Case studies
How LBC Studios boosted ARPDAU 37% using Unity LevelPlay’s A/B testing tool
Jan 31, 2024|3 Min

LBC studios is a Canadian gaming studio founded in 2015 known for their hit game, Hempire. When the studio wanted to boost Hempire’s revenue, the Unity LevelPlay team recommended that they optimize their rewarded video strategy.

Gene Park, Director of Marketing at LBC Games, explains how A/B testing a higher rewarded video capping rate boosted Hempire’s ARPDAU 37% and ARPDEU 19% on a single placement. Let’s dive in.

The results
Placement engagement

Optimizing our rewarded video strategy

“We wanted to find new ways to boost Hempire’s revenue on Android, so we decided to brainstorm ideas with our longtime partners at Unity LevelPlay. Together, we discovered a key area that needed optimization: our rewarded video strategy.

Our rewarded videos were capped at 10 ads per user (per day), but some of our ads still had very high impressions per daily engaged user (DEU), so we wanted to try pushing this limit. Our theory was: if we could raise our cap, we might be able to earn more revenue and still maintain a high impression rate. To test it out, we decided to use Unity LevelPlay’s A/B testing tool.”

A/B testing our rewarded video strategy

“Setting up the A/B test was pain free and simple - it took only a matter of minutes. With Unity LevelPlay’s platform data, we got a breakdown of each placement’s performance, and found one store placement with high engagement: 6 impressions/daily engaged user. This high impression rate indicated the placement had untapped revenue potential - so using LevelPlay’s capping tools, we decided to raise the placement’s cap to 20 rewarded videos/day.

After we started the test, the Unity LevelPlay team tracked ARPDAU on the platform and provided consistent updates. After just a week, revenue grew 14%, and impressions/DEU grew 18%. After seeing these promising results, we decided to implement this change on all of our traffic.”

Seeing positive results

“Once we increased this placement’s cap, Hempire’s KPIs jumped even higher than expected - ARPDAU jumped by 37%, ARPDEU grew by 19%, and there was an 80% increase in overall Hempire players engaging with this specific placement.


Following this success, we decided to follow the same trend and increase the cap on other Hempire rewarded video placements, where we’ve also seen very positive results. We’ve also implemented the same strategy with the same exact placement on Hempire iOS.

Overall, this seemingly minor adjustment turned out to have a significant impact in our monetization strategy. We look forward to our continued collaboration with our Unity LevelPlay partners and finding new ways to maximize our growth.