Unity 2020.1.0 Alpha 5

Select the runtime platforms of your choice from the list below (the desktop runtime is included as standard) or, to install the full complement of runtime platforms, use the download assistant installer above.

Known Issues in 2020.1.0a5

  • 2D: "ArgumentOutofRangeException" is thrown and SpriteShapeProfile freezes on reset (1178579)

  • 2D: [2d Template] 2d Packages "Sprite" and "Tilemap Editor" is no longer included when using 2D template (1183894)

  • AI: Performance of NavMeshBuilder.UpdateNavMeshData spike up to 10 times (1183826)

  • AI: The NavMeshAgent can not arrive at the Destination if there is the Nav Mesh Obstacle (1185336)

  • Android: Duplicate plugins with the same names prevent from exporting a project to Android (1126919)

  • Animation: Animator.Update CPU time spikes when multiple animations are playing (1184690)

  • Asset Importers: Asset Store Package gets stuck on import (1186812)

  • Asset Importers: .dll Import Settings newer actually apply changes (1182615)

  • Assets Management: Assertions spam the Console when minimizing the Editor Window (1177591)

  • Build Pipeline: [Build] Shader Variants compilation takes additional time when building a project (1174727)

  • Camera: Shadows are not displayed in Game View when Physical Camera component is selected (1184040)

  • Cloud Diagnostics: USYM_UPLOAD_AUTH_TOKEN is thrown in Xcode when the Project is built in BatchMode with -runTests and Cloud Diagnostics enabled (1167025)

  • Editor: A new script is not being opened as a different tab when using VSCode (1173165)
    This has already been backported to older releases.
    Fixed in 2020.1.0a7.

  • Editor: Fix a failure to set a managed reference using 'SerializeProperty,managedReferenceValue' when a classes does not contain any instance object (1181373)
    This has already been backported to older releases.
    Fixed in 2020.1.0a7.

  • Editor: Fix crash in SortByExecutionOrder when reloading assemblies (1179631)
    Fixed in 2020.1.0a7.

  • Editor: Fix issue preventing to switch to different material on selecting another material from Asset selector window on Sprite (1178005)
    Fixed in 2020.1.0a7.

  • Editor: Fix issue with not being able to add MonoBehaviours types from precompiled assemblies (.dll), if the MonoBehaviour type derives from a type in a package. E.g. UIBehaviour and BaseInputModule from UnityEngine.UI. (1160664)
    This has already been backported to older releases.
    Fixed in 2020.1.0a7.

  • Global Illumination: [CPU PLM] Editor crashes when toggling Baked Global Illumination checkbox with auto-bake in HD and Universal rendering pipelines (1180291)

  • Global Illumination: [OSX][GPUPLM] Kernel Panic/Editor crash with 'Thread may have been prematurely finalized' after baking the scene with AMD GPU (1160419)

  • Graphics - General: RenderTextures break after switching window focus (1179935)

  • Graphics - General: [URP] [Regression] CommandBuffer name is always CommandBuffer.Execute on FrameDebugger (1183762)

  • IMGUI: GameObjects or Menu scaling for 4k monitor is always distorted (1185671)

  • IMGUI: Inspector doesn't reflect the information of selected GameObject in Hierarchy after applying changes to Sprite (1186194)

  • IMGUI: RGB, R and G tabs are missing in Baked Lightmap Preview Window (1184759)

  • IMGUI: Fixed the duplicate Save scene dialog issue on changing the Graphics API. (1181646)
    Fixed in 2020.1.0a7.

  • IMGUI: NullReferenceException when calling StartAnimationRecording (1183235)

  • LW RP: [LWRP] Terrain details are pink even when a Prefab Shader is set to one of the LWRP Shaders (1170443)

  • License: "No valid Unity Editor license found. Please contact your adminstrator." error thrown when opening 2019.3.0a12 project (1177596)

  • Linux: Apply button doesn't work when setting .so plugin to be for Linux x86_64 platform (1175413)

  • Linux: Column layout menu does not appear on burger button in Project Window (1185683)

  • Linux: Editor does not quit when pressing the X button, sometimes crashes instead (1175847)

  • Linux: Play keyboard shortcut doesn't work when in playmode (1179119)

  • Linux: Project Settings window cannot go over Build Settings window (1172127)

  • Linux: Selection box when clicking and dragging with mouse in docked Scene view has a significant offset (1186807)

  • Linux: While in play mode, scene mode controls holding right mouse button are extremely sensitive (1178921)

  • Linux: [IMGUI] Inspector Window does not resize with 2/3, 4 Split, Default and Tall windows layout (1185691)

  • Linux: [Vulkan] Editor window appears blank on switching Linux Graphics APIs to Vulkan (1178309)

  • Linux: Fixed sprite tilemap editor not working in paint tile mode. (1176950)
    Fixed in 2020.1.0a7.

  • MacOS: [Editor] Color Picker state is always active even if a color is selected and the color is not getting applied (1172123)

  • MacOS: [MacOS Catalina] Crash on dropping audio file into editor (1178625)

  • MacOS: [Metal][RealtimeGI] Baked albedo colors are different from the shaded colors after baking GI (1183273)

  • MacOS: [Mono][MacOS] Cannot Distribute MacOS Builds - codesign errors on MonoBleedingEdge framework (1170134)

  • Mobile: Player Settings window becomes blank and starts spitting errors after going to Android Settings > Icon (1177292)

  • Mobile: [Android] Crash in java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError when application location is changed to SD card on Android device (1181365)

  • Mobile: [Android] Loading assets from AssetBundles takes significantly more time when the project is built as an AAB (1153358)

  • Mobile: [Android][IL2CPP] Building fails on a New Project set to IL2CPP (1185223)

  • Mobile: [Mac] UnityEditor Mac sometimes loses the installed Platform Support (1166802)

  • Mono: [Coverage] crash on mono_profiler_get_coverage_data when calling Coverage.GetStatsFor() (1183682)

  • Physics2D: [2D] CompositeCollider2D doesn't generate correct shape when Geometry Type set to Polygon (1186858)

  • Physics: Cloth constraints are incorrect when Skinned Mesh Renderer is used with Cloth component (1184422)

  • Physics: Crash in physics PhysicsManager::Simulate (1122684)

  • Physics: Crash on block_remove when changing mesh to Plane in Skinned Mesh Renderer while cloth component attached (1162918)

  • Physics: Fix a crash that happened when a MeshCollider overlapping a trigger got its sharedMesh set to null and then immediately destroyed (1155827)
    Fixed in 2020.1.0a7.

