Unity 2022.3.0

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Known Issues in 2022.3.0f1

  • Kernel: Crash on core::Join<core::basic_string<char,core::StringStorageDefault<char> > & __ptr64,char const (& __ptr64)[2],core::basic_string_ref<char> > when the Editor runs out of memory saving an invalid override (UUM-36776)

New 2022.3.0f1 Entries since 2022.2.21f1


  • Android: Avoid an error generated by the Vulkan loader on Android when trying to load vkGetPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRatesKHR as Vulkan device function

  • Android: Filter some redundant warnings on some Adreno devices that cause severe performance issues in development builds

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed crash during Content File loading due to out of bounds array access.

  • Core: Allows NativeArray&lt;T&gt;.Dispose(JobHandle) to be callabled from a Burst compiled function. Previously an InvalidOperationException would be thrown saying "Reflection data was not set up by an Initialize() call."

  • Core: Fixed GameObject being set to dirty after setting active to false when parent is inactive and activeSelf was already false.

  • Editor: Fix crash caused by gpu out of mem (UUM-25089)

  • Editor: Fixed margins appearing in game view on Windows displays with non-integer display scale (UUM-32991)

  • GI: Fixed a bug where moving the camera while in an scene visualization mode would cause light bakes to never finish. (UUM-34425)

  • Graphics: Disable Vulkan DebugUtilsLabels for Linux AMD due to driver crash bug (UUM-31640)

Preview of Final 2022.3.0f1 Release Notes


  • Android: Avoid an error generated by the Vulkan loader on Android when trying to load vkGetPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRatesKHR as Vulkan device function

  • Android: Filter some redundant warnings on some Adreno devices that cause severe performance issues in development builds

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed crash during Content File loading due to out of bounds array access.

  • Core: Allows NativeArray&lt;T&gt;.Dispose(JobHandle) to be callabled from a Burst compiled function. Previously an InvalidOperationException would be thrown saying "Reflection data was not set up by an Initialize() call."

  • Core: Fixed GameObject being set to dirty after setting active to false when parent is inactive and activeSelf was already false.

  • Editor: Fix crash caused by gpu out of mem (UUM-25089)

  • Editor: Fixed margins appearing in game view on Windows displays with non-integer display scale (UUM-32991)

  • GI: Fixed a bug where moving the camera while in an scene visualization mode would cause light bakes to never finish. (UUM-34425)

  • Graphics: Disable Vulkan DebugUtilsLabels for Linux AMD due to driver crash bug (UUM-31640)


Third Party Notices

For more information please see our Open Source Software Licenses FAQ on the Unity Support Portal

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