Unity 2020.3.36

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Known Issues in 2020.3.36f1

  • AI Navigation: NavMesh::Raycast freezes the whole editor in an infinite loop on Application.UpdateScene (UUM-2496)

  • GI: If a user is experience lighting coruption they be may required to reimport due to a fix to which correctly fixes a Uv unwrapping issue (1330830).

  • Inspector Framework: First array element expansion is broken for arrays that use Custom Property Drawers (1409773)

  • Kernel: Unity crashes on StackWalker::GetCurrentCallstack when rest-certificate.pem is corrupted (1423569)

  • Metal: Consistent EditorLoop 5-10ms spikes when using Metal API (1378985)

  • Physics: Crash on internalABP::ABP_PairManager::addPair when switching to ArticulationJointType.SphericalJoint during runtime (1418715)

  • Physics: Physics overlap queries are not consistent when used against convex Mesh Colliders with a very small scale (1377578)

  • Quality of Life: [Mac] Shortcut manager ignores Control modifier (1425117)

  • Shadows/Lights: Scene is brighter in Standalone player if it was open in the Editor at build time (UUM-2743)

  • Text: [Mac] ShortcutManager ignores Shift modifier (UUM-4083)

  • Texture: [Backport] [MacOS] Crash on __pthread_kill when Render Texture has no Depth buffer and Dimension is 3D (UUM-5459)

2020.3.36f1 Release Notes


  • Serialization: Changed alignment in Resource Image transfer function from 4 to 16 bytes to improve patching results on some platforms.


  • Android: Fixed an issue to allow 2 segment package names. (1425979)

  • Android: Fixed Screen.resolutions to return all supported refresh rates, not only 60Hz. (1426366)

  • Asset Import: Fixed an issue that scripted importers that use Allocator.Temp allocated memory no longer leak memory on the asset import worker.

  • Editor: Fixed an issue of uv offsets and eliminates atlas bleed.

  • Editor: Fixed default vertex colors for the billboard LOD vertex data for SpeedTree v8 imports. (1417551)

  • Editor: Fixed IMGUI state being reset when a EditorUtility.DisplayDialog was opened. (1380288)

  • Editor: Fixed ReorderableList Inspector undo repaint issue. (1411755)

  • Editor: Fixed spurious assembly file locking which could prevent rebuild after using the right clic "Open source code" on a test in the Test Runner window.

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue that Texture Memory in Memory Profiler Module is not updated when profiling a Vulkan build. (1320962)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed a possible crash during liveness processing when asynchronous delegate invocation is used. (1417730)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed issue where a try block inside of a loop nested in a try/finally block could cause the finally handler to run multiple times. (1402180)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed the module initializer function call signature to avoid calling the wrong method on WebGL. (1399638)

  • Input: Fixed keyboard not working on iOS 15. (1376970)

  • macOS: Fixed corruption when resizing player window during splash screen. (1396489)

  • macOS: Fixed corruption when resizing player window. (1327755)

  • macOS: Fixed OSX sending a Return keycode event when return was pressed to confirm an IME string. (1381684)

  • Mono: Fixed a bug where the SmtpClient would ignore the ServicePointManager's SecurityProtocol level. (1389326)

  • Particles: Fixed Collider information for GetTriggerParticles, in the case where there were null colliders in the Trigger Module list. (1356510)

  • Particles: Fixed ringbuffer mode to work properly with pause-and-catchup culling mode. (1385616)

  • Profiler: Fixed untracked memory allocated via AsyncUploadManager when browsing Addressables. (1410384)

  • Scripting: Fixed an issue where the type of generic fields inside generic classes would fail to get resolved when building the project. (1415422)

  • uGUI: Fixed InputField not correctly handling IME input when return was pressed. (1349037)

  • uGUI: Fixed RectMask2D using the wrong Canvas for calculations after it was reparented. (1395695)

  • Version Control: Fixed an Editor hang when entering Play Mode.

  • WebGL: Fixed an issue with AudioClip.GetData(). (1369656)

  • Windows: Fixed dragging files from Unity to other applications when the file path contains non-ASCII characters. (1402070)

System Requirements

For development

OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.13+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)

CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.

GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.

The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.

Additional platform development requirements:
  • iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.13+ and Xcode 9.0 or higher.

  • Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK

For running Unity games

Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:

  • Desktop:

    • OS: Windows 7 SP1+, macOS 10.13+, Ubuntu 18.04+
    • Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
    • CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
  • iOS player requires iOS 11.0 or higher.

  • Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.

  • WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities

  • Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build

Package changes in 2020.3.36f1

Packages updated

Packages added


Third Party Notices

For more information please see our Open Source Software Licenses FAQ on the Unity Support Portal

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