Unite 2011: Day 2
JOE ROBINS / Anonymous
Sep 30, 2011|2 Min
Unite 2011: Day 2

So day two of Unite 11 has come to a close. At the time of writing I've just got home from the Unite Party, it was really cool and I had a great time talking to a few of the many, many attendees. At the party I met people who were working on projects for the brewery industry, all the way across to the US military. All simply incredible projects.

Without further ado, here is the link to the Keynote.

Earlier in the day we had a plethora of sessions covering topics ranging from business to art.

Highlights included a sneak peak of the new Shuriken particle system, which is shaping up to be a truly awesome new feature. We also held the Unity Road Map and Wish List session, where attendees are welcomed to quiz us about the future direction of Unity and we open up a dialog to ensure our development road map is in sync with what our users want. The Road Map and Wish List sessions for those who have never been to Unite, are unique in as much as the entire session is off the record and its a chance to talk frankly about the direction Unity is taking so this is one session that you have to be at Unite to see.

At the end of the day we held the Unity Awards. It was great fun to present and we gave out some very deserving awards.

The winners were as follows:

Best Student Game
GLiD - Spiderling

Best Cross-platform Game
Buddy Rush - Team Sollmo of Company 100

Best Gameplay
Rochard - Recoil Games

Best Graphics
Rochard - Recoil Games

Best Non-game
Virtual History Roma - Mondadori

Community Choice
Battlestar Galactica Online - Bigpoint and Artplant

Grand Prix
Battleheart - Mika Mobile

Again I would like to congratulate all the people who entered the competition. There was some absolutely tremendous work produced this year.

On a side note, we also plan to have our session videos up in record breaking time this year. So everyone in the community who was unable to make it, can check out all the cool stuff that has happened so far.

One last note I would like to make, is that there are plans this Friday for anyone who is around, to attend a Unity Game Jam at the San Francisco hacker space Noisebridge.
Its being organized via facebook so if you are interested in jamming, check out the facebook event