  • Physics: Parts of Cloth Mesh disappear when entering Play mode (1174475)

  • Post Processing: Moving gameObject's Motion Vectors are not updated (remains non-zero) when it is stopped via script (1178468)

  • Post Processing: [PostProcessing] Is rendered at full resolution when using Dynamic Resolution (via the ScalableBufferManager) (1167247)

  • Profiling: [Profiler] Profiler mode changes on increasing/decreasing Frame count value in the Preference window (1186566)

  • Profiling: [Profiler] Profiler reopens a blank window with errors when audio frame data is selected at the time of closing it (1183981)

  • Profiling: [Profiler] Show calls and Show Related object window doesn't open when player loop dropdown is open in Hierarchy mode (1179845)

  • Scripting: ScriptableObject references become temporarily null in Editor when they are modified outside of Unity and then reloaded (1050941)

  • Scripting: [SerializeReference] Crash when changing a shared child node (1181147)

  • Scripting: [Templates] Clamp BlendShapes are set to true by default when creating new projects (1148638)

  • Shuriken: Billboard Particle System rolls in the Game View with "Allow Roll" disabled when a Camera is rotating around it (1081596)

  • Themes: Unity keeps refreshing on mouse pointer up when font is changed and tree is selected in Project Browser (1186272)

  • UDP: Sandbox test account passwords are displayed and transmitted in plain text (1178843)

  • UI Elements: UIElements elements are not redrawn correctly (1181444)

  • UI: removing disabled selectable items right away instead of waiting. This will prevent unused references from being held. (1160054)
    Fixed in 2020.1.0a7.

  • UnityLinker: Correctly handle unresolved events on missing types, which can occur with the Vuforia package. (1178453)
    This has already been backported to older releases.
    Fixed in 2020.1.0a7.

  • Version Control: Fix for Asset Store Package Installation sometimes failing when VCS is enabled (1185387, 1186510)
    Fixed in 2020.1.0a7.

  • Windows: Increased input lag / delay in Standalone build when having low frames per second or VSync enabled (1170660)

  • Windows: [Deployment Management] Editor crashes on creating a build with custom Icon. (1185194)

  • XR: With Vulkan selected, editor will crash upon entering playmode when using Oculus (1127865)

  • XR: [Oculus GO] PostProcessing effects are not applied to built applications (1103954)

  • XR: [VR]Post Processing Bloom and Vignette Effects are being rendered twice for each eye when using Multi Pass Stereo Rendering Mode (1152584)

  • iOS: Removed all references tpo UIWebView from iOS Player because it is deprecated in iOS 13 (1180664)
    This has already been backported to older releases.
    Fixed in 2020.1.0a7.

  • iOS: [iOS 13.0] Some languages symbols are replaced with a [?] marks (1182806)

  • uGUI: Canvas' children scale when GameObjects are being selected in the Hierarchy (1179114)

  • uGUI: Canvas.BuildBatch 50% - 70% CPU spikes when dragging mouse from Unity window to any other OS window (1175268)

  • uGUI: Creating an asset/script is no longer highlighted for renaming. (1179930)

New 2020.1.0a5 Entries since 2020.1.0a3


  • Audio: Added support for importing .flac files

  • Editor: Support to switch between debug and release code optimizations without restarting the Unity Editor improving Unity Editor performance when compiling in release.

  • Graphics: Allow selection of number of swapchains for Vulkan through Player Settings

  • Linux: Added support IL2CPP scripting backend support for Linux Standalone player

  • Package Manager: Shows reverse dependencies of a package in the package manager window.

Backwards Compatibility Breaking Changes

  • Android: Allow up to 8 job worker threads when using "-job-worker-count"command line option.

  • Asset Import: Removed support for import .c4d files directly to enable Maxon's new scripted importer for Cinema4D

  • Editor: Updates the icon of Unity Editor and Unity Player applications in all supported platforms. (1178732)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Graphics: Added Profile Marker "Gfx.WaitForRenderThread"


  • 2D: Update 2D verified Packages "com.unity.2d.animation": "3.0.4", "com.unity.2d.common": "2.0.2", "com.unity.2d.path": "2.0.2", "com.unity.2d.psdimporter": "2.0.4", "com.unity.2d.spriteshape": "3.0.4",

  • Android: Add support for GL_EXT_texture_compression_astc_decode_mode

  • Android: Android OpenJDK now installable via Unity Hub as separate optional component, Android support is smaller because of that.
    This is a new issue, not seen in any released version.

  • Editor: Add a preference to instantiate new GameObjects created through the "GameObject" main menu at world origin.

  • Editor: Add verified package Quick Search 1.4

  • Editor: Give access to use the linkLabel style.

  • Graphics: Debug.DrawLine now callable from C# jobs

  • iOS: Added GameID to the Social API it will return GamePlayerID when using GameCenter (1176134)

  • iOS: Social.localUser.ID will return the TeamPlayerID instead of GameCenterUsersID on iOS 12 and above (1176134)

  • Package Manager: Adds tooltips to the in progress spinner in the Package Manager Window.

