Unity 2021.2.0 Beta 13

Select the runtime platforms of your choice from the list below (the desktop runtime is included as standard) or, to install the full complement of runtime platforms, use the download assistant installer above.

Known Issues in 2021.2.0b13

  • Asset Bundles: Building process of the AssetBundles is slow when the file count is huge (1358059)

  • CodeEditors: Crash on stopping debugging (1355156)

  • Editor: Fixed Adaptive Performance render textures scaling sometimes resulting in crash (1355775)
    First seen in 2021.2.0a20.
    Fixed in 2021.2.0b14.

  • GI: Fix issue with light baker locking up the editor when invoked from the C# API in projects with async shader compilation enabled. (1331268)
    First seen in 2021.2.0a5.
    Fixed in 2021.2.0b14.

  • GI: Fixed a crash occurring while sculpting terrain and baking. (1266511)
    Fixed in 2021.2.0b14.

  • GI: Fixed crash when closing editor while generating lighting. (1354238)
    Fixed in 2021.2.0b14.

  • Global Illumination: Unity 2021.2 crashes on some Windows7 PCs when tbb12.dll gets loaded (1361676)

  • Global Illumination: [GPU PLM] Fallback to CPU PLM in CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT after switching light color only and rebaking GI (1356714)

  • Graphics: Fixed sporadic crash when closing BuildSettings (and maybe other) windows when using Editor with Vulkan. (1362844)
    First seen in 2021.2.0.
    Fixed in 2021.2.0b14.

  • HD RP: Black albedo when using Enlighten Realtime GI in HDRP Player (1367133)

  • HD RP: HDRP Template fills the Console with "Shader error...couldn't open include file" messages after building the project (1342989)

  • HD RP: Texcoord2 is missing in the vertex shader input in HDRP with Realtime GI (1366791)

  • IL2CPP: IL2CPP Player crash (1361232)

  • IMGUI: Scrolling is jumping when scrolling in the Input Manager (1362327)

  • Input: Input.GetKey does not trigger when the mouse cursor is outside the Game window (1358134)

  • Input: Touch Input doesn't work in Play Mode when running an Editor on a Touchscreen device (1341159)

  • Linux: Fixed editor crashing when closing a standalone profiler, or closing the editor after a standalone profiler was launched. (1347024)
    First seen in 2021.2.0.
    Fixed in 2021.2.0b14.

  • Linux: Unity Editor crashes when editing "Base Map" color of a material (1358618)

  • Linux: [XR][Linux] Editor Menu disappears when opening new AR or VR Template Project or when pressing "Show Tutorials" (1362449)

  • MacOS: Port count never stops increasing in Standalone build on Mac Standalone (1365570)

  • Mono: [Linux] [Mono Upgrade] Unity crashes when detaching the Managed Debugger after hitting a breakpoint (1345784)

  • Packman: User can't easily configure location of both UPM and Asset Store package local cache (1317232)

  • Physics: Editor crashes when accessing RaycastHit.lightmapCoord and the hit Mesh does not have texture channel 1 (1361884)

  • Profiling: GUIStyle errors are thrown when entering Play mode with docked Profiler and the "Maximize On Play" option Enabled (1364443)

  • Profiling: Profiler.GetTotalAllocatedMemoryLong increases when Scene is loaded and unloaded (1364643)

  • Quality of Life: Crash on GUIView::DoPaint when selecting color with a color picker (1355078)

  • Scripting: Error CS8035 is thrown on opening a project when using rulesets (1349517)

  • Scripting: Increased Script Assembly reload time (1323490)

  • Scripting: Internal package modules that are not used in a project do not get stripped from player builds. (1332465)

  • Scripting: Performance degradation when activating or deactivating uGUI GameObject (1348763)

  • Shadergraph: Fixed a bug with Sprite Targets in ShaderGraph not rendering correctly in game view (1352225)
    First seen in 2021.2.0b2.
    Fixed in 2021.2.0b14.

  • UI Builder: Changes in UI Builder are lost when editing a 2D sprite (1357086)

  • Video: Crash on WindowsVideoMedia::StepAllStreams when reimporting a .m4v file (1340340)

  • Vulkan: [Editor] The Scene's GameObjects textures are seemingly random and change colours depending on the Scene's Camera pos. (1337772)

  • WebGL: WebGL fails building on Windows 7 (1340260)

  • XR: [Linux] Scene View doesn't render when opening new AR or VR Template project or pressing "Show Tutorials" (1362435)

New 2021.2.0b13 Entries since 2021.2.0b12


  • Input System: Released 1.1 of the Input System package with many fixes and improvements. Details at https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/InputSystem/blob/develop/Packages/com.unity.inputsystem/CHANGELOG.md.

  • Profiler: Released com.unity.profiling.core@1.0.0. The package enables advanced markup for Unity Profiler markers and counters. See more details at https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.profiling.core@1.0/manual/index.html.


