Unity 2021.2.0 Beta 12

Select the runtime platforms of your choice from the list below (the desktop runtime is included as standard) or, to install the full complement of runtime platforms, use the download assistant installer above.

Known Issues in 2021.2.0b12

  • CodeEditors: Crash on stopping debugging (1355156)

  • Global Illumination: Crash while sculpting Terrain and Baking Lightmaps (1266511)

  • Global Illumination: Unity 2021.2 crashes on some Windows7 PCs when tbb12.dll gets loaded (1361676)

  • Global Illumination: [Enlighten] Fatal Error when closing the Editor while Generating Lighting (1354238)

  • Global Illumination: [GPU PLM] Fallback to CPU PLM in CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT after switching light color only and rebaking GI (1356714)

  • Global Illumination: [PLM] Baking stalls after starting CPU PLM bake via the lightmapping API with enabled async shader compilation (1331268)

  • HD RP: HDRP Template fills the Console with "Shader error...couldn't open include file" messages after building the project (1342989)

  • IL2CPP: IL2CPP Player crash (1361232)

  • IMGUI: Scrolling is jumping when scrolling in the Input Manager (1362327)

  • Input: Input.GetKey does not trigger when the mouse cursor is outside the Game window (1358134)

  • Input: Touch Input doesn't work in Play Mode when running an Editor on a Touchscreen device (1341159)

  • Linux: Unity Editor crashes when editing "Base Map" color of a material (1358618)

  • Linux: [XR][Linux] Editor Menu disappears when opening new AR or VR Template Project or when pressing "Show Tutorials" (1362449)

  • Metal: Changing Adaptive Resolution Level asks for unsupported texture format which causes Editor crash (1355775)

  • Metal: Performance in Game View is significantly impacted by Gfx.WaitForPresentOnGfxThread when a second monitor is connected (1327408)

  • Mobile: [Android] Build fails when there are 680 or more files in the Streaming Assets folder (1272592)

  • Mono: Fixed hang while entering play mode due to calling a marshaled delegate in native code. (1308216)
    Fixed in 2021.2.0b13.

  • Mono: [Linux] [Mono Upgrade] Unity crashes when detaching the Managed Debugger after hitting a breakpoint (1345784)

  • Packman: User can't easily configure location of both UPM and Asset Store package local cache (1317232)

  • Physics: Editor crashes when accessing RaycastHit.lightmapCoord and the hit Mesh does not have texture channel 1 (1361884)

  • Prefabs: Fix redoing Apply override to Prefab crashes Editor (1355538)
    First seen in 2021.2.0a14.
    Fixed in 2021.2.0b13.

  • Profiling: GUIStyle errors are thrown when entering Play mode with docked Profiler and the "Maximize On Play" option Enabled (1364443)

  • Profiling: Profiler.GetTotalAllocatedMemoryLong increases when Scene is loaded and unloaded (1364643)

  • Quality of Life: Crash on GUIView::DoPaint when selecting color with a color picker (1355078)

  • Scene Management: Poor performance when loading or unloading a large Scene (1360901)

  • Scripting: Crash on PropertyUndoManager::Flush after recompiling scripts (1352394)

  • Scripting: Error CS8035 is thrown on opening a project when using rulesets (1349517)

  • Scripting: Increased Script Assembly reload time (1323490)

  • Scripting: Internal package modules that are not used in a project do not get stripped from player builds. (1332465)

  • Scripting: Performance degradation when activating or deactivating uGUI GameObject (1348763)

  • UI Builder: Changes in UI Builder are lost when editing a 2D sprite (1357086)

  • Video: Crash on WindowsVideoMedia::StepAllStreams when reimporting a .m4v file (1340340)

  • Vulkan: Editor crashes vk_optimusGetInstanceProcAddr after closing Build Settings window (1362844)

  • Vulkan: [Editor] The Scene's GameObjects textures are seemingly random and change colours depending on the Scene's Camera pos. (1337772)

  • WebGL: WebGL fails building on Windows 7 (1340260)

  • XR: [Linux] Scene View doesn't render when opening new AR or VR Template project or pressing "Show Tutorials" (1362435)

New 2021.2.0b12 Entries since 2021.2.0b11


  • GI: Lightmap compression is no longer affected by the "Lightmap Encoding" project setting. Instead, a new setting, "Lightmap Compression" has been introduced to the Lighting Settings Asset. This replaces the previous "Compress Lightmaps" checkbox. (1230918)

  • Package Manager: Terrain Tools package is now included in the Worldbuilding 3D feature set.

API Changes

  • GI: Added: LightingSettings.lightmapCompression has been added and determines the quality of compression used for lightmaps.