  • Physics: EdgeCollider2D now has adjacent edge feature allowing the control of collision normals when contacting the start or end points of the collider.

  • Prefabs: New workflow feature for Prefabs: "Prefab Mode in Context". By default when opening a Prefab instance in Prefab Mode it will now be opened in Context. To open in Isolation press the modifier key Alt while opening.
    This is a new issue, not seen in any released version.

  • XR: Mobile Oculus - Freed up memory (~30MB for Quest) by not allocating storage for unused display framebuffers.

API Changes

  • Asset Import: Adds AssetDatabase.ImportPackageItemsCallback to provide information about what UnityPackage contents were selected by the user for import.

  • Editor: Modifiy the order of Scene View OnSceneGUI callbacks to invoke the active Editor Tool prior to the View Tool controls. This allows tools to override the alt key, right mouse button, and middle mouse button shortcuts.


  • 2D: Fix rendering of Grid Component in SceneView when disabling or enabling a GameObject with Grid Component. (1178613)

  • Android: Fixed problem with System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture returns Culture.Invariant on Android. (1135996)

  • Android: Rotating device from portrait to landscape multiple times creates visual distortions. (1168456)

  • Android: Updated to latest frame pacing code from Google.
    This is a new issue, not seen in any released version.

  • Apple TV: If any Swift source plugins are in the project settings required to build them will be properly added to the Xcode project. (1176139)

  • Apple TV: If no Apple TV icons are set for specific sizes and a higher resolution icon is available it will be downscaled for that slot (like for other platforms) (1115180)

  • Asset Import: Fixed folders containing assets cannot be reimported. (1176683)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed editor sometimes getting stuck compiling scripts while opening a project. (1139283)

  • DX12: Fix a crash happening when using duplicated surface shaders with the exactly same content in ray tracing. (1179624)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Editor: Added support for async method execution in batch mode. (1146672)

  • Editor: AlphaIsTransparency is no longer disabled in TextureImporter Presets. (1147407)

  • Editor: Animation Motion Root is correctly updated when changing Preset in the ModelImporter inspector. (1151371)

  • Editor: Clamped the Scene View camera Field of View to values between 4 and 160, preventing extreme skewing. (1180037)

  • Editor: Fix scrollTo() to work Horizontally, VerticallyAndHorizontally and with any child of the scrollview (1178213)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Editor: Fixed "Simulate Layers" value "Ignore Raycast" text being clipp (1180251)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where "Probability" text is clipping under "Emission" property of Particle Effect Window. (1180240)

  • Editor: Fixed camera gizmos and preview not getting refreshed when a new aspect ratio is selected in the GameView. (1178618)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Editor: Fixed camera shaking when panning very far from the Scene View pivot. (1178711)

  • Editor: Fixed cursor not unlocking when going from locked to confined in windows editor. (1177561)

  • Editor: Fixed editor window is black when TimeZoneKeyName is invalid. (1169719)

  • Editor: Fixed incorrect label width when drawing Splash Screen logo list items (1175164)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Editor: Fixed issue with RectMask2D Component incorrectly masking the image when animating on its pivot. (1170399)

  • Editor: Fixed LineRenderer position values text being clipped in the inspector. (1180591)

  • Editor: Fixed move tool snapping rounding off snap increment when zoomed out. (858899)

  • Editor: Fixed splashscreen background not being built correctly. (1177632)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Editor: Fixed the Move Tool producing inconsistent results when the active transform rotation is modified while translating. (741954)

  • Editor: Fixed tooltips are offset by a large amount and constrained if another tooltip is shown in quick succession (1167052)

  • Editor: Fixes a couple of styling issues with Animation, Animator, Audio Mixer windows. (1176959)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Editor: FormerlySerializedAsAttribute is working in Presets files. PrefabUtility.SetPropertyModifications do take care of the renaming too. (1162066)

  • Editor: Label size keeps its default size when selecting an AnimationState Preset. (1162303)

  • Editor: Optimize ShaderGUIUtility.ExtractCustomEditorType (1094991)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Editor: SketchUpImporter node selection can be changed in the Preset inspector. (1155243)

  • Editor: Updated the scrollView so that it can be initialize at a specific offset. (1176354)

  • Editor: Zooming to the maximum distance from Scene View pivot no longer throws errors. (1127415)

  • GI: Fixed editor crashing in CalculateLightProbeCoefficients when baking a scene containing light probe proxy volume. (1144619)

  • GI: Fixed GPU lightmapper not working on macOS if the Editor path has a space. (1120397)

  • GI: Fixed GPU lightmapper not working on Radeon RX 5700 (1180454)

  • GI: Fixed issue where it was hard to select probes behind other probes. The hit-area was too big. (1180612)

  • GI: Fixed mixed and baked lights showing up as realtime lights in the player when realtime GI is enabled. (1176876)

  • Graphics: Fix MSAA regressions when using Vulkan API. (1173419)

  • Graphics: Fixed adding Renderer to scene that uses ray tracing effects causes the Editor to crash. (1182029)

  • Graphics: Fixed bug with OpenGL sparse textures not correctly swizzling channels. (1164189)

  • Graphics: Fixed CombineMeshes throwing errors when used with meshes with non-triangles topology. (1130898)

