Hero background image
Build multiplayer games with Unity Netcode
Discover Unity’s netcode solution, and get your hands on libraries, tutorials, and samples to start building.
Our multiplayer teams at Unity are gathering in July and August to provide an overview of the latest Unity 6 multiplayer features as well as LiveOps.
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Netcode solutions for casual co-op

Target casual co-op multiplayer games with the Netcode for GameObjects package. Synchronize scenes and GameObjects data across multiple clients and platforms with either client- or server-authoritative models. Unity helps you optimize your multiplayer games with tools to profile the network, both in Play Mode and at runtime.

Relay, from Unity Gaming Services, is a cost-effective peer-to-peer companion service to scale playtests and build a multiplayer game without having to invest in dedicated hosting.

Snowy racecar scene

Netcode solutions for competitive action

Target competitive action multiplayer games with the Netcode for Entities package based on ECS, built for performance and scalability. Build ambitious server-authoritative gameplay featuring prediction, interpolation, and lag compensation.

Manage the costs with a dedicated server build target that can automatically strip assets. Deploy it with Game Server Hosting from Unity Gaming Services, a streamlined approach to maintaining resiliency and scalability in your gaming infrastructure, so you can focus on providing the best experience to your players.

UGS key art

Level up your game with Unity Gaming Services

Build your small-scale cooperative game with Netcode for GameObjects and connect your players with Relay and Lobby.

Plus, access more Unity solutions available to build, manage, and grow your game – battle-tested by the biggest names in gaming.

Electric current going between two panels

Get fine-grain control of the transport layer

Unity Transport Package is a netcode-agnostic library that provides a low-level network layer focused on performance and reliability – a modern, secure, and portable transport library that extends the conventional UDP with advanced features such as support for the Unity Relay service, UnityTLS, and pipelines among others.

Both Netcode for GameObjects and Netcode for Entities rely by default on UTP as a transport. However, developers looking to keep fine-grain control over the network can use UTP as a standalone library.

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Dive into networking code with netcode samples

Learn more about multiplayer game development by exploring the code of our multiplayer samples.

  • Boss Room is a 3D casual co-op game with production-level code – built with Netcode for GameObjects and integrated with Lobby and Relay.
  • Galactic Kittens is a 2D co-op space adventure sample built with Netcode for GameObjects and designed to help you learn how to synchronize network objects.
  • Network Racing is a fact-paced competitive racing sample – built with Netcode for Entities – that exemplifies client-side prediction, interpolation, and lag compensation.
Learn and create within a community

Learn and create within a community

Someone once said that it’s dangerous to go alone – so we thought you should take this! Dive into our documentation for technical references and content to get started with networking.

Plus, our team is active on the Multiplayer forumDiscord, and GitHub if you have any questions.

Learn more about multiplayer networking
Futuristic toolbox
The 8 factors of multiplayer game development

In this guide, we cover the eight factors of multiplayer game development that you need to consider for creating and operating your next multiplayer title.

Enter the Boss Room starting screen
Enter the Boss Room

Explore Unity’s Netcode for GameObjects, Relay, and the underlying patterns of a multiplayer game in our small scale cooperative RPG Boss Room.

Breakwater promo art
Networking small-scale cooperative games

Discover how Breakwaters, an upcoming indie game, chose their model so you can learn how to approach networking a small-scale cooperative game.

Netcode Fact or Fiction

The term “netcode” can come with a bad rap from players – it’s often what’s blamed for latency and bad multiplayer experiences. Learn fact from fiction in this blog that tackles common netcode misconceptions.

multiplay callout
Start building your next multiplayer game

Install Unity multiplayer solutions to get a head start on your next project.

Frequently asked questions

Does Unity Engine work for P2P?


Which platforms will Unity’s multiplayer support?


When will Unity’s multiplayer solutions be production ready?


Will Unity’s multiplayer suite always be separate packages?


Which Editor versions are Unity’s multiplayer solutions available for?


How are Unity’s multiplayer solutions integrated with Unity Gaming Services?


Will you accept pull requests from the community?


Can you use a dedicated server?


Where can I find tutorials and other learning materials?
