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The definitive guide to lighting in the High Definition Render Pipeline (Unity 2021 LTS edition)
Oct 20, 2023
High Definition Render Pipeline (Unity 2021 LTS edition)

Recently updated for the latest LTS release, this comprehensive guide supports existing Unity technical artists and developers to further explore the high-end, physically based lighting techniques in HDRP for both PC and console games.

Some of the new topics covered in this latest edition include:

  • Light Anchors: Set up lights quickly by controlling the angle and distance between the camera and subject.
  • Cloud Layers: Learn about the Cloud Layer system to generate natural-looking clouds that complement your Sky and Visual Environment overrides.
  • Depth of Field updates: Read all about the updates we made to the Volume Override, Cinemachine, and Physical Camera properties.
  • Lens Flares: Check out the Lens Flares samples package and see when you should include them in your rendering process.

Please join the forum discussion and tell us what you think about the e-book as we continue to refine our learning materials.

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