Unity 2023.1.13

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Known Issues in 2023.1.13f1

  • Addressable Assets: The released assets are not unloaded when Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets is called (UUM-37775)

  • Asset - Database: An Infinite import error is thrown when modifying the contents of a "folder plugin" (UUM-47972)

  • Asset Importers: OnImportAsset leaks 5GB of memory (UUM-43067)

  • Cloth: Cannot use Paint tool (UUM-35062)

  • Contextual Menu: [TextMeshPro] "CONTEXT" menu item appears and Editor crashes when TMP 3.2.0-pre.4 package is imported (UUM-40410)

  • Culling: [Mobile] Player freezes on "UnityClassic::Baselib_SystemFutex_Wait" or silently crashes (UUM-41806)

  • DirectX11: [AMD] [DX11] Additional lights are broken when Spotlight is added to the Scene (UUM-20625)

  • Graphics Device Features: Severe performance degradation in Play Mode when using multiple Cameras with “Direct3D12”, “OpenGLCore”, and “OpenGLES3” Graphics APIs in URP & HDRP (UUM-42795)

  • Metal: [iOS] Rendering freezes when the orientation is changed (UUM-9480)

  • OpenGL: [Linux][URP][OpenGL] Scene View has a red texture overlay when the project is using URP and OpenGLCore Graphics API (UUM-44222)

  • Scene/Game View: Button triggers another Button when multiple Canvases are used in multiple windows (UUM-36255)

  • Scripting Runtime: "InvalidOperationException" is thrown when creating new Input Action (UUM-26520)

  • Serialization: Crash and or slow update when List items are reordered in the Inspector Window (UUM-46703)

  • Serialization: Crash on SerializedProperty_CUSTOM_GetStringValueInternal when renaming a ScriptableObject Asset (UUM-41704)

  • Serialization: Editor Crashes on WalkTypeTreeComplete<SerializedObjectTypeTreeWalk::ContainsManagedReferences'::2'::IsManagedReferenceVisitor> when a list with serialize reference fields is re-ordered (UUM-47108)

  • UI Toolkit Framework: "ArgumentNullException" error in the Console when selecting certain ScriptableObjects and entering Play Mode (UUM-39898)

  • UI Toolkit Framework: Unity Editor is rendered without the toolbar icons on Intel HD Graphics 3000 (UUM-13134)

  • Universal RP: RTHandles in URP causes memory allocation in multi-camera scenarios (UUM-19089)

  • Visual Effects - Legacy: Particles are not adhering to the Mesh shape selected when being spawned by Sub Emitter Particles (UUM-47307)

2023.1.13f1 Release Notes

API Changes

  • Particles: Added: Added new custom vertex streams: particle index, mesh axis of rotation, and color packed as 2 floats.


  • Editor: Accessing Transform data from 'OnDestroy' during an Undo operation is no longer allowed and an error message is logged. (UUM-31100)

  • Package: Updated com.unity.scripting.python package's version to 7.0.1.


  • Android: Fixed a bug related to the "Mute Other Audio Sources" player setting on Android. There were two cases where another app's audio might not get muted when it should be. This could happen if the other app was started before the Unity app or if the other app was played via the Android "quick panel" after the Unity app was started. (UUM-37753)

  • Android: Fixed AndroidJavaProxy not always finding over private methods. (UUM-44752)

  • Audio: Added lazy loopEnd evaluation to avoid keeping a value of 0. Downloaded audio files were were not updating this, causing a division by zero in the playback process. (UUM-32163)

  • Build System: Make MsvcInstallationLocator.ParseVSWhereResult accept input with a BOM.

  • Editor: Editor: HDRP: Avoid crash on MacOS by no longer passing Probe Volumes buffer with unexpected stride. (UUM-41474)

  • Editor: Fixed a bug where pressing the RenderDoc capture button in the Game view dock would throw errors. (UUM-45877)

  • Editor: Fixed a bug where the Edit Collider button was missing from the GameObject property window under certain selection circumstances. (UUM-33811)

  • Editor: Fixed editor height shrinks if changing layout. (UUM-30875)

  • Editor: Fixed intermittent crashes in the menu controller that can occur during domain reloads. (UUM-34847)

  • Editor: Fixed issue where modifying a prefab could crash the Editor on Windows. (UUM-36776)

  • Editor: Fixed material previews being rendered black. (UUM-29305)

  • Editor: Perf regression fix with BRG+Vulkan+large batchs. (UUM-33174)

  • Graphics: Fixed a crash when enabling shadows in a scene with both Built-In render pipeline and SRP materials. (UUM-46685)

  • Graphics: Fixed rendering regressions in cube maps that are copied GLESTextures. (UUM-45754)

  • Graphics: Improved SkinnedMeshRenderer mesh compatibility error message. (UUM-46329)

  • HDRP: Fixed prefab preview rendering dark until moved. (UUM-42162)

  • iOS: Fixed multi line keyboard not showing up after it was closed while editing text field. (UUM-21521)

  • Linux: Fixed minor bug in GetOperatingSystemNumeric Linux API. (UUM-45625)

  • Networking: Fixed issue where UnityWebRequest would fail to establish TLS connections with Windows Server 2012 and 2016. (UUM-41557)

  • Physics: Fixed crash in Rigidbody.centerOfMass when accessed on a Rigidbody that got added as a component dependency and not initialised yet. (UUM-35842)

  • Physics: Fixed up WheelCollider.rotationSpeed causing a hard crash when called while no Rigidbody is present up the hierarchy. (UUM-47082)

  • Prefabs: Fixed Not all childrens properties gets reverted when multi-editing a property under one Prefab instance. (UUM-42527)

  • Profiler: Removed extraneous calls to UpdateRendererBoundingVolumes when executing an empty CommandBuffer. (UUM-33237)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed "Edit/Frame Selected" not focusing the last active scene view in the case where the Hierarchy window is focused. (UUM-43944)

  • Scripting: PrefabUtilitiy.InstantiateAttachedAsset is deprecated. (UUM-33714)

  • Shaders: Fixed "gl_" identifiers error generated while compiling some geometry/tessellation shaders for Vulkan. (UUM-30365)

  • Shaders: Fixed keyword space mismatch when using dynamic keywords together with UsePass. (UUM-44739)

  • Shaders: Fixed the UsePass ShaderLab command so it searches all subshaders, not only the first one. (UUM-36470)

  • Shaders: Fixed WarmupAllShaders to actually warm up all variants instead of just a single variant per pass. (UUM-45992)

  • Terrain: Painted detail meshes now generate accurate motion vector values depending on the camera movement instead of incorrect, constant values. This fixes flickering detail meshes painted on terrain, and severely blurred objects when motion blur is enabled. (UUM-43491)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed selection in custom controls in UI Builder. (UUM-32501)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where Rendering Layers didn't work properly when opening a project. (UUM-44741)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue with Screen Space Decals where dark artefacts appeared in the editor. (UUM-40885)

  • Universal RP: Fixed TAA Very High option flicker. (UUM-37582)

  • URP: Fixed per-vertex light layers. (UUM-40810)

  • Video: Video Player Component has irregular playback speed in Player when using WebGL. (UUM-33747)

  • WebGL: Fixed an issue with multithreaded WebGL builds trapping on a function signature exception when switching between scenes. (UUM-33233)


Third Party Notices

For more information please see our Open Source Software Licenses FAQ on the Unity Support Portal
