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Case studies
How Lucky Day increased ARPDAU and retention by switching to ironSource mediation
Sep 30, 2021

Lucky Day games focus on fast, fair, and fun skill-based competitions where users can earn real value prizes. Founded in 2014 and with millions of players worldwide, the mission of Lucky Day is to give everyone the chance for a lucky day.

Learn how switching to ironSource mediation with the same networks integrated boosted Lucky Day’s monetization and user acquisition performance, from Justin Rodriguez, Ad Monetization Manager.

Switching to ironSource mediation and increasing ARPDAU by 12% and retention by 3%

Our team at Lucky Day has been monetizing with the ironSource ad network for many years, but we were using a different mediation solution. Since we’ve been happy with our partnership with ironSource, we set out to learn more about their platform.

After integrating the SDK, we activated ironSource’s in-app bidding solution across all of our inventory with the same networks we were running on before.

"After switching to ironSource’s mediation solution and with the same exact networks and instances live, our ARPDAU increased around 12% and retention increased around 3%"

- Justin Rodriguez, Ad Monetization Manager at Lucky Day

We looked at performance data right before and after switching to ironSource’s mediation solution and with the same exact networks and instances live, our ARPDAU increased around 12% and retention increased around 3%.

Stabilizing churn rate with ironSource’s Ad Quality tool

As apps in which users can earn real value prizes become a more competitive space, blocking competitors and setting CPM minimums - allowing competitors to only serve above a set price - is a vital step in keeping our churn rate stable.

To track churn and retention, and monitor the ads we show in our app, our team at Lucky Day began using every feature that ironSource’s Ad Quality solution has to offer. The ability to granularly measure changes in revenue, churn, and CPM has enabled us to safely test blocking competitor content.

We have been able to proactively track and block ads from apps prone to scammy behavior while closely monitoring the impact on churn and CPMs. The ability to preserve strong CPMs and retain users at a higher level with Ad Quality was valuable for our team.

"While we see churn fluctuate in the short term, over longer periods of time, our churn rate has stabilized - which is a huge success for our team."

- Justin Rodriguez, Ad Monetization Manager at Lucky Day

Acquiring high-quality, paying users through ironSource’s cross promotion tool

In addition to keeping churn rate stable, cross promotion is an essential part of our monetization and user acquisition strategies - enabling us to grow our games while keeping high-quality users in our portfolio. ironSource’s cross promotion solution allows us to run all of our cross promotion ads in a stand-alone dedicated bidding network with the same operational and data science benefits as any other bidding network - and we don’t have to pay a premium on our own supply.

"We saw that not only were our users installing Dice Kings, but they were continuing to play Lucky Day and monetizing on both apps."

- Justin Rodriguez, Ad Monetization Manager at Lucky Day

When we started using ironSource’s tool to cross promote our game, Dice Kings, inside Lucky Day, we expected to see a high churn rate of around 8%. But so far, our churn rate has stayed at 1%.

On top of that, we saw that IAP revenue generated from users acquired through cross promotion was double the amount of ad revenue, which is notable considering IAP makes up less than a quarter of our overall revenue. Essentially, ironSource allowed us to acquire high-quality, paying users that play throughout our entire portfolio.

Improving performance by combining ironSource’s products

Combining all the products inside ironSource's platform - from mediation to Ad Quality and cross promotion - we’ve been able to increase ARPDAU and retention, stabilize churn, and continue to acquire high-quality users. We look forward to utilizing more of ironSource’s products in the future.