  • Editor: Now shaders will have SHADER_API_(DESKTOP|MOBILE) define set according to the target build platform.

  • IL2CPP: Improved Span Indexer performance. Added an intrinsic for Span get_Item/indexer to improve performance when accessing a large number of Span items.

  • Package Manager: Improved the wording on the warning message when a user is using a different version of a package than the recommended version.


  • 2D: Changed some of PSDImporter settings to use checkboxes instead of drop down.

  • Package: Com.unity.live-capture 1.0.1-pre.465 package to com.unity.live-capture 1.0.1.

  • Package: Com.unity.purchasing updated to 4.0.0. Please refer to the package changelog online here: https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.purchasing@4.0/changelog/CHANGELOG.html.

  • Package: Updated Sequences to 1.0.2.

  • Package Manager: The Git LFS cache enabled by setting the UPM_ENABLE_GIT_LFS_CACHE environment variable is now always located under the global cache root, even when the cache root location is customized.


  • 2D: Fixed Bone and Sprite influence lists to display correctly. (1349041)

  • 2D: Fixed case where all open Scenes were dirtied when editing a SpriteShape Spline. (1346430)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • 2D: Fixed case where Triangular spriteshape with 0 offset collider does not generate collision shape. (1343836)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • 2D: Fixed exception thrown when manually adding vertices in the Skinning Editor to a Sprite without mesh. (1340105)

  • 2D: Fixed performance regression in PSDImporter Editor. (1349148)

  • 2D: Fixed potential Sprite reference lost when upgrading from 2021.1. (1358979)

  • 2D: Fixed selected Sprite outline in the Skinning Editor is now rendered based on Sprite's geometry. (1335586)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • AI: Fixed crashes from building from meshes larger than the allowed size threshold. (1298356)

  • Android: Fixed issue where too large no compress settings list will break apk build procedure. (1272592)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Android: Ignore CPU values for plugins which are CPU agnostic, for ex., .jar plugins. (1355377)
    First seen in 2021.2.0a18.

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where ScriptableObjects could be loaded when querying their type using AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetTypeAtPath(). (1351973)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where the Editor could crash while entering play mode with an AssetImporter displayed in the Inspector window. (1353925)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where the main object name did not update correctly when duplicating or copying assets. (1227555)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed out-of-sync collection bug when multiple inspectors were opened. (1353678)

  • Build Pipeline: Subtarget property added to BuildSummary. (1350924)
    First seen in 2021.2.0.

  • Burst: Fixed a bug whereby sometimes some LLVM intrinsics could be incorrectly marked as unused causing invalid codegen with calls to math.acos.

  • Editor: Editor: Editor target can be selected in the plugins importer UI. (1350929)
    First seen in 2022.1.0.

  • Editor: Editor: Fix infinite notification in Settingswindow. (1361351)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where tooltips are not displayed for the reorderable lists. (1345236)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Editor: Fixed nested property field context menu not showing apply/revert if only the first property has changes. (1338670)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Game Core: Respect Vsync values set in editor.

  • GI: Fixed a crash that happens when GPULM tiling is ON, exporting the training data is ON and Ambient occlusion is OFF. (1341803)

  • Graphics: Disabled Built-in renderer Lens Flares in Scene View for projects that use a Scriptable Render Pipeline. (1346881)
    First seen in 2021.2.0b2.

  • Graphics: Fixed crash when uploading large number of texture assets in DX12. (1324699)

  • Graphics: Fixed Meshes having incorrect skin weights in builds due to faulty normalization after limiting the number of weights per vertex. (1319068)

  • Graphics: Fixed shader code generation when using Texture2D/Texture2DArray Load with offset. (1357095)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Graphics: Metal editor on OSX now uses CVDisplayLink to time frame presents; this fixes the performance spikes in OSX while using an external monitor. (1327408)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Graphics: Reduced main thread hitching caused by Shader loading.

  • IL2CPP: Fixed compilation error when using an interface with static fields. (1356753)
    First seen in 2021.2.0.

  • IL2CPP: Fixed conversion error on an unused interface that referenced a generic type. (1356746)
    First seen in 2021.2.0b6.

  • IL2CPP: Fixed issue that could cause finally blocks to run more than once. (1357806)
    First seen in 2021.2.0b7.

  • IL2CPP: Fixed possible deadlock on player shutdown. (1357806)
    First seen in 2021.2.0b7.

  • iOS: Reduced memory usage for small uploads in UnityWebRequest. (1355235)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • macOS: Added support for Apple silicon Editor plugins. Fixed error where x64 plugins report a naming conflict with Apple silicon plugins. (1332566)

  • macOS: Fixed Cursor.lockState registers input movement as if the mouse is moved to the center first before following the actual mouse movement. (1283506)

  • Mono: Avoid runtime abort when JIT encounters a callvirt on a static method. (1353003)
    First seen in 2021.2.0a18.

