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Unite 2011: Day 1
JOE ROBINS / Anonymous
Sep 28, 2011|2 Min
Unite 2011: Day 1

So the first day of Unite 2011 is coming to an end. It really has been a record breaking start to proceedings with 1,200 registered attendees with 41 sessions and 70 speakers. Certainly a long way from the first ever Unite which had only 70 attendees and again almost doubling in size compared to last year's 650 participants.

The keynote included a host of major announcements and 3.5 feature demos. We will be getting a video online as soon as possible for anyone who wasn't able to be here for it - and for those that want to go back and watch it all again

Some highlights of our keynote included news of our first acquisition, which comes in the form of Montreal-based studio Mécanim -- now known as Unity Canada. We had been talking to them for a while, really loved their tech and thought they were cool guys. The team is hard at work building a character animation tool that will mean big things for Unity users. They worked on Motion Builder, FBX, and HumanIK.

Joachim also gave a sneak peak of some of the awesome new features coming to 3.5 including: Level of detail, Integrated AI and pathfinding, Light probes, Our whole new particle system "Shuriken" and much more.

Also shown was the launch trailer for Madfinger's new title Shadowgun, which launched on the app store yesterday as well as a sneak peak at the new title, Bladeslinger being developed by Luma Arcade.

We also demoed AngryBots running in a browser via flash using our in-development build to flash feature.

And as if that wasn't enough we then had an awesome guest speaker in David Brevik, president and COO at Gazillion Entertainment who had some great advice on making the most of the technology we have and being part of building a golden age in gaming.

1 day down, 2 days of awesome to go.