  • Graphics: Fixed SetPixels/GetPixels when using SRGB formats. (1179921, 1179990)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Graphics: Removed wrong error message when using Graphics.DrawMeshInstancedIndirect (1175217)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • IL2CPP: Adding support for initializing "in" parameters with constant default values. (1174681)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • IL2CPP: Avoid an error while processing the Unity.Entities assembly due to incorrect handling of a generic virtual method on a generic type. (1176672)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • IL2CPP: Avoid exception related to loading libc on platforms that don't support it. (1022228)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • IL2CPP: Fixed an issue with IL2CPP not returning null when calling Activator.CreateInstance() with a nullable type, which is the expected behavior when compared to Mono and .NET. (1172280)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • IL2CPP: Fixed an issue with IL2CPP where casting a negative float to an unsigned integer type would produce different results between x86 and ARM platforms. (1166109)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • IL2CPP: Fixed an issue with nested type metadata being re-initialized without checking for previous initialization, which caused a memory leak in certain situations. (1167380)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • IL2CPP: Fixed an unimplemented internal call that caused IL2CPP to fail when calling Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemAnsi(). (1172775)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • IL2CPP: Fixed proper code not being generated when array of type long or ulong is used as the type of a field in a marshalable type. (1173310)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • IL2CPP: Fixed symbol stripping from the executable in incremental builds. (1176071)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • IL2CPP: Fixed the behavior of SendFile on Windows. (1171712)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • IL2CPP: Fixed the reference count behavior for SafeHandle marshaling with out parameters. (1175211)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • IL2CPP: Prevented the creation of GC logs in non-development players. (1164367)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • iOS: Fixed Metal-only app no longer linking GLES framework. (1168449)

  • iOS: Fixed particles color mode resulting in them becoming black. (1179767)

  • iOS: Improved handling of UnityWebRequest timeout. (1175344)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Linux: Fixed bad mouse offset when dragging undocked editor windows. (1175117)

  • Linux: Fixes Bugreporter is collecting Editor.log from wrong location for 2019.2.0a7 (1176211)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Mobile: Fixed problem with ToString() function being culture-invariant on Android, and iOS 11 and higher. (1157137)

  • Package Manager: Fix json parsing error for local Asset Store packages. (1174649, 1178852)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Package Manager: Fixed issue Package Manager not showing correct supported unity versions for Asset Store package. (1179747)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Package Manager: Fixed issue when the user resets packages to default through the editor menu, package manager window is not refreshed. (1174733)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Package Manager: Fixes the issue where package manager windows freezes after installing a package. (1174008, 1174701)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Particles: Apply clamping and wrapping to ParticleSystem.time script API, to ensure it is always valid (1179965)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Particles: Apply size over lifetime before detecting collisions on the first frame after a particle is spawned (1172390)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Particles: Ensure ParticleSystem.SetParticles applies new particle sizes immediately (1179889)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Particles: Fix assert message spam when using orthographic cameras and a Particle System with 0 scale along the Z axis. (1178477)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Particles: Fix crash when using Graphics.ExecuteCommandBuffer with a disabled ParticleSystemRenderer component. (1176567)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Particles: Fix regression in internal mathl ibrary causing some particle rotations to be represented incorrectly (1163414)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Particles: Fix Start Delay if system is paused and resumed before the Start Delay has expired (1178403)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Particles: Fixed animation bindings for the Orbital Velocity properties (1173552)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Particles: Fixed crash in WorldCollision function when spawning particles (1168859)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Particles: Fixed dynamic batching corruption. (1173610)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Particles: Fixed NULL reference exceptions when using the Line/Trail Renderer Inspectors (1169972)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Particles: Fixed NULL reference exceptions when using the Line/Trail Renderer Inspectors (1175208)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Particles: Fixed regression when trying to use Material Proeprty Blocks with Particle Systems (1174499)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Particles: Prevent continuous repainting of the Particle System Inspector, to improve battery life of portable devices in the Editor (1087598)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Particles: Support rendering lines/trails using orthographic cameras with negative near plane values (1169997)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Physics: Fixed a bug in EdgeCollider2D or CompositeCollider2D (in Outline Mode) which resulted in bad collision detection when using very acute angles. (1084610)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Physics: Fixed a bug that allowed fractionally collinear vertex to be specified for PolygonCollider2D and CompositeCollider2D (in Outline mode) which resulted in bad collision detection. (1162291)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Player: Fixed the cursor being visible when locked in Standalone players, when it should be hidden. (1177531)

  • Prefabs: Fixed Prefab Overrides dropdown comparison view label width not matching Inspector. (1180479)

  • Prefabs: Improved handling of corrupted prefabs without crashes. (1131957)

  • SceneManager: Fixed an ArgumentException being thrown when a scene is unloaded and GetRootGameObjects() is used in the EditorSceneManager.sceneClosing event. (1179151)

  • Scripting: Fixed custom editors not working when adding non-editor only assembly definition, unless the user reimports all assets. (1172669)

  • Scripting: Fixed TLS handshake Windows/UWP when root certificate is trusted by the system but not yet in it's certificate store. (1076758)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Scripting: Fixed TypeLoadException errors due to recursive type definition when .Net 4.x Scripting Runtime Version is used. (1147579)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Scripting: Fixed x509 verification issues on iOS with trusted self signed certificates.

  • Scripting: Fixes EditorUtility.CollectDependencies() always returning null (1179390)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Scripting: Makes the incremental gc player setting force an editor restart when changed, as changing it without a restart could result in crashes. (1178756)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Scripting Upgrade: Fixed inability to resolve UnityAPICompatibilityVersionAttribute type/crashes after running AssemblyUpdater. (1161578, 1175500)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Terrain: Fixed terrain rendering not correctly taking the render queue settings on the terrain material.