  • GI: Deprecated: LightmapSettings.textureCompression has been deprecated in favor of LightingSettings.lightmapCompression.

  • Graphics: Deprecated: Deprecated ShadowAuto, DepthAuto and VideoAuto graphics formats and introduce a new alternative api. (See the Upgrade Guide for details.)


  • 2D: Fixed potential crash caused by race condition when loading SpriteRenderer from multiple threads. (1351843)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Asset Bundles: Fixed Asset Bundle determinism. (1346263)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Asset Pipeline: All domain reloads are now done inside asset db. This fixes problem with reloading of asset objects when doing manual refresh. (1341910)

  • Asset Pipeline: Asset loading is safe in this callback (1267939)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where renaming an asset in the Project Browser could cause the selection highlight to disappear. (1351301)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed issue with EditorApplication.projectChanged not being called when asset is moved or deleted. (1355831)
    First seen in 2022.1.0a4.

  • Asset Pipeline: InitializeOnLoad method shouldn't be used for asset operations, because InitializeOnLoad is called before asset importing is completed. (1279619)

  • Asset Pipeline: New version of OnPostProcessAllAssets with didDomainReload parameter added. This callback should be used for domain reload related initialization that requires asset operations such as asset loading. InitializeOnLoad method shouldn't be used for asset operations, because InitializeOnLoad is called before asset importing is completed. (1274994)

  • Asset Pipeline: PostProcessAllAssets callback now supports all asset db operations (1144276)

  • Audio: Fixed Crash on AudioCustomFilter::GetOrCreateDSP when recompiling scripts while in Play Mode. (1354002)

  • Core: Fixed issue where Profiler/Memory Profiler cannot be connected to Standalone build when Run in Background is disabled. (1355728)

  • Editor: Fixed EnumMaskField incorrectly using int.MaxValue for the Everything value, it now uses -~0 (-1). (1343837)
    First seen in 2021.2.0a17.

  • Editor: Reorderable list null item is now displayed correctly. (1339759)

  • Editor: This fix makes sure to unify the il2cpp default order for managed stripping levels in the Player Settings drop-down menu to the one of Mono (Minimal > Low > Medium > High)

  • Graphics: Fixed a rare crash in shadow rendering. (1350950)

  • Graphics: Fixed crash when switching resolutions rapidly on the unity editor when hardware DRS is enabled on HDRP. (1353948)

  • Graphics: Fixed in crash for software DRS for DLSS in dx12 when changing the resolution mid frame (1352848)

  • Graphics: Fixed various issues wrt uploading Virtual texturing tiles when using non-native texture formats (1337269)

  • iOS: Analytics temporary data no longer stored in a user accessible folder (1211659)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • iOS: Bluetooth keyboards now handle input outside of text entry again. (1355543)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • iOS: Fixed presentation controller dismissal resulting in black screen when allowed orientations were changed while showing it (1304313)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Linux: Fixed an issue where the Assets menu might be disabled after using the right-click context menu, or items in the context menu are unexpectedly disabled. (1346205)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Linux: Fixed issue where dismissing a context menu can cause a crash. (1347655)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed case where clicking on a popup button while the popup was open would not close the existing window. (1335070)

  • Scripting: Prevent context menus near the edge of the screen from popping far away from the context-click on macOS (1355608)
    First seen in 2021.2.0.

  • Scripting: Registering AsmDefs does not cause recompilation of contained scripts (1334286)
    First seen in 2021.2.0a6.

  • Shaders: Added a LevelOfDetail read-only property to ShaderData.Subshader (1352774)

  • Shaders: Fixed a rare Editor crash when loading shaders (1352326)
    First seen in 2021.2.0.

  • Shaders: Fixed Editor being nearly unusable when compiling heavy compute shaders in the background (1348455)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Shaders: Fixed spacing when drawing material UI for Integer based enum properties (1355315)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Shaders: Fixed UI sliders only allowing end values for ranges with the left value greater than the right value (1351151)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • uGUI: Fixed some UGUI editor fields not showing prefab override indicators. (1290387)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed ExecutiveCommand commandName being stripped when a sent event require a new layout pass. (1329303)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed inconsistencies in the visuals of text underline/strikethrough. (1349202)

  • Windows: Fixed incorrect mouse Y position in the new input system when rendering at non-native resolution. (1345405)
    First seen in 2021.2.0b5.

  • Windows: Fixed mouse position being off-by-1 pixel when rendering at lower than native resolution in certain cases.

  • Windows: Fixed resolution resetting to native resolution on primary window when trying to move the secondary window use Display.SetParams.


Third Party Notices

For more information please see our Open Source Software Licenses FAQ on the Unity Support Portal

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