
Unity DevOps 路线图

Explore the product roadmap for DevOps, and submit your feedback directly to the teams developing Version Control and Build Automation.


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How to share roadmap feedback

If you have accepted to use functional cookies and are logged in using your Unity ID at the top right of the page, then sharing feedback is as simple as clicking a card below, selecting how important the topic is to you, adding your point of view and submitting! 如果您不愿接受 Functional Cookie 或登录,则系统会提示您输入电子邮件地址并进行验证,以便我们在主题更新时与您取得联系。


DevOps is a modular product suite that includes Version Control (formerly Plastic SCM) and Build Automation (formerly Cloud Build). All DevOps products are integrated with Unity.

How to read the roadmap

As part of the dashboard above, you will find a series of cards describing various topics of interest. These cards are organized in horizontal sections that represent the state of development:

Released: This highlights some of the efforts that have already landed in recent versions of Unity. In progress: A team is at work developing solutions for this topic. Planned: We plan to build solutions, but the work has not started or the topic is being researched. Under consideration: We have noted that this is an important topic that requires solutions but are still collecting data and have not yet planned to build solutions for it.

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