  • UI: Fixed the UnityEvent property drawer showing UnityEvents in private properties correctly. (1178687)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • UI Elements: Fixed issue with InspectorElement creating duplicate IMGUIContainer. (1178393)

  • UI Elements: Fixed scrollview not persisting scroll position for really large scrollviews. (1152205)

  • UI Elements: Fixed UIElements content disappearing after a RenderTexture release occur. (1174970)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • UI Elements: Fixed UIElements rendering on release Android. (1165827)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Documented EditorUserBuildSettings.wsaUWPBuildType property. (1174627)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fix building Executable Only builds for ARM 32-bit architecture. (1162618)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fix deploying to ARM and ARM64 devices when doing Build & Run via device portal with Executable Only build. (1162626)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fix error message when deploying wrong CPU architecture build via device portal. (1178960)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed Build & Run with Visual Studio 2019. (1158603)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixes key presses being ignored when ALT key held down. (1174908)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixes missing Pen input data with new Input System. (1168844)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixes Xbox DPad not working in new Input System. (1168836)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Visual Studio generated project when targeting Visual Studio 2019 will now correctly use v142 C++ toolset. (1166131)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Video: Fixed spammed logs when transcoding video to H.265 when codec is unsupported. (1104432)

  • Web: Fixed module descriptions. (1179350)

  • Windows: Fixed IL2CPP scripting backend installer for Windows standalone player not present in Unity hub and download assistant. (1182989)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Windows: Fixed Screen.fullscreenMode returning garbage value on Windows Editor. (1178561)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Windows: Fixes file operations failing because relative path exceeds MAX_PATH (1115524)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

Preview of Final 2020.1.0a5 Release Notes

System Requirements Changes

For running Unity games
  • iOS: minimum version incremented to 10.0 (from 9.0).


  • Audio: Added support for importing .flac files

  • Editor: Added support for one finger scroll.

  • Editor: Make ApplyUSS and FromUSS public

  • Editor: Support to switch between debug and release code optimizations without restarting the Unity Editor improving Unity Editor performance when compiling in release.

  • GI: New setting in Mesh Importer for UV unwrap generation that ensures no texel bleeding in lightmaps.

  • Graphics: Allow selection of number of swapchains for Vulkan through Player Settings

  • Linux: Added support IL2CPP scripting backend support for Linux Standalone player

  • Package Manager: Adds UX support for UPM package format hosted on Asset Store

  • Package Manager: Shows reverse dependencies of a package in the package manager window.

  • Particles: Particles: Lifetime by Emitter Speed Module, for controlling how long-lived particles are based on the speed of the emitter at the time they were emitted. This is for instance useful for moving fire.

  • Particles: Particles: New Freeform Stretching mode where particles don't look squashed when viewed head-on, and where particle rotation is independent from stretching direction.

Backwards Compatibility Breaking Changes

  • 2D: Version 3.2.3 of the 2D template

  • Android: Allow up to 8 job worker threads when using "-job-worker-count"command line option.

  • Asset Import: Removed support for import .c4d files directly to enable Maxon's new scripted importer for Cinema4D

  • Editor: All previous script compile errors are now cleared when starting a new script compilation.

  • Editor: Editor now follows shader keywords more strictly, falling back to error shader with invalid keyword sets.

  • Editor: Unity projects now have "UserSettings" top-level folder, EditorUserSettings.asset moved from Library there (960774)

  • Graphics: Added Profile Marker "Gfx.WaitForRenderThread"

  • Graphics: Default Graphics Jobs to disabled for Mac platform

  • Graphics: Implement stencil binding support for Vulkan

  • Graphics: Show Graphics Jobs setting as Experimental on Mac/iOS/tvOS/Android platforms

  • Graphics: Version 4.0.3 of the 3DExtra template

  • Graphics: Version 4.2.2 of the 3D template

  • Scripting: Incremental GC is now enabled by default for new projects

  • Version Control: Paths outside of the unity project are considered to never be part of version control, e.g. AssetDatabase.IsOpenForEdit will return true for them


  • 2D: Update 2D verified Packages "com.unity.2d.animation": "3.0.4", "com.unity.2d.common": "2.0.2", "com.unity.2d.path": "2.0.2", "com.unity.2d.psdimporter": "2.0.4", "com.unity.2d.spriteshape": "3.0.4",

  • Android: Add OpenGL ES support of FrameTimingManager API.

  • Android: Add support for GL_EXT_texture_compression_astc_decode_mode

  • Android: Added support for Android Library projects, created using current Android Studio, as plugins.

  • Android: Improve error messages for cases where android application fails to load libmain.so. Previously it was printing "Unable to find main", now it will print "Failed to load 'libmain.so', the application will terminate.", additionally it will print exception from System.loadLibrary with detailed info, where the application was looking for libmain.so

  • Animation: Added functions to HumanPoseHandler in order to get and set joint transforms.

  • Asset Import: Added 'IgnorePNGGamma' setting to the textureImporter. (1172234)

  • Asset Import: Added support for components custom attributes in Sketchup importer.

  • Editor: Add a callback for external code to append additional settings to the Scene View camera settings popup window.

  • Editor: Add a preference to instantiate new GameObjects created through the "GameObject" main menu at world origin.

  • Editor: Add options to the Transform's popup menu that allows for copying and pasting of position, rotation, and scale individually.

  • Editor: Add verified package Quick Search 1.4

  • Editor: Added multi-selection to the console, you can now copy multiple entries and use Ctrl+A to select all

  • Editor: Allow space characters for Define Constraints in the Asmdef Inspector.

  • Editor: Assembly compilation messages emitted to the Editor.log now include compilation time.

  • Editor: Clarified error messaging on the event of shader compiler timeout.

  • Editor: Give access to use the linkLabel style.

  • Editor: Improved sharpness and clarity of scene view Gizmo textures when they are far away.

  • Editor: Tweaked the PlayerSettings for XboxOne: in DX12 mode : mark graphics jobs as enabled (even though the tickbox is disabled). For DX12/DX11 mode : mark the graphics jobs mode UI control as disabled.

  • GI: Compressed transparency textures for GPU lightmapper, 75% memory reduction for transparency textures by using rgba32 instead of floats.

  • GI: GPU lightmapper can now write out the filtered AO texture to disk, alongside the Lighting Data Asset. Only available in On Demand mode. Only available through experimental API.

