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Case studies
TutoTOONS decreases the number of user complaints by 60% with Ad Quality by ironSource
Sep 9, 2021

Founded in 2014 and based out of Lithuania, TutoTOONS is a mobile entertainment company focused on creating inspiring games that foster imagination and learning. With 55M active players across 100+ games published, TutoTOONS has become a household name in millions of homes across the world.

Read on to learn how Stefano Accossato, Ad Monetization & User Acquisition Lead at TutoTOONS, decreased the number of user complaints for inappropriate ads by 60% using Ad Quality by ironSource.

Being on top of the ads we show

At TutoTOONS, ensuring that the ads we show are safe for our audience is a top priority, and being able to investigate inappropriate ads that negatively impact our app performance and user experience is fundamental to our business. But with such a large inventory of apps, monitoring the quality of the impressions we show and controlling our data in a quick and efficient way is challenging, and can lead to app store rejections and a poor user experience.

We needed a reliable tool to help us keep track of our ad impressions, and Ad Quality SDK by ironSource was the only solution reporting on such a high number of metrics with granularity.

Integrating Ad Quality by ironSource

It was easy to integrate the Ad Quality SDK, and as soon as we completed the integration, we were able to view a huge amount of data, such as revenue, churn, and CPM in the dashboard. In addition, we were able to compare Ad Quality’s key metrics to our internal data, allowing our team to work with the dashboard’s data alongside our internal workflow.

ironSource’s advanced filtering options let us react to user complaints, bad reviews, or app store rejections the moment it happens. As soon as Ad Quality sends us a notification, we quickly go through the dashboard and determine which ads were shown at the specific time and date of the complaint - which enables us to take action to report and remove any inappropriate ad.

From day one, the team at ironSource was available to respond to all of our inquiries at any moment. Every suggestion we offered in regards to the product or our needs was listened to and taken into account.

Increasing blocked ads, decreasing complaints

Ad Quality and the support of the team at ironSource has improved our ability to keep track of the ads we show in our apps. In fact, we have been able to track more than 50K advertised apps since integrating the tool.

"With the optimized tracking ability, we have increased the number of blocked irrelevant or inappropriate ads shown in our apps by 600% and decreased user complaints related to inappropriate ads by 60%. "

- Stefano Accossato, Ad Monetization & User Acquisition Lead at TutoTOONS

Ad Quality by ironSource has made it possible to ensure our app is safe for our audience, and the team at ironSource has been great to work with throughout the process.