  • Mono: Fixed crash that would occur occasionally when either disconnecting the debugger or closing the editor on linux and OSX. (1354671)
    First seen in 2021.2.0a19.

  • Mono: Fixed hang while entering play mode due to calling a marshaled delegate in native code. (1308216)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Mono: Fixed issue where the C# runtime profile that the Editor ran with incorrectly included Mono.Cecil and other unneeded libraries causing conflicts with user projects. (1342390)
    First seen in 2021.2.0a18.

  • Mono: Fixed performance regression caused by using a slower randomized hashing algorithm in String.GetHashCode. (1358838)
    First seen in 2021.2.0a18.

  • N/A (internal): Fixed exception caused by EmbeddedLinuxPreProcessor, by only executing checks when EmbeddedLinux platform is selected.
    Fixes the removal of unneeded EmbeddedLinux support files (e.g. unstripped debug symbols), to minimize the resulting archive size.

  • Package: Added Live Capture [1.0.1]. Use the Live Capture package to connect to the Unity Virtual Camera and Unity Face Capture companion apps to capture and record camera motion and face performances.

  • Package Manager: Dependencies' state is automatically refreshed in the list when installed or removed by default. (1360937)

  • Package Manager: Fixed a bug where a non-discoverable package is displayed as released on the user's Editor version. (1335740)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where packages using Git LFS on Apple Silicon hardware would fail if Git LFS was installed through Homebrew and the Git LFS executable location was not added to the PATH environment variable. (1353769)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Physics: Anchored prismatic limit handles in screen space to avoid them occluding small Articulation Body links.

  • Physics: Ensure that a Rigidbody2D never alters current Transform Z position at the point we perform interpolation write-back to the Transform position. (1362840)

  • Physics: Ensure that the EdgeCollider2D Gizmo only draws the capsule outline when its EdgeRadius is greater than zero. (1362527)
    First seen in 2021.2.0.

  • Prefabs: Fixed redoing Apply override to Prefab crashes Editor. (1355538)
    First seen in 2021.2.0a14.

  • Prefabs: Fixed regression where if your Prefab contained a MonoBehaviour with a single SerializeReference Array/List field being empty, applying modifications would fail on load and you would get the following error message "Your prefab instances will not be correctly updated because of an editor error. The data buffer is smaller than the expected minimum based on the TypeTree.". (1356059)
    First seen in 2021.2.0a18.

  • Profiler: Added error message when trying to load old profiler data format and direct users to load the data in unity 2018.4. (1341972)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Profiler: Fixed Application.targetFrameRate frames visualization in the Editor when profiling Play mode. (1355826)

  • Profiler: Fixed CPU Usage Profiler Chart not showing Vsync as the category when we are waiting in WaitForTargetFPS->TimeUpdate.WaitForLastPresentationAndUpdateTime for PS4, PS5, D3D11 and D3D12. (1335370)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Profiler: Fixed gaps in script-driven profiler counters in the Editor when profiling Play mode. (1343692)

  • Profiler: Fixed performance test instability. (1351859)

  • Profiler: Profiler charts now correctly render user-defined Profiler Counters in the Network category captured when UNet is disabled. (1360925)

  • Profiler: Removed unrelated stack trace lines for GC Alloc call stacks in Profiler. (1355812)
    First seen in 2021.2.0a18.

  • Profiler: The Profiler window can no longer be shrunk small enough to hide some of the toolbar options. (1354357)

  • Serialization: Fixed for name conversion not working in specific code path. (1352617)

  • Serialization: Keep references to unknown ScriptableObject as "Missing" instead becoming "None" when loading Scene or Prefab. (1328065)

  • Serialization: Reference from Prefab to missing asset becomes valid once asset is added back to project, without reimport. (1270634)

  • Shaders: Enabling "Optimize mesh data" in player settings no longer makes the build process significantly slower. (1349093)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • UI: Backout a optimization of caching the change count where the layout is changed during a layout call. (1324089)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed first visible items in the ListView sometimes not refreshing properly. (1343183)
    First seen in 2021.2.0a19.

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed ScrollToItem after a rebind. (1343187)
    First seen in 2021.2.0a19.

  • Undo System: Prevent crashing when attempting to finalize an undo that is already being finalized. (1352394)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed CultureInfo.CurrentCulture and CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture to return languages from the preferred UWP language list in system settings. It now matches .NET Native behavior. (1170029)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed race-condition when using TouchScreenKeyboard's "text" or "selection" properties immediately after calling Open. (1345877)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed TouchScreenKeyboard on HoloLens2 closing a few seconds after focusing a TextMeshPro input field. (1360514)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • WebGL: Fixed Unity profiler auto-connect for WebGL builds. (1360399)

  • XR: Updated the verified AR Foundation related packages to 4.2.0. Please see the AR Foundation package changelog for details.

  • XR: Updated XR Interaction Toolkit to 1.0.0-pre.5.


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