松地管理 VCS
Enabling and managing Version Control directly within the Unity Hub is now easier than ever. Just by selecting a checkbox, you can create and link a Version Control repository to a new project. See the project to repository connection status, and link and unlink repositories to existing projects.
独立的工作流程,相同的代码仓库。开发者可以集中方式开展工作,也可通过完整的分支和合并解决方案以分布方式开展工作,而美术师可以基于文件的工作流程和直观的 UI 进行创作。
Built to remain performant and responsive with big files and huge repos, Unity Version Control effortlessly handles the unique complexities of game development.
Unity Version Control works with any engine, including Unreal, and Unity creators can benefit from its deep integration with the Editor. Unity Version Control also integrates with IDEs, issue tracking, collaboration, and DevOps tools like JIRA, Rider, TeamCity, Jenkins, and more.
Instantly set up dedicated cloud servers out of the box to empower your teams to collaborate from anywhere in the world – even when you’re working with the large binary files common in game development.
Code safely with branching and merging, and make changes confidently with locking. Unity Version Control is the only VCS with both.
Created for more than just code, Unity Version Control minimizes conflicts with locking to let you work independently in a separate workspace connected to your main project repo.
Unity Version Control just works. 迁移非常简单,您可以开箱即用地处理大文件并放心提交。人人皆可使用 – 技术水平不限。
Your first three users and 5 GB-hour of monthly data storage are free. 之后,定价取决于每月活跃用户数和总云存储量。For on-prem solutions, please contact sales about Unity Version Control.
Learn how Monster Closet Games maximizes efficiency using engine-agnostic Unity DevOps solutions and automations with Unreal Engine.
了解 Sycoforge 如何利用 Unity 工具来管理不断扩大的项目作用域,并整合玩家反馈以实现快速、迭代的游戏开发。
Find out why Unknown Worlds chose Unity solutions for version control to help bring Subnautica to life.
Learn the key concepts of version control, as well as tips and tricks you can use when setting up your Unity project to help ensure smooth, efficient team collaboration.
Want to dive into Unity Version Control but don’t know where to begin? Check out our introductory course on Unity Learn and start collaborating more efficiently today.