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Top tips for improving your workflows and productivity with Unity 2020 LTS
Oct 20, 2023
Top tips for improving your workflows and productivity with Unity 2020 LTS

Are you ready to boost your productivity with the many toolsets and workflows in Unity? Then don’t wait to download our new guide that collects over 70 time-saving tips to improve your day-to-day aggregate workflow with Unity 2020 LTS.

Even experienced Unity developers might have missed out on some of these improvements. Just a few of the topics covered include:

  • Fast Editor workflows with Shortcuts Manager, Scene visibility, and the Search function
  • Artist tips for 2D tools, animations and lightmapping
  • Developer tips for Custom Menus, the Addressables system, and managing assemblies
  • Setting up your team with the right version control solution

These expert tips can save you hours of work over days and weeks. Download the e-book for free and keep it as a handy reference to help you go faster in Unity.

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