Case studies
How Qiiwi Games used ironSource’s LevelPlay and Google's Firebase to simplify their data analysis
Jun 12, 2022

Qiiwi Games is a multi-platform game developer based in Sweden. Responsible for hits like Wordington and Hell’s Kitchen: Match & Design, they have been using ironSource’s LevelPlay mediation platform for almost 10 years.

Marcus Dale, Chief Technical Officer at Qiiwi Games, explains how the LevelPlay mediation platform’s flexibility with integrating their mediation data with Firebase, Google’s app development platform, simplified their data analysis - improving both their user acquisition and monetization.

Getting user data in real time

To understand where our revenue was coming from, we had been pulling impression-level revenue data from LevelPlay, which transformed it into reports. This process was so effective, we wondered whether it could be done in real time. This changed when ironSource enabled this capability, along with allowing Firebase data integration.

Getting the integration up and running was very straightforward - ironSource made it easy to access code samples and integration docs from Firebase. Now, when we receive impression-level revenue data from ironSource LevelPlay, we see not only mediated network analytics, but also Firebase analytics about the user on the ad impression. From this integration, we could finally get information about impression data in real time and see how our campaigns were doing from day 0 - opening new revenue possibilities for business growth.

"ironSource’s enablement of Google Firebase integration has given us the real-time impression data we needed to expand our business"
- Marcus Dale, Chief Technical Officer at Qiiwi Games

Maximizing business potential

Today, we integrate LevelPlay and Firebase data with Firebase’s remote configuration feature. Thanks to this integration, we have different capping settings for different ad placements in the games, like rewarded videos. We can create different audiences - for example, if we don’t want to lose valuable users by showing them ads for other games, we can lower the ad frequency cap for this specific group. On the other hand, we want to increase the capping for players less interested in purchasing, so that they can watch as many ads as possible.

With this integrated data, we also ran many A/B tests, testing different combinations of rewarded video caps to assess what amount of ads per day (or ads per level) gives the best revenue in the end. We can also track ad ROAS across all networks to utilize different campaign targeting techniques, maximizing our user acquisition.

We’ve been using ironSource LevelPlay for close to 10 years now, so we’re very familiar and comfortable with the platform - there’s no bumps in the road. ironSource’s enablement of Google Firebase integration has given us the real-time impression data we needed to expand our business. The integration process has been very smooth, and both parties have been very helpful, giving us the tools and support we need to bring our business to new heights.