Unity 2021.2.0 Alpha 12

Select the runtime platforms of your choice from the list below (the desktop runtime is included as standard) or, to install the full complement of runtime platforms, use the download assistant installer above.

Known Issues in 2021.2.0a12

  • ShaderGraph: Custom Function Node only accepts .TXT files and they throw errors when using the file selector (1322466)
    This is a change to a 2021.2.0a8 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.
    Fixed in 2021.2.0a13.

  • Video: [Windows 7] "WindowsVideoMedia error 0xc00d36b4" error is thrown when loading a video with the VideoPlayer (1306350)
    Fixed in 2021.2.0a13.

  • XR: OpenXR + URP + UWP rendering stuck (1323833)
    Fixed in 2021.2.0a13.

  • Linux: Linux Editor crashes at "_XFreeX11XCBStructure" when loading tutorials (1323204)

  • MacOS: Crash on _platform_memmove$VARIANT$Rosetta when opening an HDRP project on Apple M1 (1322965)

  • Customer QA Onboarding: Crash on VideoClipPlayback::DetectEndReached when VideoPlayer tries to play Url (1322647)

  • HDRP: The camera doesn't rotate in HDRP Template with the SimpleCameraController.cs script (1326816)

  • WebGL: "SharedArrayBuffer will require cross-origin isolation as of M91" warning is thrown when launching Player on Chrome (1323832)

  • 2D: [Skinning Editor] Vertex can't be created after modifying Vertexes weight and when Sprite is from the .psb file (1322204)

  • Packman: User can't easily configure location of both UPM and Asset Store package local cache (1317232)

  • Terrain: Crash on TreeRenderer::WillRenderTrees when being in Play Mode for several seconds (1317966)

  • Scene Management: Editor crashes while undoing creation of prefab variant when base asset is deleted (1324358)

  • Global Illumination: Reflection probes doesn't contain indirect scene lighting after the on-demand GI bake from the Lighting window (1324246)

  • Templates: Editor Crashes when performing Undo and Redo after duplicating Game Object with LEGO Model Asset component (1298503)

  • Scripting: Increased Script Assembly reload time (1323490)

  • Mobile: [Android] Build fails when there are 680 or more files in the Streaming Assets folder (1272592)

  • Serialization: Crash in SerializedProperty::IsValid when reordering a SerializedProperty list (1320319)

  • Global Illumination: Wintermute::Geometry::Verify errors are spammed when baking a Mesh with Mesh Compression set to Medium/High (1319133)

  • Mono: Crash on System.Net.Sockets.Socket:QueueIOSelectorJob when using a VPN and opening a project that uses Visual Studio (1308797)

  • WebGL: [iOS] video is not playing on iOS (1288692)

  • IMGUI: Contents of a ModalUtility window are invisible when it is launched from a Unity Context Menu (1313636)

  • IL2CPP: [macOS][IL2CPP] Build fails when there are spaces in the project path (1322085)

  • Global Illumination: Performance regression when baking light probes with a light cookie in the scene (1323393)

  • MacOS: MacOS editor fails to load platform editor extensions (1322945)

  • Addressable Assets: Performance bug reported by the DOTS team in PreloadManager::WaitForAllOperationToComplete (1322086)

  • Packman: Package Manager incorrectly shows that there are no packages in a new project (1319205)

  • Global Illumination: [GPUPLM] Crash in RadeonRaysMeshManager::RemoveGeometry while baking Terrain game object with 4k lightmaps on certain GPU (1255993)

  • UI Builder: Visual Studio opens up instead of UI Builder on double-clicking on uXML file in the Project window (1298297)

  • MacOS: [Metal][Editor] Memory grows continuously until Editor crashes when importing 100k materials (1214197)

  • Project Browser: Basic primitive Meshes are not shown in Select Mesh window (1314696)

  • Templates: [Linux] Missing libdl.so library causes crash when entering Playmode for the second time or closing the Editor (1237642)

  • MacOS: [Mac OS] Building Standalone project for Mac when Generate Xcode project is enabled generates both a folder and .xcodeproj (1288729)

New 2021.2.0a12 Entries since 2021.2.0a11


  • Android: Added option to configure the default texture compression format to PlayerSettings.

  • Asset Pipeline: ArtifactBrowser: Added ArtifactDifference Reporting messages.

  • Package: Added com.unity.profiling.core 1.0.0-pre.1 package. The package introduces Unity Profiler markup API with metadata support and counters API. See more details at https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.profiling.core@1.0/manual/index.html

  • Physics: Exposed a set of functions to allow modifying the contact properties right before they are passed to the solver. Useful for creating sticky conveyor belts, making holes in anything, customizing the collision feedback and more.


  • Asset Import: Improved speed of model importing for files that contain multiple meshes.

  • Asset Import: Improved speed of Sketchup model file importing.

  • Asset Import: Reduced peak memory usage during Model Importing.

  • Editor: Settings can now be searched by their properties in Search.

