Get even more from the Asset Store
THOMASK / Anonymous
Sep 29, 2015|1 Min
Get even more from the Asset Store
Greetings from the Asset Store team! We had a great time on our booth at Unite Boston, meeting so many of you and demonstrating some of the coolest packages our publishers have to offer. We also launched three new features that will make the Asset Store experience more efficient and helpful for everyone.
Big improvements for search

You can now search in the store by combining filters, including price, last update date, and size of package. You can also search within categories.


Watch this quick intro video or just go try it for yourself.


New notification system

Notifications keep you updated on your favorite products. You can modify your notification settings at any time, by logging in to your account (top right corner). You will be notified when:

  • A package you bought or downloaded is updated to a new version
  • A publisher replies to one of your reviews
  • A package on your wish list goes on sale
Baring it all

We made our Asset Store roadmap public! You can now see what features are coming up for both publishers and customers in the next 6-9 months, and where we are investing effort and research beyond that time frame.

Finally, a big thanks to our publishers who showed off their awesome wares at Unite Boston:

Stephan Bouchard
Quantum Theory Entertainment
Invert Game Studios
Cinema Suite
Persistant (PopCornFx)

Happy developing!