Unity 2020.2.5

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Known Issues in 2020.2.5f1

  • Serialization: Editor crashes on RaiseException when allocating huge amount of memory (1313492)

  • Polybrush: [PolyBrush] Something went wrong saving brush settings Warning is thrown when Saving a Brush after opening the PolyBrush Window (1315475)

  • Mobile: Screen.dpi returns 0 on iPad Pro for projects built from 2019.4.16f1 (1300359)

  • MacOS: macOS builds no longer run when with a quarantine attribute due to incorrect codesigning (1304455)

  • Global Illumination: Reflection Probe is not baked after pressing "Bake" button in the per-probe Inspector window (1311231)

  • Physics: Crash in physx::NpArticulationReducedCoordinate::createCache() when calling JointState.SaveJointState for unparented bodies (1264800)

  • Scene Management: Freeze or crash on EditorSceneManager::ReloadScene when importing an Asset and reloading the opened Scene (1309393)

  • Scripting: Application.quitting event is not raised when closing build (1309540)

  • CodeEditors: Crash on System.Net.Sockets.Socket:QueueIOSelectorJob when using a VPN and opening a project that uses Visual Studio (1308797)

  • Templates: Editor Crashes when performing Undo and Redo after duplicating Game Object with LEGO Model Asset component (1298503)

  • Asset Importers: [Performance Regression] Importing an fbx model is noticeably slower when the model contains Animations (1265275)

  • Linux: InputSystem's Mouse delta values do not change when the Cursor lockState is set to Locked (1248389)

  • Templates: [Linux] Missing libdl.so library causes crash when entering Playmode for the second time or closing the Editor (1237642)

  • Windows: The Cursor is visible when Cursor.visible is set to false and new InputSystem package is used (1273522)

  • Cloth: Skinned Mesh Renderer's Bounds Extent is set to half of the Transform's Scale when using a Cloth Component (1209765)

  • Global Illumination: [macOS] BugReporter doesn't get invoked when the project crashes (1219458)

  • Texture: uGUI in Texture2D is different than in the Game view when calling ToTexture2D() method on a RenderTexture (1301378)

  • uGUI: AspectRatioFitter gives a warning when changing the Components Aspect Ratio if it's attached to a Canvas (1302464)

  • XR: [XR SDK][Oculus] EarlyUpdate.XRUpdate spikes inconsistently (1262597)

2020.2.5f1 Release Notes

System Requirements Changes


  • 2D: Fixed "Root Bone" and "Bone" Properties tooltip missing in Sprite Skin component (1285255)

  • 2D: Fixed an error when adding AngleRange to SpriteShapeProfile Preset that was reset before. (1273635)

  • 2D: Fixed ArgumentException when tangents and cache geometry are enabled on SpriteShapeController component. (1287237)

  • 2D: Fixed Category List dropdown doesn't expand on clicking its title in the Inspector for Sprite Library Asset (1294948)

  • 2D: Fixed InvalidOperationException thrown continuously on adding SpriteShapeController component to a GameObject with SpriteRenderer. (1240514)

  • AI: Fixed an issue where OffMeshLink prefab was leaking to the main scene after closing the prefab window. (1120451)

  • Android: Fixed an Editor crash when Unity Remote was used in project and Android support not installed. (1302221)

  • Android: Update Android Logcat package to version 1.2.1. See the package change log for full details.

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue with ResourceManager that at startup sometimes would get invalid asset states. (1296212)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where the AssetDatabase could unload active AssetBundle streams, causing object data to be incomplete (1256745, 1281356)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed excessive gizmo rebuilding increasing the player build times by a lot. (1307498)

  • Editor: Fixed a changing editor mode issue which showed "Failed to load window layout" message. (1309845)

  • Editor: Fixed ReorderableList freezing Unity Editor when element height is 0. (1298594, 1300381)

  • Editor: Fixed ReorderableList ignoring custom property labels in inspector. (1297656)

  • Editor: Tooltips are now passed through into PropertyDrawers as part of the label. (885341)

  • Graphics: Fixed an Editor crashes with VFXExpressionContainer::EvaluateExpressions when opening a VFX Graph file.

  • Graphics: [SRP] Fixed an issue were reflections flickered when using SRP Batcher and Custom SRP. (1301727)

  • Particles: Fixed a crash when calling TriggerSubEmitter with a null sub emitter. A warning will now be produced. (1300728)

  • Profiler: Fixed Hierarchy view expansion state not persisting properly across frames stemming from the same session and between Hierarchy and Raw Hierarchy views. Additionally this fixes a potential NullPointerException in ProfilerFrameDataTreeView.AddExpandedChildrenRecursively. (1242253)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed rare crash when rendering gizmos after a script recompilation. (1259765)

  • Scripting: Allow CreateDelegate to work when the delegate type returns an integer, but the method type returns an enum. (1288796)

  • Scripting: Fixed a crash when attempting to deserialize and new a class that was not fully instantiated. (1293534)

  • Scripting: Fixed a crash when calling fast memory APIs with null CommandBuffer. (1290649)

  • Scripting: Fixed incorrect UTC offset during daylight savings time transitions. (1288231)

  • Scripting: Fixed issue where CreateNLSocket on posix systems would return an incorrect handle. (1292368)

  • Services: Fixed an issue where in some cases a game would stall on close if analytics are enabled. (1300333)

  • Shaders: Added missing isnan() support to HLSLcc. (1300409)

  • Shaders: Fixed a caching preprocessor issue that incorrectly handle function-like macros declared in include files during shader import. (1311259)

  • Shaders: Fixed an Editor crashing issue when trying to render non-existent shader properties. (1304931)

  • Shaders: Fixed bad HLSLcc shader code generation on some RWTexture writes (1296751)

  • Shaders: Fixed GetSamplePosition support on Metal shaders. (1292155)

  • Shaders: Fixed GetSamplePosition support on Vulkan shaders. (1230243)

  • Terrain: Avoid unnecessary object loading in the terrain rendering code, therefore eliminate some main thread lock up due to scene being loaded asynchronously in the background. (1276854)

  • UI Elements: Fixed a graphics issue with Intel drivers that were causing bad stretching and clipping in the editor. (1309555)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue when undocking and redocking a shadergraph and then selecting a property on the blackboard throws UIElement errors (1302295)

  • Version Control: Fixed an issue where moving an asset just after adding it via AssetDatabase API was losing the asset VC state. (1283635)

  • WebGL: Fixed pixelated edges of soft shadows for WebGL. (1240932)

  • XR: Fixed an issue where ApplicationInfo was not being properly populated on Lumin platfom. (1304736)


  • Shaders: Shader compiler logs are now generated in Logs folder instead of Library.

System Requirements

For development

OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 8, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.12+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)

CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.

GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.

The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.

Additional platform development requirements:
  • iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.12.6 and Xcode 9.0 or higher.

  • Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK

For running Unity games

Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:

  • Desktop:

    • OS: Windows 7 SP1+, macOS 10.12+, Ubuntu 16.04+
    • Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
    • CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
  • iOS player requires iOS 10.0 or higher.

  • Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.

  • WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities

  • Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build


Third Party Notices

For more information please see our Open Source Software Licenses FAQ on the Unity Support Portal

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