Engine & platform
Multiplayer resource roundup: Get the latest templates, samples, and demos
DANIEL CROUGH / Senior Content Marketing Manager
Mar 27, 2024|6 Min
Multiplayer resource roundup: Get the latest templates, samples, and demos

The 2024 Unity Gaming Report reveals that studios are building more multiplayer games despite the complexity. While bringing more players into game development poses challenges, it’s never been simpler to build multiplayer games with Unity. Browse this curated list of resources to get familiar with the latest multiplayer demos, samples, and templates.

Screenshot of 2D space shooter gameplay
Resources for newer multiplayer devs

Our high-level networking library, NetCode for GameObjects (NGO), simplifies developing multiplayer games by abstracting networking logic. It enables you to manage and transmitGameObjects and world data efficiently across networking sessions to multiple players. If you’re just getting started with multiplayer development, NGO serves as an excellent starting point.

Hello World” project: This beginner-friendly tutorial guides you through setting up a project with NGO to lay the groundwork for your first networked game.

2D space shooter: Delve into physics, movement, and status effects using Netcode, NetworkVariables, and ObjectPooling with this engaging code sample.

Invaders: Gain insights into game flow, unique movement mechanics, networked shared timers, and more.

Client-driven sample: Explore client-driven movements, networked physics, object spawning, and reparenting.

Dynamic Addressables network Prefabs sample: Learn to dynamically add new spawnable prefabs at runtime with this advanced code sample.

Finally, the Unity Gaming Services (UGS) team recently updated their documentation for NGO and multiplayer services. You can also stop by the multiplayer forum if you have questions or need help.

Megacity Metro gameplay
Resources for more advanced multiplayer devs

Ready to tackle more complex multiplayer projects? These advanced demos and samples introduce sophisticated multiplayer concepts, integrating services like Lobby, Vivox, Relay, Multiplay Hosting, and DOTS/ECS.

Small-scale competitive multiplayer template: This is your starting point to create and ship a multiplayer project using Netcode For GameObjects and UGS. The template includes a Bootstrapper tool that helps you test faster using various network modes (Host, Client, Server) and dynamic configurations, in-Editor tutorials, and a bare-bones, event-driven gameplay flow.

Game lobby sample: Learn how to use the Lobby and Relay packages from UGS to create a typical game lobby experience. Connecting to the lobby will also enable Vivox Voice Chat as long as an audio input device is available.

Serverless multiplayer game sample:This sample showcases how to join or create a Lobby Service game lobby and compete in a simple coin-collecting arena game.

Boss Room: This fully functional co-op multiplayer RPG made with Unity Netcode is an educational sample designed to showcase typical netcode patterns often featured in similar multiplayer games. Prefer to follow along with a video? Check out this webinar series.

Galactic Kittens: This 2D co-op space adventure sample game helps you learn how to apply and synchronize sprite animations, particle effects, and basic 2D movement.

Battle Royale with Photon Fusion: We teamed up with Photon to launch a new asset to help you produce peak performance on Unity’s Game Server Hosting (Multiplay) orchestration platform and Matchmaker.

Megacity Metro: Our most robust multiplayer demo to date, Megacity Metro supports 128+ players and uses the latest multiplayer tech, including Unity Gaming Services and DOTS/ECS.

From the community

There are so many videos out there built by our community of developers and content creators, but here are a few of our favorites.

Tarodev’s “How to: Unity Online Multiplayer”:Tarodev has graced us with a wonderful intro to NGO that takes you from installation to interpolation, all the way through to server authority.

Code Monkey’s “Learn Multiplayer Free”:Our pal Code Monkey has an excellent guide on how to build a multiplayer game in Unity using NGO and the rest of UGS.

Turbo’s “Netcode for Entities”course:We couldn’t leave Turbo out of the mix. This course guides you through how to build a multiplayer MOBA-style competitive game.

Building bigger, bolder multiplayer games with ECS/DOTS

If you’re an experienced multiplayer developer and you’ve got a big idea that requires a high degree of performance and determinism, DOTS and ECS might be the right base for your game.

Moving from an object-oriented to a data-oriented design approach can be an adjustment, even for seasoned programmers. We’ve put together this reading list to help you get started with data-oriented design in Unity.

The latest in multiplayer tools from GDC

This year at GDC, we showcased our multiplayer roadmap for Unity 6. We’re working hard to bring you Multiplayer Play Mode, distributed authority, a simpler Multiplayer Services SDK, and more. Check out the roadmap and vote for your favorite features, or jump into the conversation in the multiplayer forum.