  • IL2CPP: Changed IL2CPP's internal build system to use bee on Android to prepare for improved player build performance.

  • IL2CPP: Upgraded IL2CPP to run on .NET 5.

  • Package: Updated to ProBuilder 5.0.0.

  • Package: Updated WebGL Publisher version to 4.2.1.

  • Profiler: Added missing memory labels sizes to the memory snapshot format, in order to give real value to the prexisting label list. Api for access this data will be found inside the memory profiler package.

  • Profiler: Encoded managed heap section type inside the snapshot format, for retrieval via the memory profiler package.

  • Search: Improved asset search performances by ~4x.

API Changes

  • Build Pipeline: Deprecated: PackedAsset.file has been deprecated. Instead, to find the matching report file for a particular asset the recommended way is to do a filename lookup in the report.

  • Graphics: Added: Added CommandBuffer.SetGlobalInteger().

  • Profiler: Changed: Added GPU profiling capabilities to ProfilerRecorder API.


  • iOS: Changed default texture compression format from PVRTC to ASTC.

  • Package: Updated com.unity.cinemachine to 2.7.3.

  • Package: Updated FBX Exporter package to 4.0.1: https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.formats.fbx@4.0/manual/index.html.

  • Scripting: Quaternion ToString() prints five decimal digits by default. (36265)

  • Scripting: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Bounds, Plane, Ray, Ray2D ToString by default prints two decimal digits (up from one). (1205206)

  • XR: The Oculus XR Plugin package has been updated to 1.9.0.


  • AI: Fixed OffMeshLink and NavMeshLink sometimes not automatically reconnecting after navigation mesh carving. (1287238)

  • Android: Fixed runtime decompression of ASTC HDR cubemaps on devices that don't support ASTC HDR. (1323739)

  • Animation: Fixed values defaulting to zero when disabling writeDefaultValue on a State and mixing. (1303570)

  • Animation: Removed invalid error message when passing < 0.02f values as normalizedTime parameter to the Animator.Play function. (1311378)

  • Asset Bundles: Fixed issue where loading assets from AssetBundles synchronously did not load native object types recursively in some situations. (1321141)

  • Asset Import: Fixed crash when importing FOV animations from 3DsMax. (1324054)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed for loaded native assets that could get unnecessarily reloaded after a domain reload. (1323425)

  • Asset Pipeline: The main object name is now updated as appropriate when moving/renaming a file. (1210886)

  • Asset Pipeline: Using the AssetDatabase.CreateAsset() API to create an asset from a TextAsset object where the file type specified is not a native Unity format such as .ASSET will now report an error about incorrect usage of CreateAsset. (1241343)

  • Audio: Don't shut down audio output device in edit mode when DSPGraph is running. (1310050)

  • Build System: Fixed a problem with the detection of Microsoft.VCLibs SDK extension for UWP builds.

  • Editor: ColorUsageAttribute is now respected when the inspector window is in debug mode. (1312714)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where exceptions are thrown while selecting specific console messages. (1317216)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the mouse cursor over the text field's cancel button is displayed as text instead of arrow and the cursor flickers when mouse is hovered over the cancel button. (1314173, 1314177)

  • Editor: Fixed console window fails to repaint unless hovered over if it had been maximized before. (1300081)

  • Editor: Fixed exception thrown when closing search if started from sync button. (1315777)

  • Editor: Fixed help tips and default opening option of search window. (1315793)

  • Editor: Fixed indent level for color properties in material editor. (946082)
    This is a change to a 2021.2.0a5 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Editor: Fixed issue with CRTL Drag not working when a single item is selected in project browser one-column layout. (1222445)

  • Editor: Fixed Material Editor large thumbnails not showing up correctly for material texture properties when the texture type is Texture2DArray or Texture3D. (1288995)

  • Editor: Fixed Texture3DPreview InfoString incorrectly displaying: Texture dimensions as Z-Y-Z instead of X-Y-Z & very small resolutions. (1321095)

  • Editor: Fixed the issue where editor doesn't show unsaved changes pop up if editor is closed using Unity -> Quit menu item. (1320565)

  • Editor: Reduced stalls in the editor from unloading unused assets. unloading unused assets only runs when memory consumption increased by more than a quarter of the lowest memory consumption after unloading. Asset unloading now happens asynchronously, this significantly reduces stalls in the editor when streaming scenes. (1318468)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Editor: Searching for settings in Search will yield results even when keywords order doesn't match the original string. (1321890)

  • Graphics: Creating a RenderTexture in D3D12 with RenderTexture.antiAliasing value higher than supported by hardware will no longer crash the editor. (1310791)

  • Graphics: Fixed for async texture deletion to make sure graphics commands have completed first. (1280073)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Graphics: Fixed instanced rendering light layers to be initialized to the default (first light layer) instead of zero to fix lack of lighting on the instanced objects. (1268590)

  • Graphics: Fixed issue with scratch buffer reuse on Metal which causes glitch during particle simulation. (1259523)

  • Graphics: Fixed layered rendering (and validation errors) with 3D Textures when using Vulkan. (1323740)

  • Graphics: Fixed Vulkan API AccessTextureByID which was failing due to an incorrect internal implementation.

