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Case studies
Homa Games boosts ROI using ARPU insights from ironSource cohort reports
Jun 19, 2019|2 Min


Homa Games is a hyper-casual publisher, which in 2019 formed out of BidMotion, a company that specializes in user acquisition technologies.

Their portfolio of hit games includes Tiny Cars, Tower Color, and Balls vs. Lasers.

The challenge

Homa Games, a relative newcomer to mobile gaming space, didn’t have the technological resources to build their own reporting dashboards, and was searching for a mediation partner that could provide robust data which would allow for meaningful insights into their monetization performance.


Centralize monetization data and reports in one platform

Analyze user monetization behavior quickly and efficiently

The solution

Homa Games began working with the ironSource mediation platform, and received full access to in-depth reporting features - namely the ironSource cohort reports.

“At the end of the day, we wanted a mediation platform that was easy for our developers to integrate and still lets us be hands-on. ironSource was the perfect solution for us here.”

- Vincent Hart de Keating, Co-Founder and Managing Director at Homa Games

The ironSource cohort reports provide deep insights into the user lifecycle, as well as big picture impact of any in-game changes. Learn more about ironSource cohort reports here.


The results

Using ironSource cohort reports, Homa Games is able to instantly see the impact of any changes made to their game design or ad monetization strategy. For each cohort of users, they’re able to track the effect on average revenue per user, the number of impressions per user, engagement related metrics, and more.

“ironSource provides us with all the functions of a typical mediation, plus highly detailed cohort reporting, which gives it a great edge over other platforms.”

- Vincent Hart de Keating, Co-Founder and Managing Director at Homa Games

Specifically, Homa Games uses cohort reports to continuously track retention in their games (D0, D1, D7, D30), as well as ARPU from each user cohort, to understand global trends.

For example, the cohort reports pointed out a sudden drop in ARPU - indicating an issue in the game. Fortunately, Homa Games was alerted immediately, and quickly identified that some new levels integrated early (Level 5 and level 7) in the game were so difficult that users from new cohorts left the game after only a couple of minutes. Homa Games remedied the situation, minimizing negative impact.

Additionally, Homa Games uses the ARPU calculation within the cohort reports to calculate the perfect bid as well as monitor ARPU evolution in order to improve their user acquisition efforts, which resulted in a 9% increase in ROI.
