Unity 2021.3.29

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Known Issues in 2021.3.29f1

  • Asset Importers: Console displays warning about importing c4d files when a Scripted Importer for c4d files is implemented (UUM-36242)

  • Asset Importers: OnImportAsset leaks 5GB of memory (UUM-43067)

  • HD RP: [XR] Editor crash entering play mode with terrain in the scene (UUM-41447)

  • Input: Crash on InputDeviceIOCTL when closing Unity editor (UUM-10774)

  • iOS: App freezes and the "You can attach a managed debugger now if you want" message doesn't show up when running the app on iOS devices with the "Wait For Managed Debugger" setting enabled (UUM-39644)

  • Linux: Crash on DisconnectGtkSignal(void*, GtkCallbackResponse ()(), void) when going through microgame tutorials (UUM-34847)

  • MacOS: Crash on objc_msgSend when the Editor UI gets redrawn (UUM-34202)

  • MacOS: Fix for 2021.3.X: Editor silently crashes when entering Play Mode on macOS (UUM-37060)

  • Metal: [iOS] Rendering freezes when the orientation is changed (UUM-9480)

  • Mono: Crash with ScanAssemblyForAttributesAndInterfaceImplementations when opening a project (1376858)

  • Mono: [Linux] Crash on monoeg_assert_abort when a reload is caused (UUM-36778)

  • Platform Audio: [WebGL] A looping audio sounds different on WebGL than in the editor/native desktop player (UUM-12530)

  • UI Toolkit Framework: Unity Editor is rendered without the toolbar icons when using it on old hardware with integrated GPU (UUM-13134)

  • Universal RP: [URP][XR] Performance degradation when comparing Android Quest 2 builds across 2020.3 and 2023.x (UUM-33025)

  • Vulkan: Editor exits when opening the Scene view window or selecting a material (UUM-36647)

2021.3.29f1 Release Notes


  • IL2CPP: MacOS arm64 builds of il2cpp & UnityLinker updated to target the net 6.0.18 runtime.


  • Package: Fixed a crash that could happen on Android.


  • 2D: Fixed Crash on RasterizeTri when clicking "Pack Preview" after packing an Asset into Sprite Atlas. (UUM-18880)

  • Android: Fixed crash when using Optimized Frame Pacing combined with Vulkan native rendering plugins. (UUM-36096)

  • Asset Import: Fixed bug with BC7 texture encoding upon import crashing on older Penryn (Core 2 Duo) CPUs. (UUM-2508)

  • Asset Pipeline: Ensure all Accelerator cache downloads are used when importing using ParallelImport mode. (UUM-39687)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where mismatched (or corrupted) asset artifact IDs could cause a crash during project launch. (UUM-27531)

  • Build System: Fixed pigz-mac-aarch64 artifact (previously was a linux binary instead). (UUM-42368)

  • Documentation: Updated docs to reflect how the engine works. (UUM-18546)

  • Editor: AndroidJavaProxy correctly maps null variables (e.g empty string) for reflection search + automatic tests for AndroidJavaProxy. (UUM-30243)

  • Editor: Append numbers to differentiate shortcut profiles with the default name "New profile". (UUM-35742)

  • Editor: Disabled blitting to same texture error message when the destination texture is not used as input texture in specified pass in Graphics.Blit. (UUM-33058)

  • Editor: Disabled probe volume in material preview. (UUM-33506)

  • Editor: Fixed "Busy Progress Delay" not saving the new value when clicking to other tabs in the Preferences window. (UUM-35857)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where a UnityException ("Could not find the requested Platform Texture Settings. This is incorrect, did initialization fail?") would sometimes be thrown when inspecting multiple texture importers at the same time. (UUM-15620)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where RFloat / RGFloat / RGBAFloat formats were not useable in the Texture Importer Inspector even though they already could be applied through, for example, an AssetPostprocessor. (UUM-35162)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where users would sometimes be prompted to save their changes by the Texture Importer Inspector despite having not changed any of the importer settings. (UUM-19921)

  • Editor: Fixed build issue on Linux. (UUM-34956)

  • Editor: Fixed CPU usage not reducing when un-focusing editor if a tab is undocked. (UUM-35177)

  • Editor: Fixed createassetmenu attribute menu name with space won't work. (UUM-35120)

  • Editor: Fixed for crash when disconnecting bluetooth audio device. (UUM-12583)

  • Editor: Fixed for freeze while dragging. (UUM-41826)

  • Editor: Fixed modal windows are blank when opened. (UUM-927)

  • Editor: Fixed mouse and trackpad horizontal scrolling in the Windows Editor. (UUM-35980)

  • Editor: Fixed mouse cursor lock mode not working on linux. (UUM-25736)

  • Editor: Fixed nullref occurring when font references have not been initialized properly. (UUM-37504)

  • Editor: Fixed OnRectTransformDimensionsChange is not called on Undo. (UUM-16963)

  • Editor: Fixed PlayerPrefs API in case registry keys has been manually deleted. (UUM-35575)

  • Editor: Fixed Timeline performance problem when previewing animated prefab instances. (UUM-28636)