  • IL2CPP: Corrected convert assemblies that do not have a type. (1319131)

  • IL2CPP: Corrected initialize the value of a Nullable when the nullable object is created via the null coalescing operator from a null value. (1312533)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • IL2CPP: Fixed bug that could cause MSVC based compilers to fail on compiling precompiled headers when Unity is installed to a path with spaces. (1319442)
    This is a change to a 2021.2.0a8 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • IL2CPP: Fixed error on type implementing a generic interface multiple times. (1319313)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • iOS: Fixed an issue where you are unable to combine the last input character in Text Input Field when character limit exists in some languages. (1321661)

  • iOS: Fixed verticalOrientation deprecation warning text by adding missing information about ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown. (1307839)

  • Kernel: Atomic 64-bit Load/Store on Win32/UWP x86 fixed (Reads and writes to 64-bit values are not guaranteed to be atomic on 32-bit Windows).

  • Kernel: Stop using recently deprecated timer native functions on Mac/iOS/tvOS and replace with current official recommendation.

  • Linux: Fixed Mouse.position showing coordinates in the window space the mouse was over, instead of the game view. (1318271)

  • Linux: Fixed shifted key events in the old input system. (1316748)

  • macOS: Fixed failing to resign binaries after Unity has signed them with error: "file not in an order that can be processed (code signature data out of place):". (1324168)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • macOS: Fixed HDRP template rendering mostly a black scene on MacOS. (1322946)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where adding packages from a registry which returned invalid publish dates would fail. (1318975)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where the UnityEditor.PackageManager.Client.SearchAll method would result in a connection error despite using offlineMode = true. (1319585)
    This is a change to a 2021.2.0a4 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue which could sometimes cause package resolution errors due to EMFILE errors in projects with a large number of packaged assets.

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue which could sometimes lead to missing files in successfully resolved packages in projects with a large number of packaged assets.

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue which prevented starting UnityPackageManager.exe on Windows when its path contained non-ANSI Unicode characters. (1317244)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Particles: Ensure ParticleSystem.Particle.angularVelocity gets applied properly when set via script. (1322645)

  • Particles: Fixed ParticleSystemRenderer.SetMeshes script API. (1322561)

  • Particles: Fixed pivot setting for Horizontal and Vertical billboard render modes. (1291175)

  • Particles: Keep Particle System curve editor labels within the GUI box, to avoid any clipping. (1323617)

  • Prefabs: Added input check to prevent PrefabUtility.CheckIfAddingPrefabWouldResultInCyclicNesting to crash when applied on invalid input. (1323607)
    This is a change to a 2021.2.0a11 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Prefabs: Instantiating, duplicating or updating prefabs no longer disables and re-enables the whole hierarchy, just the prefab instance. (1269686)

  • Profiler: Fixed Recorder reporting invalid data after being disabled and re-enabled. (1321813)

  • Profiler: Profiler will now clear when entering playmode with the game view maximised. (1307042)

  • Profiler: When disconnecting from and autoconnected device the profiler will now default back to playmode instead of the previous connection. (1268887)

  • Scene Manager: Updated dirtiness logic for undoing after save. (1221800)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed Hierarchy context menu showing empty submenu entries. (1319505)

  • Scripting: Fixed and reenabled buggy native test causing instabilities. (1323581)

  • Scripting: Fixed instability in ScriptIterationTests. (1304279)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Scripting: Improved diagnostic messages for unsupported cases of RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod usage. (1246081)

  • Search: Fixed floating point search expression parsing for non US locales.

  • Search: Fixed search index incremental update merge issue.

  • Search: Fixed SearchService.Request when used with a non-asynchronous queries.
    See https://forum.unity.com/threads/quick-search-preview.635863/page-12#post-6907427.

  • Search: Print a friendly error when saving an invalid search query asset. (1317448)

  • Search: Updated the search provider active state when toggled in the search view provider filters dropdown. (1318459)

  • Shaders: Fixed a rare crash when upgrading shaders. (1299790)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Shaders: Fixed #pragma once directive not working correctly with the caching preprocessor. (1322879)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Shaders: Fixed shader compilation regression on Win 7. (1318359)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Shaders: Fixed sprites using default sprite material not rendering in the Editor when build target is set to console. (1318066)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • UI: Fixed an issue where a camera with a render target setup that was targeting a disabled display wouldn't render UI. (1316603)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed custom element UXML factory not picked up in pre-compiled DLL. (1316913)

  • UI Toolkit: Match text colors of UITK label and UITK field label with IMGUI label and IMGUI prefix label respectively. It also fixes the text color of buttons. (1310581)

  • XR: Fixed depth buffer sharing support. (1242142)


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