Unite 2011: It’s over
JOE ROBINS / Anonymous
Oct 3, 2011|2 Min
Unite 2011: It’s over

Unite has just flown by in a complete blur, as it always does. The Unity staff are heading their different ways, all across the world to get back to making more awesome tech.

For me personally its been an amazing ride to see the evolution of the conference and the level that we have reached in the last few years. Topping it again next year is certainly going to be a challenge but we do have some extraordinary people who have worked insanely hard to make this years conference the great success it was.

On behalf of everyone at Unity I would like to thank all the people who came to the conference from far and wide. The Unity Community is not only extreemly awesome, it is also the very reason we can all do what we do.

This Unite it was great to finally show some of the super awesome 3.5 and beyond features. When working in one of the development offices at Unity you see these features being developed over time and it can be easy to forget how insanely cool all of this stuff is. So unveiling these new game changing tools to the people who will put them to use is always a joy.

Friday was once again jam packed with some really cool sessions all of which we are working triple hard to get live as soon as humanly possible. Be sure to check out this link in order to see the sessions that are getting converted to videos and being posted to the site. They will be available at the videos section of our site.

Once again, thanks to everyone who was able to attend. I had a truly awesome time and I am almost scared to see if we will continue to have double the number of attendees again next year :)