  • Editor: Fixed UI Toolkit Debugger upward search with SHIFT+F3 on keyboard with Fn key. (UUM-40662)

  • Editor: Fixed xdg-open fallback. (UUM-37536)

  • Editor: For URP and HDRP moved the Realtime GI CPU Usage setting to the Quality tab in Project Settings. (UUM-28789)

  • Editor: Ordered shortcut profiles to display alphabetically. (UUM-34461)

  • Editor: Prefab Documentation link fixed for the help button. (UUM-36665)

  • Editor: Re-enabled canvas UI overlay rendering to respect the render-target render-scale. (UUM-41127)

  • Editor: Switching to the Simulator view from the Game view will no longer change the Simulator view dimensions to be the same as the Game view. (UUM-30110)

  • Editor: This PR backports fix for a regression where Copy-pasting material properties between different materials throws exceptions. (UUM-22634)

  • Editor: Updated libcurl to 8.1.1. (UUM-29475)

  • GI: Backported a fix for a crash and an assertion. (UM-1368)

  • GI: EnlightenRuntimeManager methods are visible in the profiler in Play mode. (UUM-29788)

  • Graphics: Corrected UI behavior when selecting multiple lights of different types. (UUM-36224)

  • Graphics: Fixed a couple of instances where GraphicsFormats would not correctly convert from Linear to SRGB / SRGB to Linear when using GraphicsFormatUtility.GetSRGBFormat / GraphicsFormatUtility.GetLinearFormat.

  • Graphics: Fixed a division-by-zero crash when attempting to use the region-based CopyTexture with depth-only RenderTextures. (UUM-29859)

  • Graphics: Fixed a scenario where combining Linear Project Color Space, DisplayP3, enabled Post-Processing and disabled HDR would provoke 'RenderTexture.Create failed' errors. (UUM-3774)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where a "RenderTexture color format cannot be set to a depth/stencil format" error appeared when passing DefaultFormat.DepthStencil or DefaultFormat.Shadow to the DefaultFormat RenderTexture/CustomRenderTexture constructor. (UUM-11964)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where creating an sRGB texture using one of the TextureFormat constructors in gamma project color space would produce a texture with an incorrect "Texture.isDataSRGB" value (false). (UUM-29736)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where RenderTexture assets using Auto GraphicsFormats would sometimes not upgrade correctly if the depthStencilFormat was None, a D16_UNorm fallback was missing. VideoAuto is now converted to YUV2 as well. (UUM-29430)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where RenderTexture.enableRandomWrite was not being serialized. (UUM-3769)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where SystemInfo.GetCompatibleFormat would return an incompatible format for certain depth-stencil formats + FormatUsage combinations. (UUM-3789)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where the RenderTextureDescriptor 'colorFormat' getter was not consistent with the RenderTexture 'format' getter and was incapable of determining the depth-related RenderTextureFormat when 'graphicsFormat' was 'None'. (UUM-29423)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where the RenderTextureFormat 'format' getter on AttachmentDescriptor would not return RenderTextureFormat.Depth when the 'graphicsFormat' was a depth-stencil format. (UUM-29423)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where, in some instances, specific GraphicsFormatUtility API such as "ConvertToAlphaFormat" or "HasAlphaChannel" were returning incorrect results for a number of TextureFormats. (UUM-35162)

  • Graphics: Fixed instances where the RenderTextureDescriptor sRGB setter would sometimes 'corrupt' or unintentionally modify the descriptor's GraphicsFormat. (UUM-3774)

  • Graphics: Fixed mismatch mipcount error with double buffer and anti-aliasing on. (UUM-30877)

  • Graphics: Fixed shadow render issues on Built-in Render Pipeline when using Metal. (UUM-3150)

  • Graphics: Graphics: Fixed loading of legacy Texture assets that were BC-compressed but didn't have multiple-of-four dimensions. (UUM-19666)

  • Graphics: GraphicsFormat.None is now correctly permitted as a color format on all RenderTexture constructors, enabling the use of the new approach for creating depth-only RTs across all constructors (GraphicsFormat.None as a color format). (UUM-29440)

  • Graphics: Made Always/Vertex pass to be accepted by the ForwardRenderer loop and receive the main light's screenspace shadowmap. (UUM-36912)

  • HDRP: Added an helpbox for local custom pass volumes that doesn't have a collider attached. (UUM-35651)

  • HDRP: Fixed baked light being wrongly put in the cached shadow atlas. (UUM-34189)

  • HDRP: Fixed D3D validation error for area lights in HDShadowAtlas. (UUM-35804)

  • HDRP: Fixed inconsistent documentation about hardware supporting raytracing. (UUM-39577)

  • HDRP: Fixed scene template dependencies. (UUM-36599)

  • HDRP: Fixed wrong metapass when using planar/triplanar projection in HDRP. (UUM-22089)

  • HDRP: Improving DLSS ghosting artifacts a little bit, by using a better pre-exposure parameter. Fixing reset history issues on DLSS camera cuts. (UUM-37205)

  • HDRP: Minor fix to HDRP UI when Raytraced AO is enabled. (UUM-35581)