  • Graphics: Debug.DrawLine now callable from C# jobs

  • Graphics: Optimised Cluster Rendering networking

  • Graphics: Texture loading now faster when quality setting set to reduced texture quality.

  • iOS: Added GameID to the Social API it will return GamePlayerID when using GameCenter (1176134)

  • iOS: Social.localUser.ID will return the TeamPlayerID instead of GameCenterUsersID on iOS 12 and above (1176134)

  • macOS: Pen devices are now supported under the new input system on the mac platform

  • Package Manager: Added diagnostic check to Package Manager Diagnostics that starts Unity Package Manager and sends a request to its health check endpoint.

  • Package Manager: Adds new icons and tooltips in the Package Manager Window.

  • Package Manager: Adds tooltips to the in progress spinner in the Package Manager Window.

  • Physics: EdgeCollider2D now has adjacent edge feature allowing the control of collision normals when contacting the start or end points of the collider.

  • Prefabs: The Overrides dropdown buttons "Revert All" and "Apply All" now change to "Revert Selected" and "Apply Selected" when multiple override items are selected. This can speed up workflows, particularly when wanting to apply or revert everything except a few items. (1106861)

  • Profiler: Added an option in the Preferences Window under "Analysis/Profiler/Remember last recording state" to toggle the behaviour from just remembering the Record button state within a session to remembering it across sessions on the same machine.

  • Scripting: Add ENABLE_INPUT_SYSTEM and ENABLE_LEGACY_INPUT_MANAGER defines so code can be written to work in both input systems.

  • Scripting: The serializer can now serialize fields of generic types (e.g. MyClass someField) directly; it is no longer necessary to derive a concrete subclass from a generic type in order to serialize it.

  • UI Elements: Added attribute "type" to ObjectField uxml attributes. This allows for specifying a type and associated Assembly. For example ". If you are unsure of the type string to use, you can use typeof(MyType).AssemblyQualifiedName to get the full string. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.type.assemblyqualifiedname?view=netframework-4.8

  • UI Elements: Added UxmlTypeAttributeDescription. Provides the ability to provide types and assemblies as an attribute in uxml.

  • Version Control: Added "Custom" diff tool option in editor preferences (940881)

  • Version Control: Added 'strip' command to YAMLMerge that can generate a new file with only the differences between the first two

  • XR: Added a protected context option to the Oculus Android settings that should only be enabled when you know that you require a protected graphics context (typically for DRM video).

  • XR: Added a V2 signing option to the Oculus Android settings that should be used when building for Quest, and disabled when building for Go and GearVR.

  • XR: Mobile Oculus - Freed up memory (~30MB for Quest) by not allocating storage for unused display framebuffers.

API Changes

  • Asset Import: Added 'IgnorePNGGamma' getter and setter to TextureImporter

  • Asset Import: Adds AssetDatabase.ImportPackageItemsCallback to provide information about what UnityPackage contents were selected by the user for import.

  • Editor: Exposing user display name on UnityConnect object.

  • Editor: Make ApplyUSS and FromUSS public

  • Editor: Modifiy the order of Scene View OnSceneGUI callbacks to invoke the active Editor Tool prior to the View Tool controls. This allows tools to override the alt key, right mouse button, and middle mouse button shortcuts.

  • Physics: Add "Physics2D.SimulationMode" to allow selection of three simulations modes: FixedUpdate, Update or Script.

  • Physics: Replace "Physics2D.AutoSimulation" with "Physics2D.SimulationMode".

  • Scripting: Expose the built-in function 'PlatformSpecificOpenFileAtLine' (1173165)

  • UI Elements: Remove borderColor property from IStyle and IResolvedStyle


  • 2D: Fix rendering of Grid Component in SceneView when disabling or enabling a GameObject with Grid Component. (1178613)

  • 2D: Fixed part of sprite is cut off when Mesh Type is set to Tight. (1175447)

  • Android: Fixed problem with screen not rotating immediately accordingly to its holding position after autorotation is enabled. (1169727)

  • Android: Fixed problem with signing release App Bundle using non-ASCII passwords . (1167092)

  • Android: Fixed problem with System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture returns Culture.Invariant on Android. (1135996)

  • Android: Rotating device from portrait to landscape multiple times creates visual distortions. (1168456)

  • Animation: Fixed an issue where Animator view breadcrumbs would get mixed up when navigating from a controller with more layers. (1146244)

  • Animation: Fixed Animator Layer scripts being displayed twice when using the Animator Controller Playable. (1173312)

  • Animation: Fixed issue when trying to step backwards frame by frame in the animation window and some frames would be skipped. We now search based on frame numbers before looking comparing time values to avoid missing valid key frames. (1151612)

  • Animation: Fixed state machines and transitions not being selected selected when pasting in Animator State Machine. (1112939)

  • Apple TV: If any Swift source plugins are in the project settings required to build them will be properly added to the Xcode project. (1176139)

  • Apple TV: If no Apple TV icons are set for specific sizes and a higher resolution icon is available it will be downscaled for that slot (like for other platforms) (1115180)

  • Asset Import: Fixed asset importer crashing when importing a shader specific shader. (1162577)

  • Asset Import: Fixed folders containing assets cannot be reimported. (1176683)

  • Asset Import: Fixed incorrect colors when importing a PNG file with a file gamma value of 1.0. (1172234)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed editor sometimes getting stuck compiling scripts while opening a project. (1139283)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed ScanFilter::Normalize being slow and called every time an asset is added to the filter. (1166652)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed building in batchmode fails for first time after removing file from project. (703290)

  • Editor: Added support for async method execution in batch mode. (1146672)

  • Editor: AlphaIsTransparency is no longer disabled in TextureImporter Presets. (1147407)

