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2009: 3 resolutions for the new year
TOM HIGGINS / Anonymous
Jan 7, 2009|2 Min
2009: 3 resolutions for the new year

Now that we're a week deep into 2009 I thought I'd share a few of my new year's resolutions, at least those that pertain to Unity in particular.

I will post more regularly here on my blog. I've often found myself excited by various bits of information from the Unity universe yet I've not been good about coming here and sharing that info for all to read and enjoy. Some times that information will be tidbits I glean from public sources and in other cases it may come from internal sources and thus be "extra juicy" for those outside the company walls.

I will make sure that I'm more available to the community in general, specifically by being more active on the forums and the IRC channel than I was in the closing months of 2008. Customer service and contact with the community are two key agenda items for us and I'm the point man for those efforts so I'll do better in 2009 and beyond.

I will focus on specific community building agenda, including things like trying to form and interact with local user groups, improve the forums (finally!), coordinate student related events, and on and on and on. The Unity community is fantastic, but as it continues to grow (wait for the stampede of Windows content authors!) we'll need to do more to ensure that it continues to be a healthy, happy and productive.

There is a ton more to do in 2009 but I want to focus my "promises" on the above. I think that those three resolutions are ones that will offer the most "bang for the buck" and so I'm here to commit to them in earnest. I'm here to share information, support our users in every way possible and continue to build and strengthen an already awesome community.

Am I on track folks? And what are your Unity-related resolutions?

I wish everyone all the best in 2009, let's rock!