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Molyjam 2012
JOE ROBINS / Anonymous
Apr 11, 2012|3 Min
Molyjam 2012

I love game jams, there is something so incredible about setting out on a quest to craft a game with a tight deadline that can really push creativity in very interesting ways. If done right, its also possible to create a new gameplay mechanic that is not only original but is incredibly fun.

Now that the dust has settled after Molyjam a 48 hour game jam which took place globally at the end of March, a whole creche of baby game ideas has been brought, kicking and screaming into reality. It was a truly fantastic event that grew in scale exponentially from its humble beginnings as an idea to base a game jam around the unique game concepts tweeted by @petermolydeux

As soon as I started to hear mutterings of the Jam while I was at GDC, I knew that we should make sure that Unity supported the Jam by providing trial licenses to all participants and as a result, an impressive 70 Unity games were created during the jam.

There have already been some great interest in some of the games, Ben Pitt aka @robotduck with You Are The Road has already recieved 200,000 plays on Kongregate since putting the game up a week ago!

In Arms' Way by Francis Coulombe, Mark Desmarais, Raymond Ortgiesen and Simon Préfontaine is a hilarious take on the Molydeux tweet

"FPS where your arms are controlled by a psychopath who keeps firing guns at innocent people. You must turn away from them and run."

It's a two player "anti co-op FPS game" where one player controls the movement and the other uses the mouse, with one player trying to kill everyone and the other attempting to stop that from happening.

Another interesting concept was Path:

"Romantic parkour game in which you and the love of your life must hold hands and jump around a city evading death and injury"

Naturally this is only a very small taste out of the 70 games that were cooked up during the 48 hour period, so I would certainly encourage you to dig into the list below.

Goodnight Molly

Inner Worlds

Babbies on a Plane

Dulcis Ex Machina

You Are The Road



The Molydeuxds

Island Rumble

Path: Romantic Parkour

Bowl or Die!

Orphanage Arsenal

Hourglass: Countdown to destruction

Hole Feed Love Angel

Goo Goo Geiger

Dead Balls

Phone Frag!

Far From the Tree

28 Frames Later: Gutters of Blood

You Are The Road

Revenge Of The Road

I, Crow-Bot tm

In the dark, the blind can see

GhostDad 2 Colon Cats Vs. Merlins

PG S CT X: The invisible FPS

Baby GaGa


You Must Hold Onto Your Mothers Hand

The Pits

Terror Bowl

Lets Protest!

Black and Rice 2: Battle of the Gods

The Endless Summer

War Dog

Number Seventeen Cherry Tree Lane

A Roll of Silence

Meant Only For the Righteous


Dance Like There's No Tomorrow

What Did Moly Dream?

Malevolent Traffic Management


Coin Transfer

Betraille: Part Deux

In Arms' Way



Rice On The Floor




Shuriken Frenzy

Hold 'A' to Hug: a Green Square Story

On Bullet's Time


Washing Machine Carnage: The Cleansing

Pro Business Simulator

Bear Survival

Ghost Horror

You Scale My Heart



Don't Deux It


The Loor is Fava


Still Life


Hunger Quake

You Are A Spy & The World Is Transparent

Apocalypse Grandpa: Geriatric Overload