  • Editor: Animation Motion Root is correctly updated when changing Preset in the ModelImporter inspector. (1151371)

  • Editor: Clamped the Scene View camera Field of View to values between 4 and 160, preventing extreme skewing. (1180037)

  • Editor: Fix InspectorWindow lock exception. (1173185)

  • Editor: FIx the issue with MissingReferenceExceptions when changing parent of a UI element to Disabled canvas in Play mode. (1171433)

  • Editor: Fixed "Simulate Layers" value "Ignore Raycast" text being clipp (1180251)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where "Probability" text is clipping under "Emission" property of Particle Effect Window. (1180240)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where sometimes the selected Asmdef gets stuck on the first selection. (1153558)

  • Editor: Fixed camera shaking when panning very far from the Scene View pivot. (1178711)

  • Editor: Fixed cursor not unlocking when going from locked to confined in windows editor. (1177561)

  • Editor: Fixed Custom Render Pipeline field in Quality Settings is asking for MonoBehaviour. (1168162)

  • Editor: Fixed editor crashing when entering the play mode on the HDRP template if there is a Terrain in the scene (1175535)

  • Editor: Fixed editor window is black when TimeZoneKeyName is invalid. (1169719)

  • Editor: Fixed exception when entering isolation with unloaded scenes. (1173474)

  • Editor: Fixed GUI errors during build when the ScriptExecutionOrder settings window is opened. (1169675)

  • Editor: Fixed issue with invalid values for Hash128.

  • Editor: Fixed issue with RectMask2D Component incorrectly masking the image when animating on its pivot. (1170399)

  • Editor: Fixed issue with second monitor inheriting the resolution of the main display during game play. (1159209)

  • Editor: Fixed light sources that are contained by disabled GameObject are not shown in Light Explorer. (921363)

  • Editor: Fixed LineRenderer position values text being clipped in the inspector. (1180591)

  • Editor: Fixed move tool snapping rounding off snap increment when zoomed out. (858899)

  • Editor: Fixed Script changes while playing: "Stop playing and recompile" not working. (1035093)

  • Editor: Fixed the bouncing issue when the user clicks on the Tier-Settings option. (1166174)

  • Editor: Fixed the issue with "Show" button text getting clipped from "Compiled code" Dropdown of Shader Import Settings. (1178008)

  • Editor: Fixed the issue with "Show Related Objects" text gets clipped in the Profiler Hierarchy. (1169954)

  • Editor: Fixed the issue with Animation Transition Settings State Foldout not getting clicked. (1169933)

  • Editor: Fixed the Move Tool producing inconsistent results when the active transform rotation is modified while translating. (741954)

  • Editor: Fixed tooltips are offset by a large amount and constrained if another tooltip is shown in quick succession (1167052)

  • Editor: Fixes custom property drawer layouting and height computation (1169149)

  • Editor: FormerlySerializedAsAttribute is working in Presets files. PrefabUtility.SetPropertyModifications do take care of the renaming too. (1162066)

  • Editor: Label size keeps its default size when selecting an AnimationState Preset. (1162303)

  • Editor: Removed redundant warning from Graphics.TextureCopy when copying compressed unreadable textures. (1030477)

  • Editor: SketchUpImporter node selection can be changed in the Preset inspector. (1155243)

  • Editor: Sorted the list of canvases in CanvasManager whenever m_RenderMode of current Canvas is updated to 'Screen Space Overlay' . (1138914)

  • Editor: The viewing angles for the grid in Orthographic (Iso) view are now wider. (1169999)

  • Editor: Updated the scrollView so that it can be initialize at a specific offset. (1176354)

  • Editor: Zooming to the maximum distance from Scene View pivot no longer throws errors. (1127415)

  • Editor: [Northstar Fixes] Fixed text clipping issues related to Northstar theme changes. (1173086)

  • GI: Fixed editor crashing in CalculateLightProbeCoefficients when baking a scene containing light probe proxy volume. (1144619)

  • GI: Fixed failing assert shown in the console when two terrains were identical and had same position. (1075531)

  • GI: Fixed GPU lightmapper not working on macOS if the Editor path has a space. (1120397)

  • GI: Fixed GPU lightmapper not working on Radeon RX 5700 (1180454)

  • GI: Fixed issue for HDRP where they tried to access properties that weren't threadsafe in the player.

  • GI: Fixed issue where it was hard to select probes behind other probes. The hit-area was too big. (1180612)

  • GI: Fixed mixed and baked lights showing up as realtime lights in the player when realtime GI is enabled. (1176876)

  • Graphics: Fix crash in Unity Editor after entering Play Mode when the experimental Ray Tracing API is on. (1174917)

  • Graphics: Fix MSAA regressions when using Vulkan API. (1173419)

  • Graphics: Fix Ray Tracing Shader Inspector stating that Ray Tracing Shaders are not supported even after Direct3D12 was added in the Graphics APIs list from Player Settings. (1172318)

  • Graphics: Fix SSAO artifacting on SpeedTree in Forward rendering mode in the builtin pipeline. (744984)

  • Graphics: Fixed adding Renderer to scene that uses ray tracing effects causes the Editor to crash. (1182029)

  • Graphics: Fixed blitting a texture into a texture array issues two draw calls per blit. (1175408)

  • Graphics: Fixed bug with OpenGL sparse textures not correctly swizzling channels. (1164189)

  • Graphics: Fixed CombineMeshes throwing errors when used with meshes with non-triangles topology. (1130898)

  • Graphics: Fixed crash ing GfxDeviceD3D11Base::EndOfFrameBookkeeping when the Compute Shader buffer is too big. (1153468)

  • Graphics: Fixed inconsistency - warning says instancing will be disabled when used with static batching but it is still working and breaking result object color. (1171312)

  • Graphics: Fixed null gfx device not supporting frame timing api. (1174936)

  • Graphics: Improved runtime light culling speed by avoiding culling of fully baked lights.