  • HDRP: Show base color texture on decal materials if Affect BaseColor is disabled. (UUM-29083)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed issue with Managed code stripping when inlining setters with a backing type located in a different assembly. (UUM-30763)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed static constructors on structs not being called before class to struct instance methods. (UUM-39521)

  • iOS: Fixed PlayerSettings.iOS.hideHomeButton not reading/modifying actual PlayerSettings. (UUM-31884)

  • License: Fixed performance issue in IPC comms under heavy thread load. (UUM-35368)

  • Mono: Avoid an incorrect TypeLoadException when a generic type has a field which is a 2D array of itself. (UUM-34854)

  • Mono: Fixed crash when attempting to access a field of a null valuetype object. (UUM-27537)

  • Mono: This fixes string initialization when creating a new string with the intention of all characters getting set to null. Removes the optimization that assumes the memory is clean. (UUM-35559)

  • Networking: UnityWebRequest texture download will now create the texture with mipmaps. (UUM-26628)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where the whole project directory was deleted when removing a package with a non-existent file path. (UUM-36876)

  • Particles: Fixed incorrect simulation when using the Simulate Layers option on effects that contain non-looping sub-emitters. (UUM-40365)

  • Prefabs: Fixed "Prefab mismatch: The instance object in the scene is referencing a corresponding source object in the Prefab of a different type." thrown when applying added GameObject to a Prefab. (UUM-36238)

  • Prefabs: Fixed Property of VFX cant be modified when modifying a VFX Prefab. (UUM-42790)

  • Scripting: Scripting: Fixed performance regression on some API that take array parameters. (UUM-38089)

  • Serialization: Fixed Missing ScriptableObjects do not throw NullReferenceExceptions when accessing their properties in Play Mode. (UUM-34447)

  • Serialization: Fixed where it is not possible to instantiate abstract class, which is happening in this case. The fix for editor crash is to make sure that the abstract StatusEffect class is not instantiated in SerializedReference fields. You can achieve this by either changing all the occurrences, or add [MovedFrom(true, sourceClassName:"StatusEffect")] attribute to StatusEffectComplex class. (UUM-9218)

  • Serialization: Make sure double-s are parsed correctly in MiniJSON ParseNumber. (UUM-19166)

  • Serialization: When serializing empty managed object reference we are not adding the data node in the YAML, which is causing problems after some fields are added to the script and the YAML is being de-serialized. In this case, as there still is not any data node in the YAML, the deserialization process is not instantiating the managed object correctly. (UUM-2258)

  • Shadergraph: Fixed Texture Size node causing compilation error in the Fullscreen ShaderGraph target. (UUM-28758)

  • Shaders: Fixed canceling shader variant compilation not working when compilation was async. (UUM-9826)

  • Shaders: Fixed replacement shaders not picking up keywords enabled on the material that are not valid for the shader assigned to the material. (UUM-40400)

  • SRP Core: Fixed console errors when debug actions are removed from Input Manager during play mode. (UUM-37148)

  • SRP Core: Fixed Rendering Debugger runtime UI getting occluded by user UI with sorting order larger than 0. (UUM-26782)

  • UI: Fixed incorrect UV calculated on UI sprites when texture is a crunched-compressed format. (UUM-40544)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an exception when calling RemoveFromHierarchy during detatchFromPanel events. (UUM-36627)

  • Universal RP: Removed a Debug.Log line in Blitter.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed use of ReadOnlyAttribute in certain managed plugin scenario. (UUM-39921)

  • URP: 2D - Fix additional draw call when Foremost Sorting Layer is enabled during unlit. (UUM-37441)

  • VFX Graph: Filter out META passes from SG generated shaders. (UUM-30050)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed bounds reduction shader compilation on DXC. (UUM-6058)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed HDRP Decal Output when system is in world space. (UUM-41091)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed mesh LOD flickering when using TAA. (UUM-10073)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed mismatching LOD between eyes in multi-pass VR. (UUM-6004)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed particles not rendering when sorting is enabled and no update context is present. (UUM-35121)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed sorting being disabled when Frustum Culling is On is some case. (UUM-40707)

  • VFX Graph: Forces positive color values in graph. (UUM-20076)

  • VFX Graph: Prevent overflow on baked curve and gradient. (UUM-560)

  • VFX Graph: Replace default mesh output shader to be SRP compatible. (UUM-4363)

  • VFX Graph: Restore some tooltips that were lost. (UUM-18536)

  • Video: [WebPlatform] Forwarding video, moves to start on Mac OS Chrome browser when "Build and Run". (UUM-3214)

  • WebGL: Moved BrowserifyJSTool to the WebGL area since its only used by the WebGL build. (UUM-34020)

  • Windows: Fixed for preserving escaped double quote in a quoted command line argument. (UUM-36789)

  • Windows: Fixed PlayerPrefs API in case registry keys has been manually deleted. (UUM-35575)

  • XR: XR: Fixed an issue with XR Input -> Input System that caused Input System's TrackedPoseDriver rotation to drift between Update / BeforeRender calls.


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