  • Graphics: New option in Player Settings to select number of swapchains when using Vulkan.

  • Graphics: [Visual Effect Graph] Crash on VFXExpressionContainer::EvaluateExpressions when the Count of a Sequential Circle is 0. (1167222)

  • IMGUI: Fixed the editor crash issue upon adding a Horizontal/Vertical layout group. (1172598)

  • iOS: Fixed ENABLE_CRUNCH_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION not being set on script side. (1175976)

  • iOS: Fixed metal graphics bug when using Constant Buffer with multiple cameras. (1161637)

  • iOS: Fixed Metal-only app no longer linking GLES framework. (1168449)

  • iOS: Fixed particles color mode resulting in them becoming black. (1179767)

  • Linux: Fixed bad mouse offset when dragging undocked editor windows. (1175117)

  • Linux: Fixed segmentation fault when running a built project with -single-instance argument. (1167394)

  • macOS: Fixed crash when switching GPU in editor.

  • macOS: Fixed Pen & Tablet not working. (1169313)

  • macOS: Fixed Player.log not opening after right-clicking the Console window and selecting 'Open Player Log'. (1133920)

  • Mobile: Fixed problem with ToString() function being culture-invariant on Android, and iOS 11 and higher. (1157137)

  • Package Manager: Fixed some packages showing version 0.0.0 instead of the asset store version in Package Manager window. (1181433)

  • Physics: Allow user to vary cloth constraint visualisation size. (1153439)

  • Physics: Fix issue when selecting self and inter collision particles for cloth. (1153034)

  • Physics: Fixed an issue when editing an EdgeCollider2D or PolygonCollider2D where the Z position of the editing gizmo was not aligned to the Transform Z position. (934389)

  • Physics: Fixed issues with changed SkinnedMeshRenderer transform or root bone changes not being picked up by the cloth inspector. (1143658)

  • Physics: Fixed Seidel solver is misspelled as Siedel solver in the physics settings (1174607)

  • Player: Fixed the cursor being visible when locked in Standalone players, when it should be hidden. (1177531)

  • Prefabs: Fix really old prefabs not being correctly activated. (1138224)

  • Prefabs: Fixed Prefab Overrides dropdown comparison view label width not matching Inspector. (1180479)

  • Prefabs: Fixed selecting multiple prefab overrides + clicking apply does not apply all selected overrides. (1106861)

  • Prefabs: Improved handling of corrupted prefabs without crashes. (1131957)

  • Prefabs: Make sure FindObjectsOfType does not find prefab assets objects during prefab import. (1159905)

  • Prefabs: Properly handle file with .prefab extension even though they are not prefabs. (1164341)

  • Profiler: Fixed start time precision loss when saving profiler data in the editor. (1156652)

  • SceneManager: Fixed an ArgumentException being thrown when a scene is unloaded and GetRootGameObjects() is used in the EditorSceneManager.sceneClosing event. (1179151)

  • Scripting: Fix DLL files targeting different builds using Define Constraints conflicting with each other when building the project. (1143118)

  • Scripting: Fix inconsistent behaviour for reloading scripting assemblies after building a project. (1115674)

  • Scripting: Fix rare issue with player crashing on startup when having editor only serialized fields that use abstract classes. (1172691)

  • Scripting: Fixed ArgumentException being thrown on right-clicking a gameObject with missing script instance. (1171833)

  • Scripting: Fixed custom editors not working when adding non-editor only assembly definition, unless the user reimports all assets. (1172669)

  • Scripting: Fixed x509 verification issues on iOS with trusted self signed certificates.

  • Scripting: Warn when dragging invalid created scriptable object asset to component field.

  • Terrain: Fixed terrain rendering not correctly taking the render queue settings on the terrain material.

  • UI: Fix Preview Button UI not refreshong after finishing Splash Screen Preview. (1171460)

  • UI Elements: Fix issue causing UI Elements windows in the editor to miss content when docked/undocked. (1174796)

  • UI Elements: Fix UI Elements not working with certain GLES 3 Android devices. (1170607)

  • UI Elements: Fixed issue with InspectorElement creating duplicate IMGUIContainer. (1178393)

  • UI Elements: Fixed scrollview not persisting scroll position for really large scrollviews. (1152205)

  • UI Elements: Fixed UIElements rendering on release Android. (1165827)

  • UI Elements: Handle inline styles errors. (1165204)

  • Version Control: "Revert Unchanged" menu item was sometimes incorrectly disabled.

  • Version Control: Fixed Provider.ResolveIsValid not now takes into account any conflicted files inside of folders. (1120219)

  • Version Control: Fixed Revert on a not-yet-saved but locally changed file not working with Asset Database V2. (1175518)

  • Video: Fixed spammed logs when transcoding video to H.265 when codec is unsupported. (1104432)

  • Web: Fixed module descriptions. (1179350)

  • WebGL: Fixed an issue with build startup when using absolute path for WebAssembly module in WebGL. (1173262)

  • XR: Prevent Hololens app pause when switching focus to a 2D view within a running application.

  • XR: UnityEngine.XR.InputDevice feature values will now return Quaternion.identity for rotations that have not yet been set.

System Requirements

For development

OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 8, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.12+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)

CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.

GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.

The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.

Additional platform development requirements:
  • iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.12.6 and Xcode 9.0 or higher.

  • Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK

For running Unity games

Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:

  • Desktop:

    • OS: Windows 7 SP1+, macOS 10.12+, Ubuntu 16.04+
    • Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
    • CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
  • iOS player requires iOS 10.0 or higher.

  • Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.

  • WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities

  • Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build


Third Party Notices

For more information please see our Open Source Software Licenses FAQ on the Unity Support Portal

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